Sample: Implementation of International Business Strategy, Sampling

3.5 Sampling

Sampling process comprise of the process of population defining, sample size and deciding upon the sampling technique. It starts with specifying the target population. Target population is the aggregate of all the elements that share a common set of characteristics. The frame of sampling is formed on the basis of target population. The population considered for this particular research is the UK based firms that are operating in Indian markets. As the research is aimed at identifying the strategies required to be successful in developing countries it is necessary to consider the organizations that are presently operating in a developing country and in this research we have target companies operating in India. Further three major organizations were considered from three different sectors of the Indian business markets. Three different companies from three different sectors have been selected so as to get an idea if the basic strategies and considerations to operate in developing countries differ from industry to industry. Some key executives of various departments of the target organizations such as human resources, business strategy, finance, personnel, etc. have been targeted to conduct the semi structured interviews.

Once we have decided upon the target population the next step the sampling process for defining the sample size. A subgroup of population selected on a random basis is termed as a sample. The sample size is affected by the nature of the research to a great extent. The size of sample for exploratory study is generally small and for descriptive research the sample size required should be large. The determination of sample size is dependent on several factors such as importance of decision, nature of analysis, number of variables, resource constraint, etc. Under the present research random sampling methods was used to select the employees from the target organizations. The sample size was kept at 8-9 respondents per organization which means 24-27 respondents in total. The method of random sampling was considered because it provides an equal chance to the participants for being selected for the survey. Following this particular approach helped in keeping the size of sample not too small not too large suits the combination of exploratory and descriptive research method.

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