IT210 Software Engineering

Assignment 1

Students must prepare a comprehensive Cost Estimate for the “Online Graduation Petition Process” that is being developed by the University for the MU Web site. The application will be written in Java and needs to be available for testing on December 15, 2015. It is due for implementation at the beginning of the spring 2016 semester.

The new process includes the following:

  1. For the application to be available from the Registrar’s Web page
  2. To enable students to use their username and password to log into the application
  3. To validate that the user ID is a current student and to identify their major and any specialty and minor
  4. To allow the user to confirm when they will graduate from a list of semesters in the next year (FA, SP, SU)
  5. To allow the user to indicate whether they will walk in the SP semester
  6. To indicate how many tickets that they would like for the graduation ceremony, if they choose to attend
  7. To SUBMIT the application when complete and get a confirmation that it was received by the Registrar’s Office.

A copy of the existing graduation petition form is attached. There is currently one experienced Java developer who will be assigned to this development. His total cost, including benefits and overhead, is $85 per hour. She has been with the university for about 10 years and is fully familiar with the Marymount application environment.

Prepare a memo for the client (Steve Munsen, Executive Director of ITS) giving your Estimate for the Development of the Online Graduation Petition System together with a statement as to whether the timeline can be met, assuming a start date of September 15, 2015. Attach an estimation spreadsheet showing the derivation of your estimate. List all your assumptions in the memo.

Assignment 2

Prepare a report for the following items on the specific scenario you are allocated from Assignment 1 including:

  1. Use case diagram for the entire application
  2. Use case narrative for the function allocated to you

Follow the template for the user narrative given in the slides.

Your report must be professional prepared with a cover page, table of contents, and instruction explaining the contents of the report. The documents should include at least 4,000 words and be submitted as a pdf document.



