C Sharp Delegates Tutorials
- It is a variable of reference type which holds the method or the function reference
- It is a pointer to a method in c, c++
- At the time running , the reference could be modified
- Its mainly used for event implementation
- It also used in methods call back
- Its base classNameis System. Delegate className
Delegate Declaration
- It finds the referencing method by the delegate
- It points a method
- The method has the similar signature like delegate
Declaration Syntax
delegate returntype delegatename (parameter_list)
public delegate int my_sample_delegate (int i);
The delegate is used to point a method which has one integer parameter and integer return type
Delegate Instantiation
- It can be done after the declaration of a delegate,
- Delegate object is to be generated with a ‘new’ keyword and it is to be linked to a represented method
- Delegate creation should be oriented with the parameters that are passing which is to be identical with method call
public delegate void my_sample_delegate (string s);
my_sample_delegate d1 = new my_sample_delegate(WriteToScreen);
my_sample_delegate d1 = new my_sample_delegate(WriteToFile);
Using Delegates
- The below example demonstrates the delegate usage
- printString delegate is employed to reference method
- It obtains string as an input parameter and returns void Here the delegate is used to call 2 methods
- The 1st prints the string and the 2nd one prints to a file