Manage Project Human Resources Sample Assignment
Manage Project Human Resources
1. Identify one tool you could use to determine resources requirements for individual tasks. Explain what this tool is and why you would use it. Identify three factors you would consider when determining what project personnel levels you require.
Work Breakdown Structure can be used as a tool to use to determine resources requirements for individual tasks. It is a deliverable-oriented breakdown of a project into smaller components. A work breakdown structure is a key project deliverable that organizes the team's work into manageable sections.
When determining personnel levels to my project I would consider resources requirements, time and budget.
2. Produce an organisational table for two different individual roles within your organisation. There are three types of influences on organisational management structures. Provide an example of each and explain how each would affect your task.
Accepted work practices - Prevent accident and injury through safe work practices as well as communication and reporting procedures. For instance: Safe work procedures make workers aware of risks in their work tasks and tell them how to avoid injury or illness while doing those tasks.
Relevant legislation, such as anti-discrimination, equal employment opportunity, affirmative action and work health and safety. The Commonwealth Government protect people from discrimination and harassment. Their acts, regulations, and codes of practice set out the guidelines for the assessment and implementation of procedures affecting health and safety within the workplace as well as ensure equal employment opportunity for all. For instance: Legislation provides advice and guidance on how to comply with work requirements.
Workplace bargaining – It refers to the process where employees and employers negotiate with the aim of entering into an enterprise agreement. These agreements will continue to operate as agreement based transitional instruments until terminated or replaced. For instance: Employees issues may affect negatively in meeting an agreement.
3. Explain what a staff management plan will detail. You can meet your planned work output by assigning responsibilities. Produce a document you could use in your organisation to record the allocation of responsibilities to individuals in a project. Consider the individual tasks, stage of the project and special skills that may be required for the task.
Project Manager |
Civil Engineer |
Architect |
Labour 1 |
Electrician |
Building Permits |
1 | |||||
Design Definition |
2 | |||||
Layout Definition |
3 | |||||
Technical Drawings |
4 | |||||
Foundation |
5 | |||||
Walls |
6 | |||||
Roof |
7 | |||||
Windows and Doors Installation |
8 | |||||
Electric Installation |
9 | |||||
Painting |
10 | |||||
Flooring |
11 |
4. Research and identify three ways you organise and manage information within your organisation. This may include a software or particular graph you are required to use.
- MS Project
- Excel Tables
- Reports
5. Provide a definition for negotiate and give three examples you may negotiate with staff. Provide a clear job description for two roles of your choice within your organisation. Create a document to record the information.
Negotiating is the process where two or more parties engage in discussions about something. These discussions may involve compromises in certain areas as responsibilities, performance, role definition and so on.
Civil Engineer/ Architect (Technical Responsible) |
Design the Project Materials/Finishes Definition Estimate Costs Budgeting Suppliers Follow project progress Manage Subcontractors |
Supplier/manufactures |
Supply and deliver construction materials |
Job Description | |
Job title |
Civil Engineer |
Job Scope |
Initiation Planning Execution Closure |
Reports to |
Project Manager |
Key Responsibilities |
Design definition Layout Definition Cost Estimation of materials Technical Drawings Material Definition |
General Responsibilities |
Design the Project Materials/Finishes Definition Estimate Costs Budgeting Suppliers Follow project progress Manage Subcontractors |
Person Specification | |
Skills |
Decision-making Leadership Communication Time management Conflict Resolution Adaptability Data Analysis Ability to Work Under Pressure |
Knowledge |
House Construction Building Construction |
Personal Attributes |
Positive trait Achiever Active Adaptable Cheerful Communicative Enthusiastic |
6. You can support personnel and project performance by implementing development and training. What factors would you take into account when identifying whether development and training is required? Identify three techniques you could use to identify whether further training and development is required?
Factors that must be considered when identifying whether development and training is required are made through the current skill set of staff, skills staff feel they need, the skill gaps within the organisation, new skills that could improve the organisation and how to fill the skill gaps.
Self-assessment, questionnaires, surveys and group meetings can be used as tools to identify further training and development.
7. What is a shortfall in performance? What method can you use to determine the cause of a shortfall? Provide an example of a shortfall in performance you have been aware of in your organisation.
When employees are hired, they should provide agreed criteria to perform in accordance of its role. The criteria will differ depending on the team member’s role and responsibilities. A performance shortfall is the failure to meet the required criteria set for a team member or task.
Outline the following:
- How did you identify the shortfall?
Shortfall may be identified through Root Cause Analysis.
- What information did you collect to determine that there was a shortfall?
How a project manager gather information will depend on the performance issue within the organisation. Collecting data from other team members and discuss why they believe there is a shortfall in performance is important to have accuracy. For instance: an equipment or material may be tested in order to determine whether equipment is to blame for the shortfall.
- How did you identify the cause of the issue?
The root cause of the problem may be tracked from the lack of structure to responsibility. By designing and implementing a rota system and assigning responsibility to certain individuals on certain days, you can hold this person accountable and thus eradicate the problem.
A Root Cause Analysis can be applied to many different situations and scenarios and can be very useful for identifying and resolving problems.
- What did you recommend to resolve the problem?
Additional training and coaching sessions may be efficient ways to solve a performance problem.
- Produce a chart of your choice to demonstrate the shortfall in performance, the effect of the shortfall and the remedial action taken.

8. Research and suggest one possible process or action that could be implemented within your organisation to improve performance and project effectiveness. Outline the steps you would need to take to have your suggestion approved and put in place.
Suggestion boxes could be used within my organisation to provide an opportunity for staff to anonymously confront problems or issues raised. This suggestion could be approved by the General Manager and purchase the boxes to be put within the office. A meeting would be conducted to explain the purpose of the boxes and how the forms could be filled up.
9. Produce a document you could use within your organisation to report influences affecting team morale for remedial action. Research and outline the process you would need to follow in your organisation to report an influence affecting your team morale.
Issue level |
Area |
Finding |
Remedial action |
Time frame |
Critical | ||||
Major | ||||
Concern |
A useful framework should are used within organisation aiming to understand morale and manipulate it. The three dimensions offer a template to help understand how organisational actions impact on the morale of employees. For the value dimension questions are asked to suggest that the employees are valued (or not) For the future/goal dimension, clear objectives and a sense of meaningful progress are identified. And at end process, interpersonal dimension, quality of interpersonal relationships are measured.
10. Identify three ways conflicts may incur within your organisation. Provide an example of a conflict you have previously come across. Outline what the conflict was, how it had developed and what organisation procedures were implemented to resolve the conflict. Research and identify one piece of legislation that may affect how you resolve a conflict.
Conflits may occur because of a variety of factor. They can be:
Clash of personality
Differing opinions
Lack of communication
I have already had an internal conflict because of lack of communication. I had to deliver a report, however some information had to be completed by another person. My e-mail was delivered as a spam and I did have time to call him. Because of lots of things to do, I forgot to try to talk to him again and it caused a misundestanding.
Workplace conflict resources
It's important that as an employer know his rights and responsibilities. With the right information can make sure anyone is not contravening employment conditions and laws. This will also give confidence in settling workplace conflicts.
Employee rights, awards and entitlements
Workplace conflict about employee rights, wages and entitlements can consume a large amount of time and energy for any business.
Responding to discrimination or harassment
Laws protect people from discrimination or harassment in the workplace, based on their age, race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, sex, pregnancy, marital status or disability.
hese national laws apply:
- Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cwlth)
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwlth)
- Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cwlth)
- Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cwlth)
Workplace relations tribunal
Fair Work Commission (FWC) is Australia's national workplace relations tribunal. FWC can help to resolve disputes involving employers, employees and unions and employer associations who are covered by the national workplace relations system.
Work health and safety
A business is legally obligated to provide a safe workplace for employees, customers, and other people such as members of the public and visitors.
11. Every organisation will have different organisational policies and procedures when dealing with conflict in the workplace. Research and identify three principles outlined in your dispute resolution process that will help you to manage the conflict.
Ways to manage and resolve dispute:
There are many ways you can respond to a dispute, including by:
- deciding whether to live with things staying the way they are
- talking to the other people involved and trying to find an outcome (sometimes called ‘negotiating’)
- getting help from an organisation or a person who is not involved in the dispute.
This could include:
- an ADR practitioner, such as a mediator
- a lawyer or other person who may negotiate for you or give you advice on your legal rights
- a person trusted by everyone involved in the dispute
- an Ombudsman
- a court or tribunal.
Sometimes using technology to support a dispute resolution process.
National Principle 1: Self-responsibility is the first step
To resolve a dispute, it is needed to take responsibility for:
- being clear about what is in dispute
- genuinely trying to resolve the dispute
- seeking support when need it.
National Principle 2: Early resolution is good resolution
Resolve a dispute in the simplest and most cost-effective way, and as early as the organisation can. An organisation can still use ADR (alternative dispute resolution) processes if going to court.
National Principle 3: Listen and participate
Show commitment to the dispute resolution process by listening to other views and by putting forward and considering options to resolve dispute.
12. Explain why it is important to disband a project team.
Team disbandment after a project is completed can often be overlooked in discussions of team building, but it is an essential step. Taking a moment to celebrate accomplishments, to examine what worked within the team and what did not, and to plan individual next steps, creates opportunities for future individual and team development. It also encourages an environment of sustainable team building within a company. A manager can disband a team in a short, efficient meeting that generates valuable takeaways for all team members.
13. Identify three methods you can use to identify human resource issues. Provide an example where you have previously used one of these methods to identify a human resource issue. Explain how you used this method.
Human resource issues can be identified through:
- Regular audits
- Notes or minutes from meetings with staff
- Feedback and suggestion forms
Feedbacks were used to identify performance issues through regular meetings. After my feedback, the employee improved his performance.
14. Choose a job role within your organisation. Your task will require you to create a job description for your chosen role to be used to advertise the position. You must provide evidence that you have completed the following tasks:
- Conduct research within your organisation to research your chosen job role.
- Participate in a verbal discussion with team members and senior management to determine the role responsibilities
- Use previous job description examples from your organisation
- Use the internet to discover the requirements and duties of the job role.
Core Responsibilities:
- Establish, report and follow up all on non-conformance activities;
- Enforce the relevant safety rules at site and make sure persobal protective equipment is worn as and where required by the staff under their responsibility;
- Attend coordination meetings organied by client and consultants;
- Conduct baily briefing with site team leaders to folow-up and report on the work progress in order to antecipate any possible delays with regard to planned tasks;
- Take immediate corrective action to avoid any cumulative effect of such deviation and recover the delay to finish the task in due time;
- To assist Project Manager in the supervision and management of construction activities to asiigned project;
- Assist in the planning and sequency of the construction operations according to the Project Quality Plan;
- Conduct regular inspections and assess the work perfornamnce done by all subcontractors;
- Evaluate and resolve any discrepancies and problems arising during construction wich affect the quality of works performed;
- Attend to meetings with owners to solve technical issues and other related matters;
- Coordinate the handing over of completed works to client and completion of the necessary rectification works;
- Provide Technical Support to other site team member.
Job Specifications
Minimum Educationa Qualifications/Experience required:
- 3 to 5 years experience as a Civil Engineer;
- Dergree in Civil Engineering recognised by PE board;
- Possess sound understanding of drawings, interface between different objects and systems;
- Possess understanding of business critical scenarios in terms f site management and safety.
15. Using the correct industry related terminology; develop a word document advertising the role. You should use your research from your previous findings. You will need to include the following in your advert:
- Job title
- Job description
- Job role
- Skills required
- Who they are responsible to
- Possible job developments
JOB TITLE: Civil Engineering
Core Responsibilities:
- Establish, report and follow up all on non-conformance activities;
- Enforce the relevant safety rules at site and make sure persobal protective equipment is worn as and where required by the staff under their responsibility;
- Attend coordination meetings organied by client and consultants;
- Conduct baily briefing with site team leaders to folow-up and report on the work progress in order to antecipate any possible delays with regard to planned tasks;
- Take immediate corrective action to avoid any cumulative effect of such deviation and recover the delay to finish the task in due time;
- To assist Project Manager in the supervision and management of construction activities to asiigned project;
- Assist in the planning and sequency of the construction operations according to the Project Quality Plan;
- Conduct regular inspections and assess the work perfornamnce done by all subcontractors;
- Evaluate and resolve any discrepancies and problems arising during construction wich affect the quality of works performed;
- Attend to meetings with owners to solve technical issues and other related matters;
- Coordinate the handing over of completed works to client and completion of the necessary rectification works;
- Provide Technical Support to others site team member.
- Determines project costs by calculating labour, material, and related costs.
- Prepares feasibility study by analysing engineering design; conducting environmental impact studies; assembling data.
- Prepares engineering documents by developing construction specifications, plans, and schedules.
- Confirms adherence to construction specifications and safety standards by monitoring project progress; inspecting construction site; verifying calculations and placements.
- Fulfills project requirements by training and guiding operators.
- Maintains operations by enforcing project and operational policies and procedures.
- Provides engineering information by answering questions and requests.
- Complies with federal, state, and local legal requirements by studying existing and new legislation; anticipating future legislation; enforcing adherence to requirements; advising management on needed actions.
- Maintains project data base by writing computer programs; entering data; completing backups.
- Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.
- A Diploma in Civil Engineering
- Demonstrated initiative and creativity to be able to anticipate and solve design issues within urban and civil infrastructure, including sewer reticulation plus erosion and sediment control
- Knowledge of relevant engineering codes, standards and practices
- Ability to use engineering design software as required
- Skilled in studying and interpreting architectural drawings and specifications
- Strong communication skills, along with the ability to work autonomously and collaboratively within a team.
- Reports directly to the Project Manager
- Is in charge of labours, electricians, carpenters and painters.
Provision of training and development process supported by the company that encourages the following;
- a culture of continuous learning and performance improvements;
- application of the principles of growth, feedback and accountability to the way that we work;
- demonstration of the companys' commitment to developing and retaining the talents of our workforce.
- Regular, meaningful performance conversations with his performance manager and a process of giving and receiving constructive feedback; and
- clearly identifiable and documented performance development plans that create an awareness of the staff members contribution towards organisations’ goals and objectives.
16. Identify four human resource management (HRM) methods, techniques and tools. Provide an example of each of the methods, techniques and tools you have identified, and briefly summarise (max. 150 words per item) how and why these have been used.
There are various methods, techniques and tools that can support you on personnel effectiveness and performance. It can help you to solve problems and conflicts inside the team, develop talent strategies, review, evaluation and the like. Examples of these methods are:
RACI MATRIX – It is a responsibility assignment matrix and describes the participation by various functions in completing and delivering tasks for a project process. RACI means:
R=Responsible -They are responsible for doing the work and complete the task.
A=Accountable - Accountable must approve the work that responsible provides.
C=Consulted - They provide information and their opinion are requested. They are subject experts.
I=Informed - They are kept up-to-date on progress, on completion of the task or deliverable because they are influenced by the outcomes.
Mentoring - Mentoring is a technique used by which a person (mentor) teaches, advises, and guides to another (the mentee) in their personal and professional development. It is the traditional "sponsorship" that currently is used primarily in high positions in organizations.
Competence Management / Knowledge Management and Performance Evaluation - This methodology allows to reconcile the interests of the company with the interests of each individual. While comparing the knowledge and skills required by the organization to those who reside in people.
Internal Communication - Internal is a condition for improving the work environment, encourage engagement, providing leadership and coordination of all people within an organization.
17. Identify, explain and give an example for a strategy that could be used to manage project human resources in each of the following situations:
- Determining resource requirements
Determining resource requirements – Research - First, it is important to break the project down into individual tasks. This will help you to discover the resource requirements; not only material needs, but time and financial needs. There will be wide differences in the individual tasks required for a project due to the varying industries and areas that a project can be created. Before break a task down it important to describe it and all the activities needed to be able to complete the task and if there are dependencies in order to define resource requirements.
- Assigning responsibilities
Assigning responsibilities – Criteria used to assign responsibilities involves selection of qualification, experience and relevancy, internal versus external, location, availability and personality to match a person to a specific task and role.
- Addressing a skills gap through learning and development
Addressing a skills gap through learning and development – Training/Coaching - After skills are identified in an employee, a training/coaching must be conducted to improve her/his learning and development abilities to obtain better performance.
- Overcoming shortfalls in performance
Overcoming shortfalls in performance -Training – After shortfalls are identified in an employee, a training must be conducted to improve he/she skills and obtain better performance.
- Motivating the team
Motivating the team - Reward & Recognition - Linking employee awards with your main HR policy can be extremely effective, to not only help you achieve your own departmental goals but motivate your team members or employees to work even harder.
- Conflict resolution.
Conflict resolution - Formal Conflict Management -It is taken by conversation in order to obtain fact-finding investigation and a hearing or arbitration. If a conflict can’t be resolved informally, or if an employee chooses not to resolve it informally, the employee can initiate a formal conflict management process by filing a complaint or grievance.
18. Identify three factors that should be considered when measuring individuals’ performance against agreed criteria.
- Relationship with co-workers – how an employee deal with co-workers and manager (personality).
- Achievement of objectives and goals (productivity/time requirements) established by managers.
- Future expectations – If the employee is aligned with individual performance management by the company.
19. What is a Root Cause Analysis? In either text or graphic form, undertake a Root Cause Analysis for one problem you have encountered in either a current or previous work role. Attach this to your workbook.
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a method of problem solving used for identifying the root causes of faults, problems or events. Toot cause analysis it is not only solve problems but prevent them as well.
On my previous job, strategic employees had a mobile phone given for the company, however the sound quality was not good, and all employees claimed about it. So, a IT department undertook a RCA in order to investigate the incidents regarding calls. After a period of investigation, it was identified that was a manufacturing problem detected in those kind of mobiles. All of them had to be changes for a better one.
20. Identify and explain two techniques for managing and improving individuals’ performance.
Providing an effective training
Providing all new employees with proper training in regards to their roles and tasks is an efficient way to improve performance. Once employees know what to do in an efficient, the processes for getting the job done become routine and they may contribute their unique ideas.
Performance feedback
The effects of feedback on performance have a positive result. People who receive immediate and frequently feedback achieve better performance than those who are not receiving. Feedback enhances individual’s performance significantly when it is given constantly.
Coaching is an interactive process through which managers and supervisors seek to resolve performance issues or to develop staff capacity through collaboration and based on three components: technical support, personal support and individual challenge. The aim of the coaching is to improve professional performance, correct inappropriate behaviors and to maximize person's potential.
22. Name and explain two human resource management methods, techniques and tools.
Method used when recruiting and selecting human resources:
Human resource selection model:
- Criteria Development
- Application and resume review
- Test Administration
- Chose a candidate
Motivating human resources:
- listen and answer technique
- positive verbal feedback
- negative verbal feedback
- job extension ▪ job enrichment
- salary
- hourly rate
- bonus
- gratification
- profit sharing
23. Name and explain two strategies that may be used for managing project human resources. Explain for what application each strategy may be used.
Project Human Resource Management includes the processes that organize, manage, and lead the project team. The project team is comprised of the people with assigned roles and responsibilities for completing the project. Project team members may have varied skill sets, may be assigned full or part-time, and may be added or removed from the team as the project progresses. Project team members may also be referred to as the project's staff.
This knowledge are is composed of the following processes:
Plan Human Resource Management—The process of identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, required skills, reporting relationships, and creating a staffing management plan.
Acquire Project Team—The process of confirming human resource availability and obtaining the team necessary to complete project activities.
Develop Project Team—The process of improving competencies, team member interaction, and overall team environment to enhance project performance.
Manage Project Team—The process of tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and managing changes to optimize project performance.
24. Name and explain two processes that may be used to measure individual’s performance against agreed criteria.
Punctuality: Employees who regularly arrive late for work or are frequently absent from the office are unlikely to be meeting their performance objectives. Issues with punctuality mean an employee is not doing their job to their full potential and a negative attitude may also be affecting their colleagues.
Quality of work: The timely completion of projects to the desired standard is a key indicator in measuring employee performance. Is the work being carried out average or outstanding? Are they committing maximum effort to projects? Is their attitude affecting their ability to meet your expectations? Do they understand their personal performance objectives? The answers to those questions will help to understand the root causes of any problems.
Personal habits: Perpetual bad habits can detract from employee performance. This may include indulging in office gossip, taking unauthorized breaks, disruptive behavior and the use of computers for personal reasons (such as social media, online shopping). In order to prevent these habits from being adopted by co-workers, organisation must be clear on what is acceptable in your business and issue an appropriate behavioral code.
25. Name and explain two techniques for managing and improving performance.
Performance Reviews
Annual performance reviews are a key component of employee development. The performance review is intended to be a fair and balanced assessment of an employee’s performance. Performance Review, specifies that the objective of the annual review is to provide all employees an opportunity to:
- Discuss job performance
- Set goals for professional development
- Establish objectives for contributing to the department’s mission
- Discuss expectations and accomplishments
Coaching is an interactive process through which managers and supervisors seek to resolve performance issues or to develop staff capacity through collaboration and based on three components: technical support, personal support and individual challenge. The aim of the coaching is to improve professional performance, correct inappropriate behaviours and to maximize person's potential.