Assignment Help With General Composition Of Petroleum
General Composition Of Petroleum
Naturally occurring hydrocarbon systems found in petroleum reservoirs are mixtures of organic compounds which exhibit multiphase behavior over wide ranges of pressures and temperatures. These hydrocarbon accumulations may occur in the gaseous state, the liquid state, the solid state, or in various combinations of gas, liquid, and solid. These all are produced from the earth either in liquid or gaseous form and these materials are known as crude oil or natural gas depending upon there composition. Crude oil is the most desire product of petroleum industries but natural gas is commonly produced along with crude oil.

Chemically petroleum consists of about 10 to 15 wt % of hydrogen and 85 to 90% of carbon. Oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen and helium may be found in fewer amounts.
Since petroleum is mostly composed of hydrocarbon, the molecular constitution of crude oils differs widely. It has wide range of hydrocarbon series. Of these series the most commonly encountered are the paraffin, the olefins, the polyethylene, the acetylenes turpenes and benzenes. Natural gas is predominantly composed of lower –molecular weight hydrocarbons of the paraffin series.
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Following are some of the topics in General Composition Of Petroleum in which we provide Assignment Help:
- General Composition Of Petroleum
- Physical Properties Of Hydrocarbons
- Origin of Petroleum
- Fundamental Properties Of Fluid Permeated Rocks
- Porosity
- Permeability
- The Klinkenberg Effect
- Saturation
- Wettability
- Capillary Pressure
- Relative Permeability
- Drainage Process
- Three Phase Relative Permeability
- Rock Compressibility
- Fundamentals Of Reservoir Fluid Behavior
- Classification Of Reservoir And Reservoir Fluids
- Gas Reservoirs
- Fundamentals Of Reservoir Fluid Flow
- Types Of Fluids
- Properties Of Natural Gases
- Behavior Of Ideal Gases
- Behavior of Real Gases
- Compressibility Of Natural Gases
- Properties Of Crude Oil Systems
- Gas Solubility
- Determination And Application Of Reservoir Fluid Properties
- Composition Of The Reservoir Fluid
- Differential Liberation Test
- Separator Tests
- Fluid Analysis Data On Gas
- Constant-Volume Depletion
- Oil Recovery mechanisms And The material Balance Equation
- Primary Recovery Mechanisms
- The Depletion Drive Mechanism
- Gas Cap Drive
- The Water Drive Mechanism
- Water Production
- The Gravity-Drainage-Drive Mechanism
- The Combination-Drive Mechanism
- The Material Balance Equation
- Change In Pore Volume Due To Initial Water And Rock Expansion
- Gas Reservoirs Help
- The Volumetric Method
- The Material Balance Method