Referencing Styles Assignment Help
What is referencing styles of writing?
A referencing style of writing is a specific format for presenting your in-text references (footnotes or endnotes), and bibliography. In other words Referencing styles are well established systems of referencing with consistent rules. Referencing style basically covers the two essential elements of a referencing writing mode namely:
I. Footnotes or in-text citations such as author-date citations.
II. Reference lists or bibliographies.
There are various {"style"} manuals, guides or handbooks that draw the accepted format for citing your references in term papers, thesis and so on. The style referred to here be in the sense of formatting. Professors or different publishers have specific preferences regarding the format of their citations (i.e. references).

The most widely accepted and preferred way of referencing styles of writing is as follows:

- Vancouver
- Oxford
- Harvard
- Chicago
Each style of writing has its own rules for properly citing sources.
- Author-date styles (e.g. APA, MLA, and Harvard) - put the author's name inside the text of the assignment.
- Documentary-note styles (e.g. Chicago and Oxford) - put the author's name in a footnote at the bottom of each page, or in an endnote at the end of the assignment.
All the most common styles list every source used in a document at the end, in a reference list or bibliography.
Why do students need to know about referencing styles?
There is a wide range of referencing styles, each with different origins, features and specifications. Some disciplines have developed their own style. For e.g, the American Psychological Association (APA style) was developed specifically for Psychology. Some disciplines have adopted a particular referencing style, while other disciplines may use a range of different referencing styles. Students need to learn style writing and familiarize themselves with the referencing style requirements for each subject.
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