Life of King Tutankhamun Assignment Help

Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, was one of the most popular pharaohs of the ancient Egypt. Although he wasn’t a popular figure in the ancient Egyptian history, he was son of Akhenaten (also known as Amenhotep IV). The boy king of the 18th Egyptian dynasty who had a short term for 8 to 9 years had achieved very little. He became popular and widely acclaimed when his intact tomb was discovered in 1922 which has led many to unfold the mysteries of his life and death.

When was Tutankhamun born?

King Tutankhamun was born Circa 1341 B.C.E and was initially given the name Tutankhaten. Tutankhaten literally means ‘living image of Aten’. During his birth, Egypt was facing social and economic downs. Forbidding the worship of many gods, Tutankhamen’s father favored worshipping of one god, Aten, the sun disk. He was also titled as the heretic king. Many historians have differed on the point that - the shift from polytheism to monotheism and the changes it brought or was Akhenaten only trying to elevate Aten above all other gods. Akhenaten’s intention was in reducing the powers of the priest and shifting the traditional based economy to a new establishment run by the local government and troops of the military forces. In Akhenaten’s power, he had commanded to deface all other Egyptian deities and gods.

Rise of Tutankhamun to Power as King Tut

Tutankhaten took in charge of the power around 1321 B.C.E. Since he was young in this field, he heavily relied on his advisers. In the same year, he was married to Ankhesenamun. Ankhesenamun who was half-sister and daughter of Akhenaten. The couple had twin daughters who were stillborn. Since Akhenaten had taken control over the power too young. Therefore, he was controlled by his elder one’. His elder brother Ay was helped and assisted by Egypt’s supreme military commander at that time.

Foreign policies were paid no attention during Akhenaten’s reign. Tutankhamun restored and improved relations with all the neighboring countries. There are evidences that suggests Tutankhamun foreign policies were successful. Tutankhamun was well trained in the military, and also evidences tell us that he was good at archery. During his period, battles were fought between Egypt and Nubians and Asiatic over Territory and trade routes.

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Tutankhamun also restored and repaired all the holy sites thinking that God would favor on Egypt.

Death of Tutankhamun

There are lots of archaeological evidences that state that Tutankhamun suffered from ill health. Tutankhamun had no children. Therefore, his death at the age of 19 resulted in chaos all over. He was laid down in a rich and luxurious tomb which was filled with gold artifacts. There are evidences which state that – after Tutankhamun’s death Ankhesenamum came in touch with the king of the Hittites, requesting for one of his sons. Although the king of Hittite sent one of his sons, he was killed while he was travelling to the Royal palace.

Tutankhamun was buried in the valley of the kings. He was buried in a tomb. It is often said and believed that his early death resulted in a quick burial in a tomb which was quite small and was built for the less noble. The body was preserved and laid to rest. The tomb was secured.

Discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb by Howard Carter

Whatever information and evidences is known to us regarding Tutankhamun comes from the discovery of his tomb in 1922. Howard carter, a British archaeologist started excavating the tomb in Egypt in 1891. After the end of World War 1, Howard Carter explored and searched for Tutankhamun’s tomb. He searched for it in the valley of the kings. On 26th of November 1922, Howard Carter and his fellow archaeologist went inside the chambers of the tomb. They were amazed when they found most of the contents intact to the tomb. In one of the chambers, there were murals painted over the walls that described Tutankhamun’s funeral and his journey. Besides inscriptions there were also artifacts of his journey. Artifacts included oils, perfumes, jewelries, statues of god and toys from his childhood. One of the most fascinating item found inside the chamber was the stone sarcophagus which contained three coffins, inside one other, with the last coffin made of gold. When Howard Carter and his fellow archaeologist opened the lid of the third coffin, King Tutankhamun’s royal mummy was revealed. The royal mummy was preserved for more than 3000 years. When archaeologists examined the mummy, they also found artifacts which include rings and collars, bracelets. Over the years, Howard and his fellow archaeologist excavated the four-room tomb. They found collections of priceless objects.

Need help with more interesting facts on King Tutankhamun’s life?

There are many more interesting facts regarding King Tutankhamun’s life and about discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb such as the speculation about the manner and time of King Tut’s death, repeated cross examination of Tutankhamun’s tomb, why did Tutankhamun changed his name from Tutankhaten, burial rituals and funeral practices discovered from King Tut’s mummy, how much gold was found inside King Tutankhamun’s mummy as well as regarding forensic analysis process of Howard Carter.

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