NU643 Week 13 Quiz Preparation
Description for use: This is an additional study tool, a blueprint, for the upcoming quiz 13. Don't forget that there is also a study guide posted under the learning activities.
- Review the use of atypical antipsychotic use in pregnancy related to major congenital malformations: neural tube in the early weeks like 0-4, then the congenital heart defects 5-9, then the cleft pallet 9-14?
- Review body fat distribution in boys vs girls and half-life considerations: may see a different in effect if drug is highly lipophilic, girls have a higher body fat content.
- Review side effects of the cholinesterase inhibitors: GI, muscle cramps, fatigue, weight loss so body fat may be reduced, exacerbation of mania, or hypomania.
- Review the prescribing of antipsychotics use in dementia and its side effects: Black box warning, beers criteria. Cardiac arrest
- Review which className of psychiatric drugs carry the highest risks of Major congenital malformations: valproate acid , followed by lithium, Lamictal, antipsychotics
- Review current holistic treatment for PMDD: eliminate caffeine, regular exercise, cutting out sugar, getting enough sleep
- Review Memantine mechanism of action: briefly or temporarily blocks the NMDA receptor. So you can still learn, but it slows the response. Stabilizes decline and can improve cognition but doesn’t really slow decline.
- Review the use of treatment plans in pediatric psychiatry: really review with the family the treatment plan. Psychotherapy first always, but then move on to meds. Safety issue: adhd meds. Where is it being stored. Urine screens on patients that they are actually taking the medication
- Review first line treatment of persistent aggression: SSRI plus psychotherapy. CBT therapy.
- Review considerations about the use of psychotropic in pregnancy: none are FDA approved in pregnancy or lactation. All cross the placenta, all are seen in breastmilk.
- Review the use of Escitalopram in children & adolescents: can be used for depression in ages 12 and up
- Review best drug choices in the treatment of acute aggression: lorazepam, Haldol, benadryll. Might see Seroquel, risperdal (second generation antipsychotics). Benzos are not indicated for chronic or persistent aggression
- Review FDA warning regarding treating children with antidepressants: black box warning: increases suicidal ideation in age less than 24 for the first few weeks. Go low and slow. Keep an eye on them, document.
- Review pharmacokinetic changes in pregnancy and dosages during pregnancy: pregnant women may need increased dosage. Increased metabolism, blood volume, weight changes in enzyme systems the CYP gets faster so drugs are eliminated faster
- Review the use of beta blockers as a good choice in treating aggression: reduces heart rate, blood pressure, the physical sensations in the body which can help decrease the aggression. Can take a few weeks (4-6 wks to work)
- Review managing behavioral and psychological symptom management of dementia: teach caregivers behavior is not intentional, reduce change, keep a consistent schedule, reminiscent therapy. Habilitation therapy: tie shoes, set table, ADL as long as possible. Music therapy. Physical exercise, keep them tired so they can sleep at night. Pet therapy.