To identify and exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems
To encrypt data transmission
Q3. Who develops and maintains Metasploit?
Q4. What programming language is Metasploit primarily written in?
Q5. What is a module in Metasploit?
A physical device used for network scanning
A software license key
A piece of code or script used to perform specific tasks within the Metasploit framework, such as exploiting vulnerabilities or scanning for weaknesses
A type of network protocol
Q6. What is the purpose of a payload in Metasploit?
To log network traffic
To encrypt data transmission
To deliver malicious code to a target system after successful exploitation
To perform network analysis
Q7. How do you search for available modules in Metasploit?
By typing random keywords
By browsing through the file system
By using the search command followed by relevant keywords or criteria
By manually inspecting every module
Q8. What is a Metasploit exploit?
A tool for encrypting network traffic
A piece of code used to enhance system security
A specific attack technique or method used to take advantage of vulnerabilities in target systems
A software application for managing network configurations
Q9. How do you select and use an exploit in Metasploit?
By clicking on icons in the user interface
By typing commands randomly
By using the use command followed by the name of the exploit module
By modifying the source code of the exploit module
Q10. What is the purpose of a Metasploit auxiliary module?
To generate random network traffic
To provide network analysis reports
To perform various non-exploitation tasks such as scanning, fingerprinting, and enumeration
To encrypt data transmission
Q11. What is a Metasploit payload handler used for?
To generate fake network traffic
To create encrypted communication channels
To listen for incoming connections from exploited systems and deliver payloads to them
To perform network diagnostics
Q12. How do you launch a payload in Metasploit?
By clicking on buttons in the user interface
By sending an email with the payload attached
By using the exploit command followed by the name of the selected exploit module
By unplugging and re-plugging network cables
Q13. What is the purpose of Metasploit's post-exploitation modules?
To prevent system crashes
To optimize network performance
To gather information, maintain access, and perform additional activities on exploited systems after successful exploitation
To generate network traffic reports
Q14. How do you use a post-exploitation module in Metasploit?
By running a system scan
By typing random commands
By selecting and executing the desired module using the use and run commands
By restarting the target system
Q15. What is the Meterpreter in Metasploit?
A network monitoring tool
An antivirus software
An advanced, dynamically extensible payload that runs in memory on exploited systems, providing a wide range of post-exploitation capabilities
A type of encryption algorithm
Q16. What is Metasploit's Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) used for?
To secure wireless networks
To analyze network traffic
To simulate social engineering attacks and gather information about target individuals or organizations
To generate random passwords
Q17. What is a Metasploit resource script?
A script for encrypting data transmission
A script for optimizing network performance
A text file containing a series of Metasploit commands and actions, which can be executed in sequence using the resource command
A script for generating network traffic
Q18. How do you create a Metasploit resource script?
By manually typing commands into a text editor
By drawing network diagrams
By recording actions performed in the Metasploit user interface
By analyzing network packet captures
Q19. What
is Metasploit's integration with Nmap used for?
To analyze network traffic
To encrypt data transmission
To perform network reconnaissance and scan for open ports, services, and vulnerabilities on target systems before launching exploits
To create virtual private networks
Q20. How do you update Metasploit's module database?
By reinstalling the operating system
By rebooting the computer
By using the msfupdate command to download and install the latest module updates and additions from the Metasploit community