Performance management tools and motivational methods of alliance group
The Alliance Group company mainly used the performance management techniques in order to enhance the performance of the employees. In the same context, the performance management technique mainly helps the management of an organisation to enhance the performance of the employees. By enhancing the performance of the employees, the organisation will be able to develop its financial position within its business market. Moreover, the performance management tools and techniques mainly involve in a crucial key performance indicators and metrics, management by the objectives, performance appraisals, 360-degree feedback and performance management frameworks and more. In addition, the tools and techniques are greatly been able to support and contribute in the performance management system in the organizational context so that the organizational productivity and efficiency can be used in a successfully manner. This paper also sheds light on the primary data collection as well as secondary data collection.
Section 1: Introduction
1.1 Research background
Performance management and motivating the employees to promote the best professional practices and foster the organizational growth is an important aspect in organizational context in order to deal with the organizational performance efficacy (Kearney, 2018). Management prospects and employee motivation are the two significant determinants of organizational productivity and efficiency as effective approaches made in promoting employee performance helps in managing workforce ability in the most prominent manner. In this era, modern economics of business is crucially experiencing intense competency and challenges in managing the workforce. Apart from that, changing business environment and requirements are significantly able to pose threat in the organizational performance as changing requirement leads to changing strategies and those changes creates haste and disorganization within the workplace culture. Thus, it is important to look after the organizational performance in different organizational situation so that the management of workforce with effective performance management strategy and motivation can be done in a systematic order (Greener, 2018). In this respect, it is crucial to develop effective performance management strategy aligning them with tools and motivational methods. Motivational methods and theoretical framework have significant impact on the implementation of strategic decision making in regards to the employee performance management (Kontoghiorghes, 2016).
Real estate firms are one of the fastest growing networks in the world of corporate and with its increase, intense rivalry in the market is growing simultaneously. Alliance Group is the core concern of the hypothesis as the research has been developed in regards to this company. Alliance Infrastructure Project Pvt ltd Group is one of the listed dynamic real estate development firms, which is known for its significant marketing actions. Alliance group headquartered in Bangalore with different operations in Chennai, Hyderabad, and Mysore. Alliance Group has been acknowledged for its significant infusion in the real estate industry for being an integral part of India’s high growth real estate. Not only for the real estate forms but also for each industry performance management is a crucial aspect as it contributes to the organizational development in the most effective form. Companies with ineffective performance management system experiences ineffective productivity and that leads to ineffective organizational growth. Hence, in order to evaluate organizational growth and accomplish organizational aspirations, managing the workforce with strategic performance management system and motivational help would be required. Further, to deal with the development of performance management system it would be crucial to align performance management tools and motivational methods as these are greatly been beneficial in contributing key strategies in the strategy development (Domhoff and Fox, 2015).
1.2 Research Rationale
Increased business means and emerging business dimensions have greatly been able to expand the tangents of corporate world. However, it also has introduced challenges in the organizational managerial accounts and in order to cope up with the challenges it is important to deal with the performance management system with the help of performance management tools and motivational methods in the effective manner. Consequences in the performance management can affect the organizational productivity and the prerequisites in the most effective manner. Performance management tools and tactics such as key performance indicators and metrics, management by objectives, performance management framework and personal development plan are greatly been able to contribute in the strategy development and improving organizational performance in the strategic order (Neuman, 2016). Performance management and motivational forum helps an organization to cope up with the current marketing trends and coping up with the marketing environment changes. Thus, the researcher has tried to evaluate the tactics and tools that relates to the performance management and contributes in motivating the employees in the proper manner to discuss the importance of performance management and motivational approach in organizational context.
1.2 Research Aim and Objectives
The fundamental aim of the paper is to evaluate the impact and importance of performance management tools and motivational methods of Alliance Group so that the company can evaluate the further organizational growth and attain sustainability in the proper manner. The paper has been researched on the outlined aims:
- To find out the tools and techniques that relates to performance management and motivational methods
- To assess the impact and importance of the tools and methods in improving organizational performance management system
- To assess the influence of these methods and tools in enhancing the performance and growth of alliance growth
1.3 Research Questions
The research paper has been conducted to analyse the answer of the following questions:
- What are the most effective tools and techniques adopted by the Alliance group?
- In what terns the methods and tools are effective in managing organizational performance.
- What are the impacts and importance of the performance management tools and motivational methods in organizational improvement and growth?
1.4 Significance of the Assignment
With the help of current conducted research, the researcher intends to acquire effective understanding and assessment of the different tangents of performance management tools and motivational methods in organizational welfare and further improvements. Additionally, the researcher have evaluated different aspirations of the current subject so that the impact and importance of these performance management tools such as Key performance indicators, management by objectives, performance management framework and personal development plan along with performance appraisal and appreciation can be determined duly. Apart from that, the research desires to witness the outcomes of the implication of the strategies in regarded organization to determine the efficacy of the tools and motivational methods. Further, the researcher intends to accomplish the aspirations by determine the factors that are crucial to consider in implementing the strategy in the organizational context.
1.5 Underlying Assumptions
The underlying assumptions of this research are as follows:
- The respondents will cooperate in the data collection process
- The respondents will provide accurate, adequate and honest data
- Attitudes of the respondents are stable
- Research ethics will be maintained throughout the procedure
1.6 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
(Source: Self-created)
Section 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The current paper has discussed various literatures and authentic peer-reviewed journals in order to investigate the detailed instructions of the published literary works in the considered topic. Different aspects related to performance management tools and motivational methods have been discussed in the paper in order to attain deep insight in the effectiveness of the applicable tools in the allocated company’s improvement (Bezemer,{" "} et al. 2016). In the literature review, the researcher has induced three core objectives of the paper so that the objectives of the paper can be met duly. The significance of the reviewing literature will further help in conducting effective and accurate research scopes and better understanding in the concept.
2.2 Tools and techniques of performance management
In this era, dealing with performance management system and workforce is very important as it has been opined by the scholars that workforces are the fundamental pillars of any organization as they contributes the key practices in accomplishing organizational prerequisites in the prominent manner. According to Buckingham and Goodall, (2015) performance management tools and techniques mainly involves crucial key performance indicators and metrics, management by the objectives, performance appraisals, 360 degree feedback and performance management frameworks and more. These tools and techniques are greatly been able to support and contribute in the performance management system in the organizational context so that the organizational productivity and efficacy can be met successfully. In this regards, Taticchi, et al. (2015) have opined that performance appraisal is one of the important tool that helps in improving the organizational performance in the effective manner. Rewarding and recognition is another two different effective performance management tool that helps in improving the dimensions organizational performance by contributing in the management strategy development. Recognising employee’s performance and appreciating their performance will help in motivating the employees in the most effective manner (Rebentisch, 2017). Apart from that, allowing and engaging personal development plan can also help the employee performance in the most effective manner as it creates the scope of widening the opportunities of self-development that involves improving the existing skills and attaining further areas of development to support their professional career in the proper manner. Additionally, 360 degree feedback is an effective performance management tool that is quick and provides with a broad assessment as it helps in understanding how well the employees are performing and how well they know about their functional activities. In this regards the scholars are greatly been affected by the effectiveness of the tools and techniques that can be taken into consideration to manage organizational performance.
In this regards, Kouwenhoven-Pasmooij, et al. (2018) have opined the key performance indicators and metrics allows the organization to measure the organizational performance with the help of suitable indicators and analysing the metrics so that accurate data and information can be achieved to support the organizational performance management system in the effective manner. Primary focus of KPI’s is to enable data driven strategies and conversations and then further to analyse the better decision-making process. Additionally, in this regards Vongkulluksn, et al . (2018) has extended the saying by commenting on the importance of making performance appraisal strategies aligning with the appreciation and recognition as the author believes that those performance management tactics are important however taking human psychological concepts along with them can incur the best results. Perhaps[s the academic advocates intends to focusing on the more technical approaches in managing organizational performance such as incorporation of management by objectives concept and technological advancement. In this regards, it would be important to note that, technological prospects have significant role-play in the organizational managerial accounts as it is greatly been beneficial in performing the allocated tasks in cost and timed effective manner. Thus, automation can help in managing organizational performance but depending on the automation, aspect can be ineffective and cost the entire organization, as there are certain prospects present that are more dependable and reliable on human resources (Kearney, 2018). Thus, PDP, KPI and metrics, management by objectives, performance appraisal and rewarding are the most effective tools that can help in improving organizational performance in the most effective manner.{" "}
2.3 Motivational methods in performance management
From the past few decades, the interrelation between motivation and performance has been the universal concern of the academic advocates. According to Steers and Sánchez‐Runde, (2017), motivation and performance of the employees have significant relations in the workplace culture as motivational prospects supports and contributes various beneficial prospects in the organizational performance. In order to manage workplace performance and deal with the workforce management, it is crucial to look after the motivational methods as motivational prospects helps in stimulating the vibrant features of employees to work more effectively and in a productive order. A motivational method mainly outlines significant frameworks and stimulus that helps in incurring the best of the employees to experience effective productive growth in the organizational welfare (Shields, et al. 2015). Motivation in workplace is an important aspect as today’s business organization intends to witness effective growth and profitability and deal with the emerging competition in the competitive marketing field. Thus, to meet these basic organizational prerequisites, one of the fundamentals of organization that is increasing productivity can only be possible of the organizational performance is managed through the application of effective performance management system and strategies that relates with motivational methods. Globalization of the economy has increased the human resource mobility and increased the management complexities along with it. Additionally, increased mobility of the human resources has caused challenges in hiring decisions as global culture introduces diversity in the workforce, which made it difficult to motivate the employees and their performances as the needs and requirements differ more promptly in global culture. Hence, it is important to effective motivational methods after analysing the prospects and dimensions so that the organizational aims and objectives can be met in the effective manner (Lazaroiu, 2015). It has been evident that, motivational methods such as frameworks, motivational models and theories can help in improving overall organizational performance in the most systematic manners as these allows the organizational have a base forum of developing the management approaches in the most effective manner.
Vanpoucke, et al. (2016), have opined that motivational methods does not only refers to the motivational theories such as Herzberg’s two factor theory, skinners reinforcement theory, vroom’s expectancy theory and more but also refers to the professional approaches. organizational executives made to influence and stimulate the employees so that they can understand that they are doing well and something productive. Motivational methods such as letting the employees know that they are important for the organization, communicating with them with all work related stresses work as the stimulus that helps in motivating the employees mentally, and this in turn helps in increasing the willingness of performing for attaining better organizational objectives. Apart from that, giving employees clear job description, and accountability helps them to understand their job role and role-play in their organization so that the probability of work related stress has the option to be removed or reduced for effective performance management. In this context, Kontoghiorghes, (2016) has argued that changing professional approaches or improving the motivational approaches are not enough to incur best performance and management them accordingly as implementation of the motivational methods are concequtive factor that needs to be considered in the performance management aspect. It has been evident that communication plays the most effective role in the motivational aspect as communication makes it easier to understand the issues that are being faced by the employees and causing hindrance in the organizational performance. Apart from that, communication helps in widening the opportunities for the employees to reduce their work related stress and improve their performance. Making the workplace environment positive and impactful towards the employees helps the employee in dealing with the ineffective working environments. In this regards, it has been opined that, the performance requirements and job quality leads to differentiate the performances in the effective manner. Thus, it can be stated that the organizational culture and performance prospects need to be positive and motivational approaches need to be taken into account so that organizational performance management can be done in the effective manner (Lazaroiu, 2015).{" "}
2.4 Impact and importance of the tools and methods in improving organizational performance management system
The term motivation and employee performance have been recognised by the academic advocates in the most effective manner as both of the attributes play significant role in improving organizational performance and introduce growth and sustainability in the effective manner. It has been opined that, performance management tools and motivational methods are greatly been able to influence the organizational performance in the modesty effective manner by contributing to the performance management strategy development so that the strategy and systems can be implemented ion the performance management supervision in the systematic order. Additionally, it is important to note that incorporation of strategy development system related to performance will significantly help in contributing key prospects and that may help in widening the key areas of development so that the organization can effective performance growth in the competitive marketing world (Greener, 2018). It has been opined by the academic advocates that motivation and employee performance significantly relates to each other as the work related stress and employee performance are related. Motivation can be considered as the positive gesture of the organizational executives ion improving organizational effectiveness while work related stress are used in the negative term as stress leads to unwillingness and dissatisfaction in job. In modern day business, different approaches related to motivating employees are present which helps in organizing efficiency and building effective performance e management system in the organizational context. The motivational methods can include hygiene factors, salary structure, social support, effective and flexible working hour’s effective management and most importantly the money factor.
It has been evident that some scholars have different opinion on whether the money factor is a motivator or not. In this regards, Herzberg’s two factor theory can be taken into account as it can be observed from the motivational theory that the two factors mainly outlines hygiene factors and money factors that deals with the motivational approaches in the organizational culture. Thus, it cannot be denied that money factor plays a prominent role on motivating employees and supporting organizational performance (Neuman, 2016). In the fore most steps, it can be noted that impact of the performance management tools and the motivational methods is crucial in the organizational entire performance and engaging the employee with the organizational culture in the crucial manner. These tools and techniques helps in strategizing the forums of managing performance and supervising the performance simultaneously. It has been opined that, motivational factors increases the employees ability to perform as the stimulus are greatly been able to simulate the willpower of performing so that the organizational performance can be managed in the most effective manner (Domhoff and Fox, 2015). Finally, it can be stated that multiple onions are evoked in the concept of performance management and organizational efficient with the help of motivational methods. However, one significant concern of the scholars that has been evident is these attributes are essential to improve overall organizational performance management system and accomplish the organizational aspirations.
2.5 Summary
In accordance with the analysed peer reviewed data and information in regards to the effectiveness of performance management tools and motivational methods; it has been evident that these can play effective role in the organizational efficiency and effectiveness in relation to the productivity as well as profitability in the proper manner. Apart from that, it has been evident that the tools and techniques related to performance management can help the considered organization Alliance Group with increasing organizational performance and efficiency with the management of performances and motivating employees to work better in future business operations. It would be important to note that academic advocates have discussed the importance of motivational methods such as performance appraisal, appreciation, rewarding and recognition to deal with the performance management systems along with the organizational efficacy. Additionally, it has been opined that the tools and motivational methods can further help the organization in improving the management strategy to cope up with the changing business environment. Finally, it can be stated that the performance management tools and motivational methods are employed in multiple arrays of an organization to deal with the entire organizational performance and productivity.{" "}
Section 3: Research methodology
Research methodology is an important deliverable as it helps the researcher better understands the researcher can induce the concepts of considered aspects that help in the conduction of the research paper and better outcomes if the understanding is incorporated in the paper in systematic order (Lindlof, and Taylor, 2017). Apart from that, the frameworks of research methodology helps in inducing the research objectives on a definite pattern so that the best of research procedures are taken into account to accomplish the aspirations of the research paper. The research method apparently helps in coordinating the steps and procedures accordingly that is crucial in executing the research aims.

Figure 2: Research onion
(Source: Saunders, et al . 2015)
3.1 Research philosophy
Research philosophy refers to the concept of certain beliefs that the researcher intends to induce in the paper and adopt further to draw the interference of the current research paper. The belief enacts the determinants of the further data and information will be induced in the research paper. Three significant philosophies are present in the research philosophy that involves epistemology, doxology and oniotology. Apart from these, positivism research, realism research and interpretivism research philosophy are present in the research methodology aspect. As the researcher aims to analyse the performance management tools and motivational methods adopted by Alliance Group, the researcher has induced epistemology as it has been proven most appropriate in emphasizing the constituents and opportunities of the research subject. Categories of epistemology are present that helps in the same context to attain better idea of the concept. Thus, interpretivism has been chosen to interpret and analyse the collected data for the existing literature.{" "}
3.2 Research Approach
Research approach is the plan that consisting different steps and procedures of conducting the research and making further assumptions of the collected data. It is significantly important in the research paper as it helps widening concept and ideology of the research paper and further helps in analysing the collected data. Two types of research approaches are there, respectively, inductive and deductive. In the current research paper, the researcher has taken deductive approach due it its beneficial facilities and contribution in the research paper. Deductive approach has helped the researcher to develop conceptual framework and retrieve crucial determinants that can help in drawing effective conclusion on the chosen topic of this literature.
3.3 Research Design
Research design allows the researcher with main guidelines that can be used in the further research paper and attain the aspirations of the paper in the systematic order and effectively. The research design concept helps the researcher with the important guidelines that can be taken into account to induct the further research in an effective manner (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016). Descriptive research design is the scientific method of observing and analysing the data and information along with the subject’s behaviour. This can help in both research methods with successful approach and fruitful results.
3.4 Research Method
The research methods help in deciding which kind of data and information will be induced in the research paper and how the data and information will be analysed to support the paper in the effective manner. Mainly three types of research methods are present that involves qualitative, quantitative and mixed method. Here in this paper, qualitative and quantitative research methods are considered to accomplish the aspirations of the research paper. Quantitative technique of research can help in validating the collected data and information in the research paper through implying statistical figures and mathematical operations (Bernard, 2017). However, qualitative data will help in giving the ideology of the paper of a base forum provided by the academic scholars along with other sources. In the quantitative research method surveys, questionnaires has been induced by the researcher, where as in qualitative research method includes interviews and close ended questions to the random sample (Taylor, et al. 2015).{" "}
3.5 Data Collection
The procedure of data collection is mainly relating to the consecutive prospects that are primary and secondary. The methods of data collection mainly facilitate the answers, which helps in supporting the accomplishment of the objectives in the effective manner. In the primary data collection, raw and basic data in regards to the considered subject has been collected from the participants in the data collection procedure such as interviews survey and developed questionnaire (Lewis, 2015). Apart from that, the data collected in the secondary sources are collected from the peer journals and other sources. The researcher has collected the quantitative data with the help of developed questionnaire on a survey. The survey questionnaire has different questions related to the subject and human resources of the Alliance group were asked questions for the qualitative data that will be important for the research paper. 5-point likert scale and other tool’s has been used in the data collection and analysis method.
3.6 Sampling
The researcher has selected 30 employees who are working in the real estate industry named Alliance Group for the quantitative data collection. Additionally, for the qualitative data collection the research has pertain 5 human resource managers as the main intent ion of the paper is to evaluate the performance management tools and motivational methods adopted by the considered company to understand its impact in the organizational long term activities and success. These sample size is small so that elimination of inadequate and unnecessary data can be eliminated and accuracy of the research paper can be sustained in the effective manner.{" "}
3.7 Data Analysis
The researcher has analysed the data using various analysing frameworks and methods to cleanse and transform the data to incur the best results in the end of the paper (Marczyk, et al. 2017). As the researcher intends to attain the core objectives of performance management and effectiveness of motivational methods adopted by Alliance Group, adequate research methods are taken into account so that the accurate and adequate data and information in regarding to the concept can be attained.
3.8 Ethical Considerations
In conducting a research, certain consideration are crucial to be taken into account so that unethical or perceived behaviours can be avoided in the research paper. Ethical consideration refers to the certain standards and norms that are fundamental to maintain in the induction of the research such as staying honest to the answers as well as in questions, confidentiality and anonymity. Thus, the research tends to follow the ethical principles to conduct the research on a ethical and professional term.
Section 4: Data findings and analysis
4.1 Quantitative Data Analysis
Q1. Gender profile of respondents
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
Male |
60% |
18 |
30 |
Female |
40% |
12 |
30 |
Table 1: Gender profile of respondents

Figure 3: Statistical figure of Gender profile of respondents
(Source: self-created)
Analysis: In accordance with the basic motive of the paper the data and information were collected from the random number of employees of the organizational Alliance Group. In order to analyze the data and information collected from the paper it was important to know about their general profile as opinions on different figures differs considerably by the gender role in the organizational context. Alliance Group is a real estate firm that have 60% of the employees male and 40% employees are female that can be observed from the above graphical representation. In this aspect, it can be stated that the employee performance management system of the company is more focused on the male member’s rather female members. In this aspect it would be important to note that, male employees and female employees have different motivational needs as their psychological state differs.
Q2. Which among the following age group you belong?
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
20-30 |
40% |
12 |
30 |
30-40 |
26.7% |
8 |
30 |
40-50 |
20% |
6 |
30 |
50 and above |
13.4% |
4 |
30 |
Table 2: Age group of respondents

Figure 4: Statistical figure of age group
(Source: self-created)
Analysis: From the above-mentioned statistical representation, it can be noted that majority of the employees belong from the age group of 20 to 30 years. With the data, it would be important to note that the company tends to hire young employees to incorporate their innovative operative performance as and creative thinking through their performance in the organizational efficiency. Young employees are key consideration of today’s business as the young mind has various innovative ideas and smart tactics of doing their functional activities and that helps the organization in operating their managerial accounts on a cost effective manner. Apart from that, managing the performances of young employees along with the other demography’s and motivating them, helps the organization in the systematic order in improving organizational productivity and growth.
Q3. What are the techniques that are used in your organization for assessing performance?
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
Adoption of different methods |
43.3% |
13 |
30 |
Extensive use of self-appraisal |
26.7% |
8 |
30 |
Adoption of different time spans for appraisal |
30% |
9 |
30 |
Table 3: Performance assessment techniques used by Alliance Group

Figure 5: Statistical figure of Performance assessment techniques
(Source: self-created)
Analysis: The researcher has asked the employees about their organizations adopted performance assessment techniques to know their support and agreement on their performance assessment techniques. When asked about this, majority of the employees acknowledged the technique of adopting different methods on assessing their performance. Different methods related to performance management and motivational approaches are effective in improving the organizational performance and increasing productivity. Alliance group uses different methods such as management by objectives, key performance indicators, metrics, and more. Apart from that, to measure and assess the organizational and employee performance the company uses appraisals and self-appraisals to make the employees motivated towards their work and incur best productivity for organizational efficacy. Additionally, to enhance productivity and entire organizational performance promotion, transfer and termination decision for effective workforce management these techniques are used in the organizational context. 26.7% of the employee claims that the organization sometimes tend to uses self-appraisal, which is not right and unethical in the organizational performance management. However, it can be noted that the organization follows different approaches and techniques to assess organizational performance in a systematic order. Lastly, it can be stated that the performance assessment techniques can be used in more systemic and strategic order to improve the performance management system to cope up with the challenges further.
Q4. Please indicate which of the following methods are considered in performance management system in your organization
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
360 degree feedback |
16.6% |
5 |
30 |
critical incident assessment |
30% |
9 |
30 |
behavioral assessment |
30% |
9 |
30 |
appreciation and recognition |
23.4% |
7 |
30 |
Table 4: Methods of performance management of Alliance Group

Figure 6: Statistical representation of Methods of performance management of Alliance Group
(Source: self-created)
Analysis: Different performance management system and tools are acquainted with the considered company of this research paper. The performance management tools mainly involves management by objectives, key performance indicators, performance appraisals, rewarding and recognition and motivational methods such as behavioral assessment, competency and tactics measurement, effective communication and more. When asked about this, employees have answered that critical incident assessment and behavioral assessment are the two major prospects that are taken into account in the organizational performance management system in order to improve and enhance organizational productivity and efficiency in the prominent manner. Half of the respondents have answered the same in regards to the asked questions. 360-degree feedback options are very important in the performance management system as it helps in widening up the scopes of further betterment in the existing skills and attaining new skills they are lacking in and as a result, it is affecting the organizational performance in the crucial manner. Appreciation, rewarding, appraisal and recognition are acknowledged as the most effective performance management tools as it also relates with the motivational approaches in the prominent manner to support the entire organizational performance with effective strategies.
Q5. Are the following approaches a part of your organizational performance management system?
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
Personal development planning |
26.7% |
8 |
30 |
Training and development |
33.3% |
10 |
30 |
Motivation and appreciation |
40% |
12 |
30 |
Table 5: Approaches of organizational performance management system

Figure 7: Statistical figure of Approaches of organizational performance management system
(Source: self-created)
Analysis: Approaches of organizational performance management system made in the considered organization that is Alliance group are personal development planning, providing effective training and development facilities and motivation with the incorporation of appreciation. These approaches have significant role-play in the identification of barriers in performance so that the origins of the barriers can be analyzed in the proper manner. Further, analyzing this, would in turn help improve them for further operations with effectively managed organizational performance. Forty percent of the employees consider that motivation and appreciation are the most prominent approach made by the organization in managing the organizational performance as motivating employees with effective approaches helps them in performing more willingly and enthusiastically in the organizational premises. Additionally, motivational approaches have significant approach in stimulating employee’s ability of performance as it helps them to reduce the work related stresses and increase the willpower of performing more efficiently. Thus, it can be noted from the collected data it is important to deal with the management prospects so that the further organizational performance can be managed in the effective manner.
Q6. How far do you agree that your organization is following the effective and adequate approaches in improving organizational performance?
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
Agree |
40% |
12 |
30 |
Strongly agree |
26.7% |
8 |
30 |
Neutral |
16.6% |
5 |
30 |
Disagree |
10% |
3 |
30 |
Strongly disagree |
6.6% |
2 |
30 |
Table 6: Deciding effectiveness and adequacy of the organizational performance approach

Figure 8: Statistical figure of effectiveness and adequacy of the organizational performance approach
(Source: self-created)
Analysis: When asked about the effectiveness and adequacy of the organizational performance approach forty percent of the respondents have agreed as they considers that approaches are effective and effective in improving overall organizations performance in the effective manner. Additionally, it would be important to note that application of the systemic tools that relates to performance management and motivational approaches are equally important in incurring the best performance of the employee to meet the organizational aspirations. However, few employees do not agree on the fact as per the statistical representation of the data as they consider that there is vast opportunity of improving the organizational performance with new tools and strategies. In accordance with the collected data and information, it can be stated that the organization is playing effectively in the performance management system to manage the productivity and workforce in the effective manner.
Q7. How far do you agree that adopted management system and motivational approaches are helping your performance?
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
Agree |
43.3% |
13 |
30 |
Strongly agree |
30% |
9 |
30 |
Neutral |
13.4% |
4 |
30 |
Disagree |
10% |
3 |
30 |
Strongly disagree |
3.3% |
1 |
30 |
Table 7: Satisfaction on the performance management system

Figure 9: Statistical figure of satisfaction on the performance management system
(Source: self-created)
Analysis: When asked about the satisfaction on the performance management system and their help in improving organizational performance huge number of respondents have agreed in the fact. In accordance with the presented data, it can be observed that the employees are experiencing significant change in their performance and organizational credibility with the help of adopted performance management systems and motivational methods. Additionally, with the responses it can be stated that organizational performance have significant relation with the performance management tools and further its implication in the development of performance management strategy. However, as the company have huge workforce base, differentiated opinion is nothing new. Few of the respondents do not agree on the fact that the organizational adopted tools and motivational methods in improving the organizational performance. Considering all of the data and responses, it is important to mention that the organization have the potential to make further improvements on their performance management system for further organizational efficacy.
4.2: Qualitative data analysis
Q1. In what terms performance management tools and motivational methods have helped your organization in improving the organizational performance
Manager 1 |
Manager 2 |
Manager 3 |
Manager 4 |
Manager 5 |
“Performance management tools and
motivational methods have greatly been able to
affect the organizational performance in the
effective manner as it has proven to be
beneficial in developing effective performance
management strategy to support the
organizational prerequisites.” |
“The tools and techniques adopted by Alliance Group have significantly helped in managing the workforce as the adopted tools and techniques clearly related with the modern day business approach and are able to meet the requirements of employees in the effective manner.” |
“I have observed that, different employees come with different need and each human mind have different business tactics to perform their functional activities and with this developed scenario, the performance management system requires improvement.” |
“ I can state that, it has greatly been beneficial in monitoring and supervising the organizational performance.” |
Different challenges came across in implementing these tools and motivational approaches as certain changes were difficult to introduce amongst the workforce.” |
Table 8: Qualitative Transcript 1
Analysis: When asked about the help they experienced with the incorporation of performance management tools and techniques managers have extended their saying by the appropriateness and efficacy these tools provide in the organizational performance management context. Additionally, the managers have thrown the searchlight on the challenges they have faced in experiencing and availing the benefits of the performance management tools and motivational methods.It is important to note that from the collected data the researcher has attained both experiences of the managers. Thus, it can be stated that the performance management system is of significant help in the organizational efficiency of Alliance group. However, critical focus needs to be laid on the challenges that come across during the adoption procedure of the tools and techniques of performance management system and further in the implication. Thus, it can be noted that the performance management systems can be effective in improving organizational performance however implementation of the tools will be crucially important in this regards. The tools are significantly helpful in managing the workforces and their abilities to deal with their motivational approaches.”
Q2. How the performance management tools and motivational methods adopted by Alliance Group are is effective in achieving organizational aspirations?
Manager 1 |
Manager 2 |
Manager 3 |
Manager 4 |
Manager 5 |
“ I can state that, performance management
tools and motivational methods have significant
approach in the decision-making process as the
performance management tools and motivational
methods have significant approach in improving
the organizational performance to accomplish the
“These aspects can be improved to make more effective practices as emerging business state is increasing business competency and related challenges in workforce management. Thus, it is important to make effective changes in the adopted performance tools and motivational approaches” |
“These aspects are greatly been able to help the organization as I have seen increasing organizational efficacy as an effective change in workplace productivity has been experienced over the time.” |
The challenges in dealing with the challenges are continuous in the performance management prospect and have the option of making further changes in the organizational welfare” |
“Efficiency and increased productivity has been experienced with the adopted strategies in regards to the performance management system and motivational methods |
Table 9: Qualitative Transcript 2
Analysis: In accordance with the availed transcript, it can be stated that the managers agrees on their experiences on the performance management and motivational tools in improving organizational performance. They have extended their thought by reflecting on the challenges that comes across during the strategy implementation followed by the strategy formation for effective performance management. It is important to note that the performance management tools adopted by Alliance group are greatly been able to support the organizational workforce management and further efficacy. These adopted methods in the foremost step helps in analyzing the performances and reviewing the progress of the organizational performance. Further, it helps in widening up the scopes of making changes so that improvised and more adequate approaches can be done to manage the performance and motivate the employees. These two aspects significantly reflect on the entire organizational efficiency and performance improvement.
Section 5: Discussion and evaluation
The aforementioned context includes the analysis of the data collected by the researcher through various research methods. The context has involved the quantitative research and qualitative research and data analysis, which have been induced by the researcher to identify certain key objectives that relates to performance management tools and motivational methods adopted by Alliance Group. The research has helped in widening the knowledge into the subject as well as attaining the importance of performance management tools and motivational methods for increasing organizational efficient performance. Evidently, lack of management, ineffective communication, poor supervision, training and development can affect the organizational performance in the effective manner and that can lead huge cost to the organization. Thus, it is important to make required changes in the performance management systems and motivational approaches to cope up with the trending challenges in the performance management aspect. It has been evident through the research, that effective changes and strategizing the performance management system can help the company, Alliance group in the effective manner to accomplish the aspirations in the profound manner so that the company can witness effective success in the competitive business field.{" "}
Section 6: Conclusion and recommendation
6.1 Conclusion
From the above study it can be concluded that with the help of performance management system, an organization will be able to perform in an effective way. In the same context, the organization Alliance Group will also be able to achieve its future goals and objectives with the help of performance management system. Rewarding and recognition are the two most vital tools of performance management. It has been evident that there are several methods of performance management such as assessment centre method, comparison method, rating scale, accounting method and others. Moreover, by implementing the performance management system, the organization Alliance group will also be able to help the employees to perform in an effective way. In addition, the performance planning, performance communication, data gathering, performance appraisal and performance diagnosis are the main components of performance management system.
Linking with objectives
Objective 1:
By implementing the tools and techniques of performance management, an organization will be able to improve its performance. In the same context, the performance management tools also help an organization to enhance its productivity process. The main tools and techniques of performance management are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics, performance appraisals, feedback, performance management frameworks, reward programs and personal development plan. The Key Performance Indicators offers a way to measure the strategic goals and objectives of an organization. On that note, by implementing the performance management tools, the organization Alliance Group will be able to meet its future goals and objectives in an effective way. Moreover, the management of Alliance group must provide feedback to the employees on the basis of their performance. This strategy will help the employees to work well for enhancing the sales rate of the organization. Furthermore, the personal development plan will also help the employees to review their own performance. This strategy will help them to improve their performance according to the needs and demands of the organization.
Objective 2:
It is very important for an organization to implement the performance management system within its business process for improving the organizational performance. In the same context, the performance management system can also be used for motivating the employees. Thus, it is also very important for the organization Alliance Group to implement the performance system for achieving its financial goals. The main goal of the performance management system is to ensure that the employees of Alliance Group are performing in an effective manner. However, the management of Alliance Group must focus on the challenges of performance management system before implementing it. The main challenges of performance management system are lack of alignment, lack of measurement and others. In addition, the management of Alliance Group will also be able to motivate the employees with the help of performance management system. It has been identified that motivation is one of the most important element of performance management system.
Objective 3:
Motivation is very important for the development of employee’s performance in an organization. It has been identified that the good performance of employees will also help the organization to achieve its future goals and objectives in an effective way. In the same context, it is also very important for the management of Alliance group to implement the incorporation strategy within the company’s business process. By implementing this strategy, the organization will be able to develop a competitive position within its business market. It has been identified that there are several methods of motivation such as hygiene factors, salary structure, social support, flexible working hour and others. In addition, the motivation can also be considered as the positive gesture of the organizational executives for improving the effectiveness of the organization. However, the work related stress are used in the negative term as stress leads to unwillingness and dissatisfaction in job. On that note, the organization Alliance Group must motivate the employees for working well in the organization.
6.2 Limitations of the paper
In this research paper, the researcher has taken responses from few employees and managers, which can be considered as a limitation of this research paper. It has been evident that the organization Alliance Group is a big multinational company but the researcher has taken responses from 30 employees which is a limitation of this study. In addition, the researcher has also taken responses from 5 managers which is not enough to conclude anything. Moreover, the researcher has also taken information from different journals and scholars, which is also a limitation of this research paper.
6.3 Recommendation
In order to develop a competitive advantage over the international market, the management of Alliance Group must implement the performance management system within the company’s business process. In addition, the performance management system will help the employees to work well for the development of the company. Moreover, the management of Alliance Group must use the tools of performance management in order to motivate the employees. With the help of performance management system, the organization Alliance Group will also be able to maintain a good working environment within the organization. On that note, the employee will also be able to cooperate with each other for achieving the company’s goals and objectives. In addition, the performance management system will also help the HR manager of Alliance Group to evaluate the performance of the employees within the organization. Moreover, the HR managers of Alliance Group will also be able to track the poor performers and influence them to work well. The management of the organization will also be able to make a good relationship with the employees with the help of performance management system. Thus, it will help both the management and employees to work together for achieving the organizational future goals and objectives.
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Appendix 1: Quantitative Data Analysis
Q1. Gender profile of respondents
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
Male | |||
Female |
Q2. Which among the following age group you belong?
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
20-30 | |||
30-40 | |||
40-50 | |||
50 and above |
Q3. What are the techniques that are used in your organization for assessing performance?
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
Adoption of different methods | |||
Extensive use of self-appraisal | |||
Adoption of different time spans for appraisal |
Q4. Please indicate which of the following methods are considered in performance management system in your organization
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
360 degree feedback | |||
critical incident assessment | |||
behavioral assessment | |||
appreciation and recognition |
Q5. Are the following approaches a part of your organizational performance management system?
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
Personal development planning | |||
Training and development | |||
Motivation and appreciation |
Q6. How far do you agree that your organization is following the effective and adequate approaches in improving organizational performance?
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
Agree | |||
Strongly agree | |||
Neutral | |||
Disagree | |||
Strongly disagree |
Q7. How far do you agree that adopted management system and motivational approaches are helping your performance?
Options |
Response Frequency |
Number of respondents |
Total Number of respondents |
Agree | |||
Strongly agree | |||
Neutral | |||
Disagree | |||
Strongly disagree |
Appendix 2:
Q1. In what terms performance management tools and motivational methods have helped your organization in improving the organizational performance
Manager 1 |
Manager 2 |
Manager 3 |
Manager 4 |
Manager 5 |
“Performance management tools and
motivational methods have greatly been able to
affect the organizational performance in the
effective manner as it has proven to be
beneficial in developing effective performance
management strategy to support the
organizational prerequisites.” |
“The tools and techniques adopted by Alliance Group have significantly helped in managing the workforce as the adopted tools and techniques clearly related with the modern day business approach and are able to meet the requirements of employees in the effective manner.” |
“I have observed that, different employees come with different need and each human mind have different business tactics to perform their functional activities and with this developed scenario, the performance management system requires improvement.” |
“I can state that, it has greatly been beneficial in monitoring and supervising the organizational performance.” |
Different challenges came across in implementing these tools and motivational approaches as certain changes were difficult to introduce amongst the workforce.” |
Q2. How the performance management tools and motivational methods adopted by Alliance Group are is effective in achieving organizational aspirations?
Manager 1 |
Manager 2 |
Manager 3 |
Manager 4 |
Manager 5 |
“ I can state that, performance management
tools and motivational methods have significant
approach in the decision-making process as the
performance management tools and motivational
methods have significant approach in improving
the organizational performance to accomplish the
“These aspects can be improved to make more effective practices as emerging business state is increasing business competency and related challenges in workforce management. Thus, it is important to make effective changes in the adopted performance tools and motivational approaches” |
“These aspects are greatly been able to help the organization as I have seen increasing organizational efficacy as an effective change in workplace productivity has been experienced over the time.” |
The challenges in dealing with the challenges are continuous in the performance management prospect and have the option of making further changes in the organizational welfare” |
“Efficiency and increased productivity has been experienced with the adopted strategies in regards to the performance management system and motivational methods |