Preparing The Research Proposal Assignment Help

7.7. Preparing the research proposal

What is the research proposal?

Basically, the research proposal – a written document and personal presentation – is a best response to the marketing research brief. As such, it represents an ability to communicate, and this should be a selection factor – remember that the organization subsequently commissioned to carry out the research is providing an indication or preview of its listening, communication and presentation skills. This assessment opportunity for the client should not be overlooked.
Marketing Assignment Help Order Now The research proposal should provide a specification of what the research organization will do, how it will carry out the work and what it will cost. It is important that it conveys its understanding of what is expected, and its competence to provide the work most efficiently. This understanding and competence should be in both written and verbal forms if presented personally.

What should it contain?

A good research proposal should include:

  • Background information: to convey a clear understanding of the project and the issues involved.
  • Objectives: these should be clearly listed and defined very precisely against the needs of the problem.
  • Work programme and methodology: these should cover how the objectives will be achieved and the way the work programme will be completed; they should detail sample size, research stages and questionnaire methods.
  • Fees/payment terms and time scales: these should be clearly stated and broken down to show expenses and the work schedule.
  • Company details and research personnel involved: to include research company competence and brief biographies of personnel, plus, if relevant, any business terms.
  • Summary of research project benefits and the agency's confidence in its competence to ‘deliver’ what is required.

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How should the sponsoring organization respond?

Acceptance of the proposal should be in writing. It should authorize the work and confirm the points of agreement and costs involved. This should provide a binding agreement as to what is to be done and at what cost – thus, it is hoped, eliminating any subsequent disagreement between the two parties.

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