ECE 655 Protocols, Software and Issues in Mobile Systems
Project #1: The objective of Project #1 is to enable the students to become familiar with the Android Development Environment by means of implementing a basic calculator application.
Reference book: Android for Programmers, Paul Deitel and Abby Deitel, Prectice Hall, 2013.
Requirements of the project:
- In this project, you will design and implement a Casio MS-8L calculator application. Get the details of this calculator from the internet.
- For simplicity, implement the C (clear) button and ignore the AC button.
- Email a copy of your apk file to the TA. Adopt the following format to name your apk file: NNNNNNNNLastNameP1.apk, where NNNNNNNN stands for your 8-digit UW ID, LastName is your last name, and P1 stands for Project #1.
- Submit a print copy of a report identifying what functions have been correctly implemented and what have not been implemented. Include your name, UW ID, and project identification on the cover page of the report.
- If there is a need, you will be asked to show your code.