Human Resource Management – Job Descriptions

Job Descriptions

A key outcome of job analysis is the creation of job description. A job description is a list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDR’s) that a job entails. TDR’s are observable actions. When a manager attempts to evaluate job performance, it is most important to have detailed information about the work performed in the job. This information makes it possible to determine how well an individual is meeting each job requirement.

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Whenever the organization creates a new job, it needs to prepare a job description, using a process such as the one detailed in the HR, how – to – box. Job description should then be reviewed periodically and updated if necessary. Performance appraisals can provide a good opportunity for upgrading job description, as the employee and supervisor compare what the employee has been doing against the details of the job description.

Organizations should provide each newly hired employee a copy of his or her job description. This helps the employee to understand what is expected, but it shouldn’t be presented as limiting the employee’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Ideally, employees will want to go above and beyond the listed duties when the situation and their abilities call for that. Many job descriptions include the phrase “and other duties as required” as a way to remind employees not to tell their supervisor “but that’s not part of my job”

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