Nemerle Programming Language Help For Students
Introduction to Nemerle
Nemerle is a general purpose, multi-paradigm programming language for the .net platform. It is an easy to learn and use as C# or VB.NET but Nemerle is by far more powerful. One may start using it as an advanced C# and then, as learning goes on, employ a range of cool features enabling meta programming and functional programming. The meta programming is based on macros bearing some similarity to Lisp. Nemerle is a high-level statically-typed programming language for the .NET platform. It offers functional, object-oriented and imperative features. It has a simple C#-like syntax and a powerful meta-programming system. Features that come from the functional land are variants, pattern matching, type inference and parameter polymorphism (aka generics). The meta-programming system allows great compiler extensibility, embedding domain specific languages, partial evaluation and aspect-oriented programming.
Sample Program
{` using System; public className Test { public static Main() : void { def solve() : void { def i = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); unless (i == 42) { Console.WriteLine(i); solve(); } } solve(); } } `}