Password Cracking with Cain

Password Cracking with Cain & Abel and Ophcrack Lab Assignment

Ophcrack was the most efficient tool in being able to recover passwords. Using a rainbow table, it quickly was able to determine the passwords for five accounts in just a few seconds after simply importing user information from the operating system. Cain and Able was effective at cracking passwords, but with a bit more effort. It is versatile in that it has an interface that allows the user to pursue multiple avenues to crack passwords, such as either a brute force attack or a dictionary attack.

Lab Screen Captures


Figure 1. Cain & Abel Brute Force Attack

Password: “M00n” has been cracked !


Figure 2.

Cain & Abel Dictionary Attack

Password: Disneyland has been cracked!


Figure 3.

Cain & Abel Dictionary Attack

Password seems to be secure as the attack has stopped, and no password has been cracked


Figure 4.

Ophcrack Rainbow Table Attack

Passwords Riza, M00n, and Bats were cracked in just a few short seconds!

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