Marketing Assignment Help With The Marketing Environment
3.1. Introduction
No business operates in a vacuum; any organization is surrounded by laws and liabilities, pressure groups and public bodies, customers and competitors. These are part of the marketing environment that the organisation works within, and since marketing is at the interface between the organisation and the outside world, dealing with this environment is a major part of the marketer‘s work. These external factors must be monitored and responded to if the organisation is to meet its goals.

3.2. The Marketing Environment
The marketing environment represents a complex array of threats and opportunities for the organisation, and can sometimes seem difficult to categorize. The marketing environment can be divided into two areas: the external environment and the internal environment. The external environment is concerned with everything that happens outside the organisation, and the internal environment is concerned with those marketing factors that happen within the organisation. There are two basic approaches to dealing with environmental forces: reactive and proactive. The reactive manager regards environmental factors as being uncontrollable, and will therefore tend to adjust marketing plans to fit environmental changes. Proactive managers look for ways to change the organisation's environment in the belief that many, even most, environmental factors can be controlled, or at least influenced in some way.

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