Windows 10 Admin Lab 9 Questions

Assignment for Windows 10 Admin Lab #09 Questions:{" "}

1) How many printer devices are installed on this machine?


Three printer devices are installed on this machine, namely – Fax, Microsoft Print to PDF and Microsoft XPS Document Writer.

2) How many printing devices are now displayed in the{" "} Devices and Printers window?


There are now four devices are displayed on the Devices and Printers window, namely - Fax, Microsoft Print to PDF, Microsoft XPS Document Writer and Virtual Printer.

3) What is the title of the new window that has appeared?


Title of the new window that has appeared is – Print.

4) What extension is placed on the Printed File document now saved on the desktop?


Extension of the Printed File document now saved on desktop is –. prn

5) Besides the original types message, what else is displayed in this Printed File?


Besides the original typed message, there is written the name of the file at the top and in the last Page 1↑.

6) Which device has become the default printer now that the{" "} Virtual Printer has been removed?


When the Virtual Printer has been removed, the “Microsoft Print to PDF” device is become the default printer now.

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