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Jass Scripting language
Jass scripting is a event driven scripting language used for creating gaming applications. Jass scripting language was used in the Warcraft 3 and starcraft 2 for scripting in the game world. Jass scripting language provides ans extensive API that gives program control over nearly every aspect of the game world. Jass scripting language provide the modern features which allow the programmer to add new features to the gaming applications e.g detecting mouse motion, keyboard stokes. It has a syntax similar to Turingand Delphi, but unlike those languages, it is case sensitive. Jass scripting language s easy to write and more faster for the gaming applications.
Jass programming code example
{'function HelloWorld takes nothing returns nothing'} call BJDebugMsg("Hi, my name is Bob.") call BJDebugMsg("I am 2 years old!") {'//And so on, by the way you can add comments to your code like this'} {'//Basically if you have '//' somewhere on a line, the rest of the line (after the '//') counts as a comment'} endfunction
Features of jass programming
- Jass scripting allow you to create your own functions that will save your time.
- Typing is faster than clicking with the mouse
- Ability to write more optimized code
- Local variables and multi instancibility
- -Faster, more effecient, and no leaks
- asier to write out