CSE1/CSE4IOO Assignment part 2



As described in the handout for Part 1, the overall aim of the assignment is to develop a prototype for a patient record system.

In Part 1, you have implemented the classes to represent patients, medical observation types, and observations. You have also implemented a PatientRecordSystem class which allows us to add patients, observation types and observations.

Building on the work that you have done for part 1, in this Part 2, you are required to do the tasks described below.

Essentially, you will

  • expand on the functionality of the classes that you have developed in Part 1, and
  • implement a menu program

Besides the information given in the tasks below, please refer to Part 1 of the Assignment for other information you need.

Task 1

Implement two methods for the PatientRecordSystem class to save data and to load data.

The first method, with the header public void saveData() throws Exception

will save the data to five text files:

  • PRS-MeasurementObservationTypes.txt

This file saves the measurement observation types. A sample is shown below:

T100; Blood Pressure; psi T400; Height; cm

Each measurement observation type is on a separate line. It contain the observation type code, name and unit, separated by semi-colons.

  • PRS-CategoryObservationTypes.txt

This file saves the category observation types. A sample is shown below:

T200; Blood Type; Group A, Group B1, Group B2 T300; Stress Level; Low, Medium, High

Each category observation type is on a separate line. It contain the observation type code, name and the categories. The three “fields” (code, the name and the categories) are separated by semi-colons. In the categories fields, the categories are separated by commas.

  • PRS-Patients.txt

This file saves the patients’s data without their observations. A sample is shown below:

P100; John Smith P200; Anna Bell

Each patient is on a separate line. It contain the patient’s id and name, separated by a semicolon.

  • PRS-MeasurementObservations.txt

This file saves the patients’s measurement observations. A sample is shown below:

P100; T100; 120.0 P200; T400; 180

Each measurement observation is on a separate line. It contain the patient’s id, the observation code and the observation value (a double). The fields are separated by semi-colons.

  • PRS-CategoryObservations.txt

This file saves the patients’s category observations. A sample is shown below:

P100; T200; Group A P200; T300; Low

Each category observation is on a separate line. It contain the patient’s id, the observation code and the observation value (a String). The fields are separated by semi-colons.

The second method, with the header public void loadData() throws Exception

will read the data from five text files and save them in a PatientRecordSystem instance by calling methods to add measurement observation types, category observation types, etc.

The data should be loaded into a PatientRecordSystem instance which is empty of data.

Of course, you may need to enhance other classes to support the implementation of the saveData and loadData methods.

Also, you should write a small program to test your methods. A sample test program is given in the Appendix 1.

As for Part 1, your implementation must be such that the sample test program can be run without any change.

The sample test program is more or less the bare minimum. You should add more test cases to it.

Task 2

Write the menu program, called PatientRecordSystemMenu, to provide options in the following menu:

===================== Patient Record System =====================

  1. Add a measurement observation type
  2. Add a category observation type
  3. Add a patient
  4. Add a measurement observation
  5. Add a category observation
  6. Display details of an observation type
  7. Display a patient record by the patient id
  8. Save data
  9. Load data
  10. Display all data for inspection
  11. Exit

Please enter an option (1-9 or D or X):

The menu program must use the PatientRecordSystem class developed for Task 1.

For each option, the program should ask for the required inputs, each with a separate prompt.

For option 6, 7 and D, it is acceptable just to use the toString methods of the classes involved (which should have been implemented in Part 1 of the assignment).

See Appendix 2 for a short sample run.

The menu program for this task is only required to satisfy the data correctness conditions. It is not required to be robust, i.e. it can crash when certain exceptions occur.

Task 3- Making the Menu Program Robust

Implement a class called RobustPatientRecordSystemMenu, which extends the previous menu and includes enough exception handling features to make it robust. It is required to be robust only in the following sense: when an exception occurs in the execution of an option, the program will display some information about the exception on the screen and return to the main menu.

Task 4. (For CSE4IOO students only)

This task is not related to the Patient Record System. For the purpose of this task, a string is regarded as having the correct syntax for an email if it satisfies the following conditions:

  • Condition 1: It is a sequence of lowercase letters, the period character (’.’), and the @ character
  • Condition 2: The @ character must appear once and must appear between two letters
  • Condition 3; The period character can appear zero or more times, and it must appear between two letters

Write an EmailChecker class, which has methods with headers:

  • public static boolean checkCharacters(String email) which returns true if Condition 1 is satisfied, and false otherwise
  • public static boolean checkAt(String email)

which returns true if Condition 2 is satisfied, and false otherwise

  • public static boolean checkDot(String email)

which returns true if Condition 3 is satisfied, and false otherwise

  • public static boolean checkEmail(String email)

which returns true if the string has the valid format for an email, and false otherwise.

Submit the EmailChecker and a EmailCheckerTestter class.

(The total mark for Part 2 will be 100 for CSE1IOO students and 110 for CSE4IOO students. The percentage of contribution to the final will be the same.)

Electronic Submission of the Source Code

  • Submit all the Java files that you have developed in the tasks above.
  • The code has to run under Unix on the latcs8 machine.
  • You submit your files from your latcs8 account. Make sure you are in the same directory as the files you are submitting.
  • Submit each file separately using the submit command. For example, for the file called (say) java, use command:

submit IOO ObservationType.java

  • After submitting the files, you can run the following command that lists the files submitted from your account:


  • You can submit the same filename as many times as you like before the assignment deadline; the previously submitted copy will be replaced by the latest one.

Marking Scheme Overview

Implementation (Execution of code) 90% (Does the program conform to the specifed requirements? Do all parts of the programs execute correctly? Note your programs must compile and run to carry out this implementation marking.)

Program Design and Coding Style 10% (Does the program solve the problem in a well-designed manner? Does the program follow good programming practices? Does the indentation and code layout follow a good, consistent standard? Are the identifiers meaningful? Are comments being used effectively?)

Return of Assignments

Assignments are to be returned within 3 weeks of the submission date. Students will be notified by email and via the CSE1/CSE4IOO website news when marking sheets are available for collection.

Appendix 1 – A Program to Test Methods to Save and Load Data


import java.io.*; import java.util.*;

public class PatientRecordSystemTester

{ public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception

{ testSaveData(); testLoadData(); //       this method calls     testSaveData ()


public static void testSaveData() throws Exception


// Create PatientRecordSystem

// Add observation types , patients and observations PatientRecordSystem prs = new PatientRecordSystem();

prs.addMeasurementObservationType("T100", "Blood Pressure", "psi"); String [] categories = {"Group A", "Group B1", "Group B2"}; prs.addCategoryObservationType("T200", "blood type", categories);

String [] temp = {"low", "Medium", "high"}; categories = temp;

prs.addCategoryObservationType("T300", "stress level", categories); prs.addMeasurementObservationType("T400", "height", "cm");

prs.addPatient("P100", "Smith"); prs.addPatient("P200", "Adams");

prs.addMeasurementObservation("P100", "T100", 120); prs.addCategoryObservation("P100", "T200", "Group A");

// save data to file prs.saveData();


public static void testLoadData() throws Exception

{ testSaveData();

PatientRecordSystem prs = new PatientRecordSystem(); prs.loadData();





Appendix 2 – A Sample Run of the Menu Program


Patient Record System


  1. Add a measurement observation type
  2. Add a category observation type
  3. Add a patient
  4. Add a measurement observation
  5. Add a category observation
  6. Display details of an observation type
  7. Display a patient record by patient id
  8. Save data
  9. Load data
  10. Display all data for inspection
  11. Exit

Please enter an option (1-9 or D or X): 2 Enter observation type code: t1

Enter observation type name: stress level

Enter the number of categories: 3

Enter category 1: low

Enter category 2: medium Enter category 3: high


Patient Record System


  1. Add a measurement observation type
  2. Add a category observation type
  3. Add a patient
  4. Add a measurement observation
  5. Add a category observation
  6. Display details of an observation type
  7. Display a patient record by patient id
  8. Save data
  9. Load data
  10. Display all data for inspection
  11. Exit

Please enter an option (1-9 or D or X): d


-- CategoryObservationType[code: t1, name: stress level, categories: |low|medium|high|] PATIENTS:

Please press the ENTER key to continue:


Patient Record System


  1. Add a measurement observation type
  2. Add a category observation type
  3. Add a patient
  4. Add a measurement observation
  5. Add a category observation
  6. Display details of an observation type
  7. Display a patient record by patient id
  8. Save data
  9. Load data
  10. Display all data for inspection
  11. Exit

Please enter an option (1-9 or D or X): 3

Enter patient ID: p1

Enter patient Name: john smith


Patient Record System


  1. Add a measurement observation type
  2. Add a category observation type
  3. Add a patient
  4. Add a measurement observation
  5. Add a category observation
  6. Display details of an observation type
  7. Display a patient record by patient id
  8. Save data
  9. Load data
  10. Display all data for inspection
  11. Exit

Please enter an option (1-9 or D or X): d


-- CategoryObservationType[code: t1, name: stress level, categories: |low|m edium|high|]


-- Patient id: p1, name: john smith Observations:

Please press the ENTER key to continue:


Patient Record System


  1. Add a measurement observation type
  2. Add a category observation type
  3. Add a patient
  4. Add a measurement observation
  5. Add a category observation
  6. Display details of an observation type
  7. Display a patient record by patient id
  8. Save data
  9. Load data
  10. Display all data for inspection
  11. Exit

Please enter an option (1-9 or D or X): 5

Enter patient ID: p1

Enter observation type code: t1

Enter observation type value: medium


Patient Record System


  1. Add a measurement observation type
  2. Add a category observation type
  3. Add a patient
  4. Add a measurement observation
  5. Add a category observation
  6. Display details of an observation type
  7. Display a patient record by patient id
  8. Save data
  9. Load data
  10. Display all data for inspection
  11. Exit

Please enter an option (1-9 or D or X): d

-------------------------PATIENT RECORD SYSTEM DATA -------------------------OBSERVATION TYPES:

-- CategoryObservationType[code: t1, name: stress level, categories: |low|m edium|high|]


-- Patient id: p1, name: john smith Observations:

- CategoryObservation[observationType: CategoryObservationType[code: t1, n ame: stress level, categories: |low|medium|high|], value: medium]

Please press the ENTER key to continue:


Patient Record System


  1. Add a measurement observation type
  2. Add a category observation type
  3. Add a patient
  4. Add a measurement observation
  5. Add a category observation
  6. Display details of an observation type
  7. Display a patient record by patient id
  8. Save data
  9. Load data
  10. Display all data for inspection
  11. Exit

Please enter an option (1-9 or D or X): x

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