MSF20413 Certificate II in Glass and Glazing

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The activities related to the glass and servicing of the glass are combined in the glass and the glazing. The people hired in the sector of glass and glazing have different job roles. From handling the glasses to maintaining ad disposing of the glasses are the activities of people working in this sector. For working in the sector of Glass and Glazing there are certain job duties that a learner must perform and this Assignment trains them for the same. Some of the skills that are needed and for which the training is provided are mentioned below.

Part A:

The occupational/ work skills

  1. Usage of the tools
  2. Organization at work
  3. Routine activities

Part B

  1. Fabrication of the window and doors used for the commercial system.
  2. Installation of the window and doors used for the commercial system.

Part C

  1. Fabrication of the window and doors used for the residential system.
  2. Installation of the window and doors used for the residential system.

Part D

  1. Fabrication of the special glass and the product related to the same.
  2. Installation of the special glass and the product related to the same.
  3. Installation of the glass system on vehicles.

Part E

  1. Servicing of the commercial window and doors.
  2. Servicing of the residential window and doors.
  3. Servicing of the special glass and product related to the same.

This Assignment on glass and glazing is for the learners that wanted to proceed with their future in the sector of glass and glazing. There would be training that will be provided to the learners during the Assignment related to the activities that will be performed during the job. The learner will be exposed and engaged in the various tasks to get complete knowledge about this Assignment. There would be the practical knowledge which learner will be imparted with along with all the practical training to overcome all the challenges that arise in this process. A learner can avail many benefits from the Assignment of Glass and glazing.

This Assignment is for the students that wanted to gain knowledge and study glass industry operations in detail at a higher level. The development of any organization depends upon its management. Many people are engaged in Glass and glazing and wanted growth in their careers. This Assignment can make their task easier by inculcating them with the skills of Glass and glazing operation better.

There are many benefits and training that are given to the learners. The government is also approving this Assignment and many scholarships are provided to the learner from the government’s side. There are many benefits of doing this Assignment. Many people are getting salary hikes from the Assignment. There are many benefits offered to the learners. Many incentives and training are provided to the learners. Scholarships are also awarded. The government also provides loans to students who are not able to afford this Assignment. The Assignment on Glass and glazing is for students that have immense interest in this process. The students know the needs and demands of consumers.

 Many universities offer certificates Assignment in this field. Students can pursue the same Assignments in this field. And if a student wanted to pursue higher studies in the same field then the Assignment of certificate II in Glass and glazing is for them. There is a training program developed for the people who wanted to take their career at an advanced level from this Assignment. There are many programs designed for the advanced level in this Assignment. Besides these two advantages, there is a hike in the salary of the people after the completion of this Assignment. This Assignment will surely give students more creativity and ease of presenting themselves.

As per the records, the people who already have pursued the Assignment are happy with the advanced diploma in this Assignment. There are about 74% of the people who are satisfied with the Assignment of certificate II. Furthermore, as per the records, this improves the status of work after this Assignment of the employees is 53% which is a good number. Besides these two advantages, there is a hike in the salary of the people after the completion of this Assignment. This Assignment will surely give students more creativity and ease of presenting themselves.

Qualifications required

One must be good at management and knows the team spirit. One should know the management of his team and encourage other people too. One should be familiar with the work of all the licensing requirements needed for this Assignment of glass and glazing.

Complying with all the procedures which are required for the workplace maintenance and also knowing making Work, Health and safety norms for the staff and monitoring the working of the same.

The Assignment details:

The Assignment has 13 units that must be completed by the learner. Out of the 13 units, 05 are core units and the rest 08 are the elective units.

Core units


Elective units




For the elective units following information must be considered

  • 08 elective units must be selected from the elective list below.
  • 08 elective unit may be selected either from the list below or from elsewhere within this training package or imported from any other endorsed Training Package or accredited Assignment, provided the selected units contribute to the vocational outcome of the qualification and do not duplicate content already covered.

The details of Core units are mentioned below:

Unit code

Unit description


Participation in sustainable practices at work.


Work, Health and, Safety procedures


Communication at the workplace


Collaboration in the team.


Calculations and measurements of the glass.

  • There is no choice for the learner in core units. A learner must complete and pass all the core units.
  • However, a learner has the choice in selecting the elective units.
  • There are further elective units. The details of the elective units can be collected from the official site of the page.

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