Formatting Tags in HTML
By using formatting tags, text can be formatted in HTML
Text in Bold
To make the text bold, < b> ... < /b> element can be employed
Text in Italic
To make the text italic, employ the tag < i> ... < /i>
Underlined text
To underline the text, employ the tag < u> ...< /u>
Striked Text
To strike out the text, employ the tag < strike> ... < /strike>
Monospaced Font
To display each letter in same width, employ the tag < tt> ... < /tt>
Superscript Text
To display the text in superscript (character placed at height other than normal format, employ the tag < sup> ...< /sup>
Subscript Text
To display the text in subscript (character placed beneath than normal height ), employ the tag
< sub> ... <d Text
To display a text as an inserted text, employ the tag < ins> ... < /ins>
Deleted Text
To have a deleted text format, employ the tag < del> ... < /del>
Larger Text
To display the txt in larger size than usual, employ the tag < big> ... < /big>
Smaller Text
To display the text in smaller size than usual, employ the tag < small> ... < /small>
Content Grouping
To group various elements to generate sections or subgroups in a page, < div> and < span> tags are deployed
These tags are mostly employed in CSS to permit to connect a style to a section in a page
