
JavaScript in HTML

JavaScript is a java piece of code which is employed to perform an action. Using which can write different functionality, event handlers

JavaScript file can be kept separately in a file which will be included when it is needed .

Internal JavaScript

Here script is written openly on a HTML document. It can be kept in the header section of the document using <script> tag or also it can be kept anywhere in the document


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External JavaScript

Here script is written separately as a javascript file and then it is included on a HTML document. The java script file will have an extension .js and it is added in HTML files using <script> tag


script .js file
function Hell()
alert (“Hello”);


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Event Handlers in JavaScript

It is a functionality which is invoked against any keyboard or mouse event.

The business logic definition can be defined in the event handler


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Default Scripting Language

It is possible to add multiple script files using multiple <script> tags. It is possible to specify default scripting language to the <script> tags


<meta http-equiv = “Content-Script-Type” Content = “text/ JavaScript” / >

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