Staffing Support Plan Report Sample Assignment
Staffing Support Plan Report
Executive Summary:
(Approx: ¼- ½ page summary on what the report is all about – describe the reasons for this report)
The staffing plan specifies when and how to meet the requirements for staffing the project. The plan guarantees consistency with state and government necessities, for example, copyright laws, protection laws, Direct Marketing Code of Practice and maligning laws. It likewise helps associations create objectives and impact staffing methodologies to stakeholders. Besides, it helps to create strong links between members of Houzit organisation.
With a Staffing support plan an association can better clarify or protect its choices to contract or reduce personnel given the target analysis and clear thinking that a staffing support plan offers. Mentoring and coaching are ways to deal with adding to workers' potential. I built up a staffing support plan for supporting through people and work groups with assigned parts and obligations inside Houzit Organization.
Staffing Support Plan:
1. Strategies: (Describe the mentoring & coaching strategies, techniques & methods you would use for your marketing team? Outline in bullet point form)
Mentors and coaches may be professional consultants brought in from outside a company to provide new insight or perspective or else veteran employees who work to train newer employees. The strategies mentors and coaches employ have the potential to motivate employees and increase productivity.
Good employees want to develop new knowledge and skills in order to improve their value in the marketplace and enhance their own self-esteem.
Strategies utilized in Houzit Organization will incorporate setting goals and rewarding and recognising staff.
There will be formal weekly meetings are absolutely essential to a company's success in order to provide an opportunity for leaders to share visions and objectives and discuss the KPIs results generated from the accounting information system and their individual reports.
Besides, the team will have store visits, the aim is to bridge the gap between the online and offline worlds to help marketers achieve their objective of driving customers into brick and mortar stores. Another strategy is to cc them on all emails that affect the whole marketing group, apart from the private and confidential correspondence.
Goals are great, they help us prove how effective we are, keep us focused, and push us to be better. Goals are totally useless if they're not grounded in reality. That's why it's critical to set SMART goals.
- Specific -- Do set real numbers with real deadlines. Don't say, "I want more visitors."
- Measurable -- Do make sure that you can track your goal. Don't hide behind buzzwords like "brand engagement" or "social influence."
- Attainable -- Do work toward a goal that is challenging but possible. Don't try to take over the world in one night.
- Realistic -- Do be honest with yourself, because you know what you and your team are capable of. Don't forget any hurdles you may have to overcome.
- Time-bound -- Do give yourself a deadline. Don't keep pushing towards a goal you might hit "some day."
Employee reward and recognition programs are one method of motivating employees to change work habits and key behaviours to benefit a small business.
2. Resources: (Describe the resources you would use to help achieve the desired marketing outcomes? Explain why?)
The weekly meetings will discuss the KPI results generated from the accounting information system and their individual reports.
The accounting information system is a structure that a business uses to collect, store, manage, process, retrieve and report its financial data so that it can be used by managers to analyse all the KPIs, for example the AIS will provide information about total sales for the last week with this information we could analyse the size of the market and the market share.
To measure and, ultimately, improve your content marketing efforts, you need to know which metrics to track and analyse, and how to do so.
The best place to start is by gathering some data from your company’s website, including your:
- Unique visitors: The best indication of your site’s overall traffic, unique visitors refers to the number of individuals who visit your websiteduring a given period of time, where each visitor is only counted once.
- Page views:The cumulative number of individual pages that your visitors click onduring a given period of time. If your page views are higher than your unique visitors, that may be an indication that your audience is finding your content engaging because individuals are clicking around to multiple pages.
- Search engine traffic: The amount of traffic being referred to your sitethrough search engines, such as Google or Bing.
- Bounce rate: The percentage of visitors who come to your visit the stores. How many of them make a purchase in the store.
- Conversion rate: The percentage of visitors to your site who take a specific actionthat your content encourages them to, such as signing up for your newsletter. Conversion rates vary considerably based on industry, but tend to hover around 2 and 3 percent on average.

- Make measurement a priority. Our measurement processes are constantly evolving, and it definitely takes time to track, analyse, and report on performance.
- Track conversions. While some vanity metrics (e.g., Twitter followers, website traffic) are easy to track, they are rarely that insightful independent of other data.
- Collect actionable metrics. Only collect data you want to use and have the ability to take action on.
- Be ready to adapt. What you track over time will likely shift, so evaluate your list of metrics quarterly, bi-annually, or annually to make sure you’re capturing the data that will best address your key questions.
- Automate data collection. Think about how you can automate data collection with reports. With our team’s help, we’ve been able to automate dashboards within Google Analytics, Salesforce, and our marketing automation system
- Take time for analysis. It’s not enough to just collect data and add it to a spreadsheet. The data needs to be analysed so that you understand where the opportunities for improvement lie — and what the best path may be for achieving those improvements.
3. Feedback: (Describe the feedback method or system you would use to inform staff of progress? Explain why?)
Giving feedback to your colleagues and employees provides them with an observer's insight into how their performance is progressing, as well as advice to solve any problems.
Regular employee performance reviews
Talking one-on-one with your employees is a great way to get feedback on employee engagement and satisfaction, however there can be some drawbacks. If reviews are too far and few, employees might feel like their input isn’t valued, or may not bring up months old issues.
It is important to create an atmosphere of open honesty where they can bring up things without fear of being reprimanded. Employee reviews can be a source of anxiety for some people, so making sure the focus is on a common goal and making language objective can aid this and extract some useful information in the process.
Team meetings
Although one-on-one meetings are necessary, you can also get good feedback from holding regular team meetings. It’s sometimes easier to share and give input in a group setting, which is where team meetings can come in handy. Using team meetings as a way to provide feedback can encourage employees to speak up when they feel they have the support of their fellow colleagues.
Make them believe by being genuine.
If your employees truly believe that your leadership team cares about them then people will share. If they do not feel this way, and you cannot convince them of this, then they will not offer up insight.
4. Performance: (Describe the methods you would use to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in individuals and teams? Explain why?
The process of assessing another person is never an easy one, particularly when it comes to determining strengths and weaknesses. You have to consider more than just general professional attributes; you also have to consider how both strengths and weaknesses work in the business environment and on specific projects. There are certain guidelines to consider as you assess another team member.
- Get feedback from others on the team. After all, as one person doing the assessment, what you even perceive to be strengths and weaknesses may not be accurate. Ask for feedback from other employees and managers who work with each team member under evaluation.
- Pay attention to failures and successes. Determine where the team overall has succeeded or failed and which members of the team were responsible for each.
- Take a look at each team member's performance outside of the team structure to determine where they are strong and weak on their own.
Conclusion: (1/4 – ½ page summary which describes the purpose and your recommendations of your report).
Fulfilling work is vital to our wellbeing at Houzit; insecure, stressful and unsatisfying jobs and employees diminish it. High-quality work can provide us with purpose, challenge and opportunities.
Developing a project staffing plan involves selecting and assembling a project team. The staffing plan specifies when and how to meet the requirements for staffing the project. The staffing plan builds on the high-level staffing needs identified in the Initiate Stage.
The purpose pf the staff support plan is essential to accomplish project tasks. The staffing plan identifies the staff required and how and where to secures those staff. Getting commitments from key staff before actual work begins is necessary.
Scenario 1 – Marie’s Mentoring & Coaching
Describe how you would provide 1-on-1 mentoring and/or coaching to Marie to help overcome her weaknesses.
It is a supportive, one to one relationship, where the mentor acts as a sounding board and encourages the mentee to clarify their thoughts and feelings and helps them to develop approaches to achieve their goals, within a confidential and supportive environment.
In this traditional model, one mentor is matched with one mentoree, and a trained program manager monitors the match’s progress over the Assignment of 9-12 months, in this particular case the firsts results of the coaching will be in 4 month.
Because it’s a “familiar” model, the principal benefit is people tend to be comfortable with it. This model allows for (and even encourages) the mentor and mentoree to develop a personal relationship. The one-on-one nature of the relationship provides the mentoree with critical individual support and attention from not only the mentor, but also the program manager.
One might argue that self-confidence can only be gained through experience and maturity. However, mentoring programs most certainly assist in developing self-confidence in both mentors and mentees. When we conduct surveys on completion and even one-year post completion of a mentoring program, increased self-confidence is invariably cited as a key benefit of the program, whether or not it was a goal at the outset.
The alternative is to teach your team to make decisions. A strong executive delegates decision making. The general strategy and philosophy of the company should be shared with the team to provide a basis for the decision making.
When employees make bad decisions, they should be coached, but encouraged. Bad decisions are a learning opportunity for better future decisions.
When an employee makes a decision that is different from one the executive would make, give it time. It might just be a better decision.
In fact, decisions should be made at every level. An effective manager pushes decisions down to direct reports. Mentoring for decision making is a critical piece of making sure that future managers and executives are developed.
The GROW Model is a simple yet powerful framework for structuring your coaching or mentoring sessions. In this case Marie will
GROW stands for:
- Goal: Improve Marie’s confidence to make decisions through different experiences and provide her with opportunities to further develop skills, especially more knowledge in web design and web marketing.
- Current Reality: because of her lack of ‘real world’ experience, Marie feels insecure in many aspects and she lacks confidence to make decisions.
- Options (or Obstacles). One on One mentoring to help Marie ocercome her weaknesses. In this traditional model, one mentor is matched with one mentoree, and a trained program manager monitors the match’s progress over the Assignment of 9-12 months. This mentoring program will certainly assist in developing self-confidence in Marie.
One of the most important aspects of the coaching and mentoring for Marie is the opportunity to get a fresh perspective on ideas and to seek out advice, suggestions and options from an experienced person.
- Will (or Way Forward). Marie will work on several projects with different topics during the next 6 months in different areas such as web design and web marketing always working and getting advises from the mentor.
Scenario 2 – Tony’s Performance Review & Corrective Actions
Describe the performance of Tony and his weaknesses and the corrective actions you would take to ensure he fulfils his responsibilities and the team meets the marketing objectives.
Tony’s approach to the job is quite different to Marie. He is not a keen learner of other forms of marketing apart from internet marketing which he often calls ‘the future of marketing”. He sees his knowledge as his own intellectual capital and is never keen to share it with anyone. His teaching method is full of jargon and he shares knowledge at a speed that makes learning even more difficult. He often presents ideas for internet market that would certainly boost traffic to the site but which you believe are unethical under the company’s ethical standards. So, you don’t approve them. This rejection of some of his ideas sees him less keen to participate on more general marketing activities like store visits. In your mind, Tony needs to correct his attitude if he is to perform his job effectively. It has recently come to your attention via a Lambert Consultant consultation, that the company’s website has links to a home business that Tony’s friend operates in providing installation services for company purchased products. You have not given Tony approval to make this link, and decide to take corrective action on this and other issues related to Tony.
Suggested steps for developing a performance review discussion plan
Step 1: Before the discussion
Before the performance discussion, use the plan template to record:
- Your employee’s individual performance goals for this performance cycle, and how you think they’ve performed against their goals.
- What you think your employee has done well.
- What you think your employee could do better.
Step 2: During the discussion
During the meeting, use the plan template to record:
- How your employee thinks they’ve performed against each of their goals.
- Any feedback or concerns that your employee has.
- Any discussion about the employee’s career goals or future within your business.
- Any goals that you and the employee agree on for the next performance cycle, and the support that you’ll provide to help the employee meet their goals (eg. training).
Also note when you and the employee will next meet to review their performance, as well as any next steps for you and/or the employee.
You can use the information that you record in the plan to develop the employee’s performance agreement for the next performance cycle.
Performance review discussion plan
What has your employee done well?
Tony is a professional with a wide experience in search engines and web designer, his focus on internet marketing which makes him the best in the area. He is continuously presenting new ideas for internet market
What could your employee do better?
Tony needs to improve his communication skills, as well as open his mind to learn new marketing ideas which will help to create more complete and realistic internet marketing ideas. Also, his teaching methods are not the proper ones. Tony needs to get an approval of every single new idea by the manager, and under any circumstances he should run a new marketing idea without the approval of the marketing manager.
What are the next steps?
For you:
Give Tony a bigger support, develop ideas new marketing ideas with him, improve and get new communication methods. Create a link between Tony and Lambert which will help both to create new material.
For your employee:
Tony will receive constantly feed backs of his job, beside a new Assignment of communication and how to teach will be provided, as well as a new Assignment of marketing ideas, be monitored frequently will help Tony to reach a high level of confidence.