ITPM515 Business Analysis Fundamentals Sample Assignment
Introduction and Background
A variety of grants management systems exists with the state government. The current approach involves individual agencies to submit paper-based applications and these applications then go through a manual and time-consuming handling process. eGrants Project is sought as a common state-wide enterprise approach by individual agencies to have a single application process for all grant management programs. The new system will include a user-friendly web-portal which will help agencies to apply for grants online in a secure, simplified and paperless way. This portal will serve as an entry point to all grants management applications and educates with information about grants maintained within individual customer state agencies. The processing of these applications is then automated by enabling individual agencies to apply their own business rules using standardized templates and scoring mechanisms to evaluate and approve the automated applications.
The Requirements Specifications Document describes detailed overview of the eGrants project with parameters and goals. It describes the Business process, Functional and Non-Functional requirements of the project. This document is intended for the use of stakeholders and users.
This document addresses requirements related to
- Single online application for all agency grant management programs.
- Automation of applications handling process.
- Applying individual business rules using standardized templates and scoring mechanisms to evaluate automated applications.
Glossary, Acronyms and Abbreviations
Term |
Meaning |
Egrants |
Electronic Grants |
Graphical User Interface |
Data Base Management System |
Responsive Web Design |
Assumption and Constraints (if any)
- Assumed that the web portal development will use RWD approach.
- Assumed that all stakeholders will have access to Oracle DBMS.
- The technical team shall have Bi weekly sprints.
- User stories are organized to have release in every 3 months.
Requirements Format and Traceability
The user story format for Egrants project shall be like:
As a user, I need log in credentials, so that I can submit my Egrants application
The Use Case format for Egrants project shall be like:
- User
- System
Brief Description
The web portal for eGrants shall allow users to print the confirmation page for submission
Flow of Events
- The user shall have an account with the Egrants website.
- The user shall have filled in all the required details for submitting the application.
- The user shall have successfully submitted the application.
Basic Flow
- The system shall let the user submit the application for Egrants.
- The system shall prompt the user the application has been submitted successfully.
- The system shall provide the user with Application number.
- The system shall prompt user to print the confirmation page for their records.
Alternative Flows
- The system shall prompt the user that the application could not be submitted successfully.
Post conditions
- The user shall be able to use the application number to track their status.
Requirements Traceability: Each Business requirement shall be identified by a unique id and a corresponding user requirement; system requirement and test requirement will be documented in the requirements traceability matrix. Thus, at any given point, requirements can be tracked and corresponding development and test cases can be referred.
Change Management Process
The process to manage change is to access the scope of the change and defining the impact on the organizational goals. The problem is then analyzed to check if it is valid. This analysis is forwarded to change requestor who may request for detailed requirements. The proposed change is then analyzed based on system requirements. A decision is then taken if the change is to be processed or rejected.
To implement the change, the Change Request document is documented and signed off before the requirements specification document is modified.
Business Process

Customer Classes or Actors
Functional Requirements
Goal: To develop a grants management web portal which will serve as an enterprise approach for state agencies to apply for grants online and maintain grants information within individual customer state agencies. The system shall further automate application handling process by enabling SMEs of individual agencies to evaluate and approve the applications by applying their own business rules using standardized templates and scoring mechanisms
Attributes: The web portal shall be user-friendly, simple, secure and intuitive so that users can easily navigate and find solution.
Use Case 1
- User
- System
Brief Description
The web portal for eGrants shall allow users to register on the website using a valid SSN, Email id and Password
Flow of Events
- The user should have a valid email account.
- The user shall have a valid phone number.
- The user shall have a valid SSN.
Basic Flow
- The system shall prompt user to enter personal information like Name, DOB, SSN, phone number and email id on the registration form to register.
- The system shall prompt the user to provide with the code sent through text message.
- The system shall prompt the user to create a password which must have 8 characters, at least one Capitalized letter and at least one symbol.
- The system shall prompt user to select 2 secret questions from the pick list and provide their answers for security.
Alternative Flows
- The system shall prompt the user if the Email id is not valid.
- The system shall prompt the user that code provided through text message does not match.
- The system shall not accept the password created if the 3 conditions are not met.
Post conditions
- The user shall be able to provide with the email id that is registered, every time he/she tries to log in.
- The user shall be able to provide the unique password, every time he/she tries to log in.
Use Case 2
- User
- System
Brief Description
The web portal for eGrants shall allow user to provide with Bank account details.
Flow of Events
- The user shall have a valid bank account with a nationalized bank.
- The user shall have a valid routing number.
Basic Flow
- The system shall prompt user to provide Bank account number where the funds needs to be transferred.
- The system shall prompt the user to provide with the routing number associated with that bank account
- The system shall prompt the user that the bank account information is saved to their account.
Alternative Flows
- The system shall prompt the user if the bank account number is not valid.
- The system shall prompt the user if the routing number is not valid or associated with the bank account number provided.
Post conditions
- The bank account shall be credited with the funds once the application is approved.
Use Case 3
- User
- System
Brief Description
The web portal for eGrants shall allow user to check their account status.
Flow of Events
- The user shall log in to the system using their registered Email id and Password.
Basic Flow
- The user shall click the account status button.
- The system shall prompt the user to provide answers to the secret questions.
- The system shall provide user with the account status saying Approved, Rejected or Pending
Alternative Flows
- The system shall prompt the user that the email id is not registered with the system.
- The system shall prompt the user if the Password is wrong.
Post conditions
- The Account status shall be updated as soon as there is a change in the status of the application.
Use Case 4
- User
- System
Brief Description
The web portal for eGrants shall allow user to Edit/Add Bank Account details.
Flow of Events
- The user shall log in to the system using their registered Email id and Password.
Basic Flow
- The user shall click the Edit/Add Bank Account button.
- The system shall prompt the user to provide answers to the secret questions.
- The system shall allow user to edit the existing bank account or add new Bank Account details.
- The system shall notify the user through Email and text message regarding change in Bank Account information.
Alternative Flows
- The system shall prompt the user if the bank account number is not valid.
- The system shall prompt the user if the routing number is not valid or associated with the bank account number provided.
Post conditions
- The system shall be update the account holder’s information with new Bank Account details.
Use Case 5
- User
- System
Brief Description
The web portal for eGrants shall allow user to submit application for approval of funds requested.
Flow of Events
- The user shall log in to the system using their registered Email id and Password.
- The user shall have a valid Bank Account associated with their Egrants portal account.
Basic Flow
- The user shall click the Apply for grants.
- The system shall provide the user with the form to be filled out.
- The user shall fill in all the required fields.
- The user shall click the submit Button
Alternative Flows
- The system shall prompt the user to fill in the required details.
Post conditions
- The system shall prompt the user that the application has been submitted.
- The system shall provide the user with requisition number.
Use Case 6
- User
- System
Brief Description
The web portal for eGrants shall allow users to Log Out of their account.
Flow of Events
- The user shall log in to the system using their registered Email id and Password.
Basic Flow
- The user shall click the Log Out button.
- The system shall prompt the user that they have been logged out.
- The system shall allow user to Log In again.
Alternative Flows
- The system shall prompt the user to save the changes before logging out.
Post conditions
- The system shall be log out the account holder from the web portal.
Non-Functional Requirements Defined
- Response time to the web portal shall be minimum.
- The background color of the website shall be Blue in color.
- The website shall be developed using responsive web designing.
- The user data shall be recorded and maintained into the database.
Management Report
Approval Report
Pending Report
Denial Report
Meeting Date |
Attendees Sign-off |
2/8/18 |
Project Manager: Debra Kessler Project sponsor: Kevin Montague |