ECE 655 Protocols, Software and Issues in Mobile Systems

Project #1: The objective of Project #1 is to enable the students to become familiar with the Android Development Environment by means of implementing a basic calculator application.

Reference book: Android for Programmers, Paul Deitel and Abby Deitel, Prectice Hall, 2013.

Requirements of the project:

  1. In this project, you will design and implement a Casio MS-8L calculator application. Get the details of this calculator from the internet.
  2. For simplicity, implement the C (clear) button and ignore the AC button.
  3. Email a copy of your apk file to the TA. Adopt the following format to name your apk file: NNNNNNNNLastNameP1.apk, where NNNNNNNN stands for your 8-digit UW ID, LastName is your last name, and P1 stands for Project #1.
  4. Submit a print copy of a report identifying what functions have been correctly implemented and what have not been implemented. Include your name, UW ID, and project identification on the cover page of the report.
  5. If there is a need, you will be asked to show your code.
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