Tables in HTML Assignment Help
Table is a collection of rows and columns of cells. In HTML, it is possible to create tables
HTML table can be created by employing <table> table tag, <tr> table row tag and <td> table data tag
Table Heading
To specify table heading <th> tag has to be employed
Various Attributes of a <table> tag are underlying
border attribute to give a border to th etable
cellpadding and cellspacing attributes are provided to adjust white space in table cells
cellspacing attribute denotes the space between table cells
cellpadding attribute denotes the distance between cell borders and the content inside a cell
colSpan attribute is employed to merge 2 or more columns into one column
rowSpan attribute is employed to merge 2 or more rows into one
bgcolor attribute sets background color to a particular cell or for a whole table
background attribute set background image for a single cell or for a whole table
bordercolor attribute specifies color to the border
width attribute specifies width in term of pixels or percentage to the display area
height attribute specifies height in term of pixels or percentage to the display area
caption attribute is employed to denote title or explanation to the table
