C Sharp Indexers Assignment Help
- It has meaning in its name itself
- It helps in indexing an objects like an array
- Create indexer to a className, where classNameworks like a virtual array
- The object of the classNamecan be accessed like an array
- For which array accessing operator [] to be used
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Syntax of one dimensional indexer
{`type_of_an_element this [ int index]
//accesser get
// indexer return value
// accessor set.
set {
// indexer set value
Use of Indexers
- Indexer declaration is like a property
- To define an indexer get and set accessors
- Indexer returns a specific value from an instance
- Also it sets a specific value to an instance
- It can divide the instance of an object into little parts and it performs its get and set tasks
- It cannot be defined with a specific name
- But it is possible by the ‘this’ keyword
- It refers current object instance