BIOM5302 Assignment 1
Final reports should have: course #, date, student name and ID # (all in the first page), abstract, introduction (with background, literature search, and statement of the problem), methods (geometry, mesh, and equations, refer to the CFX theory), results and discussions, conclusions, and references.
Using CFX, simulate a three-dimensional flow through an idealized aorta. Use CFX for meshing with biased accumulation of nodes towards the wall (inflation) as required. Use water as the working fluid, a representative body temperature, one atm reference pressure, and no heat transfer model. If a turbulence model is needed, use the Shear Stress Transport model with default settings.
- Inlet conditions: constant flow rate of 5.?? L/min (for ??; use the last two digits of your student number)
- Outlet conditions: gauge average static pressure (opening, equivalent to maximum systolic pressure or 125 mm Hg)
- Remaining domain boundaries: no slip wall
Perform grid convergence analysis using velocity as the determining parameter in the study. 500,000 is the maximum number of elements allowed in the present CFX configuration. Describe the flow using vector plots, magnitude of velocities, and pressure and discuss implications of these results in the context of an aorta.

Figure 1: Computational domain.