DYLAN Programming Language Help For Students

Introduction to DYLAN 

The Dylan programming language is a multi-paradigm language that includes support for functional and object-oriented programming, and is dynamic and reflective while providing a programming model designed to support efficient machine code generation, including fine-grained control over dynamic and static behaviours. Dylan is an object-oriented language. Programs create and use objects, and they use classes to categorize and abstract attributes of objects. Classes play a number of key roles:

  • They are data types, embodying subtype–super type relationships between objects.
  • They are the vehicle for abstraction of common attributes of objects.
  • They organize sharing of attributes: Subclasses inherit the attributes of super classes.
  • They are the principal basis for specializing behaviour of objects.

Example: Hello World!

{'//compile using the new dylan.NET v, or later'}

{'//use mono to run the compiler'}

#refstdasm mscorlib.dll

import System

assembly helloworld exe


className public auto ansi Module1

method public static void main()

Console::WriteLine("Goodbye, World!")

end method

end className

DYLAN Programming Language

DYLAN Compiler

The compiler is just a console application that means it is possible to compile programs even when you can't install Visual Studio or some other fancy IDE....

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