Computer Program Design Components

For this first Critical Thinking Assignment, you will be designing a computer program module. A module is a set of computer program code that has a specific function. A single module is not necessarily a complete computer program by itself, and is frequently code that is called by other modules of a computer program.

First you will design a flowchart for your module. You need to use the correct flowchart symbols as covered in the module. 

Then you will use the same logic you have in your flowchart to write pseudocode for your module, using the format of the pseudocode described in the module. 

Finally, you will develop generic (i.e., non-programming language specific) computer source code for your module. Your source code is not intended to be Java source code since we don’t start discussing the Java programming language until Module 2. Your module must accept at least one parameter in parentheses with a data type. It must also return a value via a RETURN statement. The data type of the value returned must match the data type specified in the module header just prior to the module’s name. An example of a computer program module’s format is shown below:

returned_data_type module_name (parameter_data_type parameter_name)
(generic program code for your module based on your pseudocode)
RETURN a_value_of_the_returned_data_type

Remember that your generic module source code is not intended to be Java code specifically and it is definitely not intended to be a Java main method. Note that a Java main method actually does not receive any parameters from another module, and it doesn’t return a value, so the Java main method alone disqualifies it from meeting the requirements.


Assignment Deliverables (all in a single Word or PDF file, with steps numbered, and steps in order):

  1. A flowchart to describe the logic of your module
  2. Pseudocode for your module that matches the logic in your flowchart
  3. Module source code that matches the logic in your pseudocode
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