The Impact Of Performance Management System Sample Assignment
1.0 Introduction:
Performance of the employees and managers of an organisation in the long term determines the unconditional development of the organisation. Therefore, as pointed out by Smart and Creelman (2013), an organisation is needed to be positively cooperative, friendly and strategic in its approaches towards its employees. Retention of the employees, regular appraisal, in time promotion and others are the most sophisticated facilities that an organisation is required to follow to let an employee devote its best for the ultimate success of the organisation. This current proposal of the dissertation aims at conducting a thorough research to determine the relationship between the management and employees referring the organizational atmosphere of Oman.
1.1 Research Aim:
The aim of this particular study fixed by the researcher is to ascertain the effect of the performance management system, entrepreneurship employee performance and evaluation of relationship between the performance management system and employee performance.
1.2 Research Objective:
The research objectives set for this research study are:
- To analyze the impact of performance management system on entrepreneurship employee performance.
- To explore how performance management system indulges entrepreneurship employee performance.
1.3 Research Question:
In order to conduct this particular study, the researcher seems to have set some particular research questions those are going to be answered in the due Assignment of the study. The questions are:
- How performance management system casts its impact on the entrepreneurial employee performance?
- What are the essential factors of performance management system help to develop employee performance?
1.4 Problem Statement:
Often a large number of organisation in Oman seem to face difficulties like the conflict between employees and management. Employees often appear complaining against the management forcing them work more. They often seem allege of no proper development within the organizational environment and discrimination. Needless to say, a poignant relationship between the management and the employees can be seen all over the globe. This study will focus on every bit of employee and management relationship and will also recommend the possible strategies can be taken up to curb these severe problems.
2.0 Literature Review:
In this specific section of the study, the researcher is going to address the concepts, theories and models projected and developed by its forerunners related to this topic. Undoubtedly, this part of the study is one of the most essential keys for the study.
2.1 A Brief Overview of the Concept Performance Management:
As mentioned by Smart and Creelman (2013) performance management is the key process applying which the seniors can keep a profound relationship with its subordinates, strategizes, monitors and evaluations to meet the ultimate objectives of the organisation. Contribution of every single person within an organizational scenario is therefore most essential to achieve the ultimate success. Risher (2013) has particularly mentioned that the fundamental idea of performance management is to improve the effectiveness of the employees within an organizational sphere. It, in turn, helps the organisation to grow and attain the competitive advantages of the market place.
2.3 Principles Performance Management:
The basic principles of performance management are the followings:
- Transparency: As decisions, planning, guidance, work allocation, performance review and others regarding the improvement of performance is communicated to senior officials and other members of the organisation a significant transparency can be maintained in this aspect.
- Employee Values: In this process an organisation considers their employees as an important stakeholder instead of a mere staff which, needless to say, increases the values of the employees. They work more confidently and devote their best for the betterment of the organisation.
- Development of Workforce: In order to yield the best result from the employees, an organisation, Nielsen and Hunter (2013) have mentioned, needs to arrange proper training and knowledge evaluation of the employees. It helps the employees to remain updated with the new procedures available in the market and the destined goal of the organizational as well. Again, conversely, it helps in development of the organisation. At the same time, a proper coordination between the senior employees and their subordinates are maintained.
- Impact on the External Environment: The impact of an effective management structure is significant in manipulating external environment of the organisation (Tholen and Engelen, 2013). It helps the organisation emerging out of all the impediments of market place.
2.3 Application of Performance Management Process:
Mitka (2013) has critically structured how the application of performance management can play a significant role in the structural development of the organisation as a whole.
Figure 1: Step by step evaluation of Performance Management Process
(Source: Ammons, 2013)
As shown in figure 1 for performance management an organisation needs to focus on some essential factors such as proper planning, monitoring the performance of the employees and giving appraisal to the performing employees. Although a proper sequence as shown in the figure 1 is needed to be followed. Tholen and Engelen (2013) have mentioned that the mission and goal set by an organisation is needed to be considered as the basic goal of an employee.
2.4 Key Factors to Play Effective Role for High Performance:
There are some prominent factors needed to be considered for letting the employees perform well for the organisation, such as,
- Change: With time to comply with the market place and the demand of the employees, an organisation is needed to encourage changes among employees.
- Trust: Generating and attaining trust among the employees for their seniors is very essential. It encourages them to apply their best for the betterment of the organisation. Ammons (2013) has mentioned it needs a proper employee and management cooperation.
- Understand what is important: The management is needed to be determined in ascertaining what is important for the organizational development and the performance management structure is needed to be developed accordingly.
3.0 Research Methodology:
This particular section of the study aims at clarifying the research methods and techniques that the researcher is going to apply in order to perform this study. Maintaining profound and conventional methods to conduct a study appears to be quite significant for a research. The current researcher fully complies with these issues.
3.1 Research Onion:
Research onion, as mentioned by Saunders (2015), is the step by step presentation of the phases that a researcher has to follow in order to conduct a study. This particular device addresses the areas where the researcher is to begin and provides a superficial view of the idea it is going to follow. The initial step in a research onion is the research philosophy, followed by the research approach and design. Data collection technique, sampling procedure and sampling size and finally data analysis procedure are the different stages that a research onion succinctly delineates. The current researcher affirms to comply with the research onion thoroughly.
3.2 Research Philosophy:
An array of data collected by the researcher needs to go through a thorough framework that describes a detailed and appropriate manners followed for the study. As mentioned by Kumar (2014) research philosophy can be of three different types: positivism, interpretivism and realism. Where positivism is decorated with necessary information and facts, interpretivism helps in ascertaining the complexities of the study in a detailed manner. Finally realism is the integrated approach of positivism and interpretivism.
For this particular research study the researcher is going to follow positivism as the chosen research philosophy.
3.3 Research Approach:
Following a research approach in order to conduct a study is very essential. Creswell (2014) has mentioned that research approach can be of two different types: inductive and deductive. In inductive approach observation is prioritized that leads to the extrapolation. It helps in formulating new theories by abandoning the conventional one. On the contrary, deductive approach is the development of some hypotheses based on the conventional theories. A little chance of emergence of any new theories is possible here. A researcher, in this approach presets some hypotheses which are tried to be fulfilled in due Assignment of the study.
Considering deductive approach quite effective for this particular study, the researcher stands confident to apply it here.
3.4 Research Design:
The research design helps in determining the structure of the research topic. It aids in collection and selection of the different data resources in order to prepare a research report. O'Dwyer and Bernauer (2015) have segregated research design in three parts: explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. Explanatory research design involves explanation of the essential characteristics of a group. Only quantitative approach can be employed in this case. Exploratory design, as mentioned by Arstila (2014), is an analytical tool useful in informing the probable scopes regarding the particular research topic. Finally, the descriptive design deals with the data directly collected from the respondents and analyzed.
For continual gathering of the data and information, application of descriptive research design seems to be quite fruitful for this study.
3.5 Data Collection:
Data and information, needed to be used for a research study, can be collected in two different ways: primary and secondary. Primary is the firsthand raw data that a research collected from its respondents or from survey by using the different data collection techniques. On the other hand, the secondary data, collected and researched by the other people, is collected from the books, journals, newspapers or websites.
For this research study primary data is going to be used for research purposes while the secondary data will be used for developing the Literature Review section.
3.6 Sampling:
In this study the researcher will use random and stratified sampling technique. Only quantitative data technique approach is going to be used for this study. A questionnaire armed with the MCQ questions related to the topic will be distributed among 100 individuals associated with different business organisations all over Oman. Therefore, the probable sample size for the study will be 100.
3.7 Data Analysis:
Primary data collected from the different sources will be analyzed by using SPSS software which will undoubtedly be coherent and cohesive in their approaches and will enable the study to be more authentic. The secondary data collected from different resources will be used in an organized way that will help the study to yield better result.
3.8 Ethical Consideration:
The essential ethical issues will be followed in order to conduct this research study are the followings:
- Volunteer Participation of the Respondents: Participation of the respondents in this study is complete voluntary. No respondent is going to be forced nor will their views be manipulated by the researcher.
- Anonymity: The personal information given by the respondents are going to be kept confidential and their opinion will only be used for this study only.
- Application of Data: Data collected for this research purpose will not be used for any commercial purpose and will certainly be restricted within the realm of academic purpose only.
3.9 Time Frame:
The researcher is going to maintain a proper timetable (refer to appendix 1) for conducting this study effectively. It will surely help the researcher to conduct the study within the stipulated time limit given by the institution.
Ammons, D. (2013). Signs of Performance Measurement Progress Among Prominent City Governments. Public Performance & Management Review, 36(4), pp.507-528.
Arstila, V. (2014). Subjective time. 1st ed. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Creswell, J. (2014). Research design. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
Kumar, R. (2014). Research methodology. Los Angeles, Calif. [u.a.]: Sage Publ.
Leavy, P. (2015). The Oxford handbook of qualitative research. New York: Oxford University Press.
Mitka, M. (2013). VA Performance Pay and Award Systems Need Better Oversight. JAMA, 310(14), p.1437.
Nielsen, S. and Hunter, D. (2013). Performance management and evaluation. [San Francisco]: Wiley.
O'Dwyer, L. and Bernauer, J. (2014). Quantitative research for the qualitative researcher.
Risher, H. (2013). We Need to {"Fix"} Performance Management. Compensation & Benefits Review, 45(3), pp.127-130.
Saunders, H.D., (2015). Recent evidence for large rebound: elucidating the drivers and their implications for climate change models. The Energy Journal, 36(1), pp.23-48.
Smart, A. and Creelman, J. (2013). Risk-based performance management. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Tholen, E. and Engelen, A. (2013). When do managers need managerial discretion for successful strategic change?. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013(1), pp.13569-13569.
Research Onion

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