UML Use Case Assignment
Use Case Name: ReportEmergency
Brief Description:
This use case is used by a field officer to report on an emergency
The field officer is logged in the FRIEND software system
Primary Actor: FieldOfficer
Secondary Actors: Dispatcher Dependencies to other use cases
Includes use case OpenIncident Basic Flow
- The FieldOfficer sends a message to the system to activate the “Report Emergency” function through the
- The system presents a form to the
- The FieldOfficer communicates with the system to fill the form, by selecting the emergency level, type, location, brief description of the situation, and possible responses to the emergency
- IF the form is completed, THEN the FieldOfficer submits the form to the system, 5. The system receives the form.
- The system notifies the
- The Dispatcher communicates with the system to create an incident in the
- The Dispatcher acknowledges the system the emergency
- The Dispatcher communicates with the system to select a
Postcondition: The FieldOfficer has received an acknowledgement and the selected response from the system
Global Alternative Flow
- The FieldOfficer is notified immediately if the connection between her terminal and the
central is lost.
- IF the connection between the terminal and the central is lost, THEN the system notifies the FieldOfficer immediately,
Postcondition: The FieldOfficer is notified.
Special requirements
The FieldOfficer should receive a response (acknowledgement) from the system in less than one minute.
Technology and data variations
The details of the form (i.e., the data it contains) need to be clarified with customer. Open issues
This use case description should be refined and perhaps split: one goal of the FieldOfficer; one goal of the Dispatcher.