Google Trend Sample Assignment
Google trends are one of the features or we can say a site launched by Google which helps people all around the world to get the knowledge of the various words and topics of tons of topics which are trending and shows the graphic representation of these words and topics of their usage over a certain period of time. Data analysis is an ever-growing field which does the evaluation of the evolvement of the various things and also evaluates how much something has been used and what is trending and what is common in the current period. These data analysis is carried out by various different companies from the various different sources which helps in developing relation between the real and virtual world and helps in knowing the latest trends within an domain which is very helpful for various studies and also research and development in various fields and this all can be done with single search and thus Google Trend is one such platform which helps in collecting this information.
In the essay provided here, there has been an analysis for some words that are technically related which would help people in knowing which words are currently trending and not trending in the information technology field and thus can help them in various ways. But with the results from the Google trends about various words described here and analysis done cannot be said that is completely correct but this gives us the idea of the trends which are very helpful in knowing and can give us a sort of inspiration to work towards the better and correct results with greater accuracy. In this file, the words used for increasing trends are Cloud storage and Wi-Fi. The words used for the analysis of the declining trends are Mainframe(servers) and SMS(short messaging service).
Main Frame(servers)
Mainframes are physical systems or computers used to host any application, websites, web pages or any other online services. These are huge machines which were used by companies to host their services in a particular area or larger parts(Ebbers, Bosch, Ebert, Hellner, Johnston, Kroll, Mild, O'Brien, Ogden, Salm, and Schmidbauer, 2016). These are used to connect various servers and users simultaneously.

Reason for decline
Mainframe servers as said are physical computer and systems used for connecting various hosts and servers are huge in size and require a lot of space. Besides the space issue, these also require regular monitoring and safety issues and these have to keep under secured observations as hacking these is easy and also making physical damage is easy and hence this can and has caused companies to lose many million dollars. Also being very huge in size these require additional cooling systems because they generate a lot of heat due to heavy processing that is done on them. Hence these were and still are not cost effective for the companies due to the above-mentioned limitations.
Graph Detail
The overall trend of the word Mainframe has been on the decline as this is very much evident from the graph. After the analysis of the graph it can be seen that the searches have reached a low of 28 in the month of December in the year 2015 and also from the fact that the word had reached a low of 31in this year that it had a decreasing popularity due to the various limitations it has and also with the advent of the cloud storage.
SMS(short messaging service)
SMS also is known as short messaging service is a service used to send messages from one location or person to another via the use of mobiles and smartphones. These are used to send a textual message from one user to another person(Hayati, Jalilifar, and Mashhadi, 2013).

Reason for decline
SMS is the service which is used to transfer messages or text from one place to another hence these were and still are charged by the operators. Hence with the advent of the technology various different other messaging applications which are free of cost have aroused which have made life easier and better for people and have made communication experience better and with almost negligible cost. Also, the biggest drawback for SMS is that only text messages can be sent and with the way life has moved it is has become a necessity for the transfer of documents also and thus this was not possible with the SMS service. Although it can be argued that there was an MMS service but it was very costly and hence was not feasible for the people and also heavy files could not be transferred.
Graph Detail
The overall trend of the word SMS has been on the decline as this is very much evident from the graph. After the analysis of the graph it can be seen that the searches have reached a low of 20 in the month of November in the year 2016 and also from the fact that the word had reached a low of 70 in the year 2008 that it had a decreasing popularity due to the various kind of competition from other services. Also with the fluctuation in the graphs, it is clear that it is on the decline and with the start of this month or even the year, it is on the continuous downward graph.
Cloud Storage
Cloud storage is a virtual space which is used to store various applications data such as documents images etc. It is a computer form of storing the data, unlike the physical means. These can be accessed from the internet or cloud(Aizman, and Bestler, 2013). The data is stored on the remote servers which are easily accessible.

Reason for Incline
In the past, huge physical servers were used to store data in one place and hence that was difficult to maintain. With the advent of the cloud computing and cloud storage, it is possible for various companies to store huge amount of data with particular ease and without any hassle. Also, these storage places do not have any sort of maintenance and are also not prone to easy hacking or loss of data. The biggest advantage of these storages is that these can be accessed from any location and by anybody and hence is very popular from the start of the decade. Also, people can store various different types of data in just one place which is very helpful.
Graph Details
The word Wi-Fi has been searched maximum times in the month of November in the years 2014 and 2015 with searches reaching 100 and 96 respectively. Also, the search for this word has been on the incline at the start of this month and this is very evident from the graph. Also, graphs show many times the has peaked searched graphs and thus indicating that these words have been on the incline. It is also noted from the analysis of the graph that amount of searches for this word has been continuously in the region of 90's and hence has been very strong in over a decade and has been in thick and thin every year.
Wi-Fi known as wireless networking technology is technology for radio wireless local area networking of devices. It is the services which provide wireless high-speed internet and network connection to the users(Zhang, Chu, Guo, and Wang, 2015). These are a simplified form of LAN technology which on improvement gives high speed for networking and net searches.

Reason for incline
From a couple of years with the advent and more easily use and latest development and research of optical fiber the usage of the Wi-Fi has ever since increased. Also from the use of Wi-Fi has been ever so increasing since the use of LAN technology has increased as this is wireless technology and is easy for the people and users to handle these and have made the speed of the internet use the unthinkable speeds. With space constraints getting bigger and bigger the use of Wi-Fi in the form dongles the use of Wi-Fi will be and is ever so on an incline.
Graph Details
The word Wi-Fi has been searched maximum times in the month of November in the years 2016 and 2017 with searches reaching 100 and 92 respectively. Also, the search for this word has been on the incline at the start of this month and this is very evident from the graph. Also, graphs show many times the has peaked searched graphs and thus indicating that these words have been on the incline. It can be noted from the graph that the word has plunged upwards various times and thus indicating the strength this technology brings to the people.
Aizman, A. and Bestler, C., Nexenta Systems Inc, 2013. Cloud storage system with distributed metadata. U.S. Patent 8,533,231.
Ebbers, M., Bosch, W., Ebert, H.J., Hellner, H., Johnston, J., Kroll, M., Mild, W., O'Brien, W., Ogden, B., Salm, I. and Schmidbauer, J., 2016. Introduction to the New Mainframe: IBM Z/VSE Basics. IBM Redbooks.
Hayati, A., Jalilifar, A., and Mashhadi, A., 2013. Using Short Message Service (SMS) to teach English idioms to EFL students. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(1), pp.66-81.
Zhang, H., Chu, X., Guo, W. and Wang, S., 2015. Coexistence of Wi-Fi and heterogeneous small cell networks sharing unlicensed spectrum. IEEE Communications Magazine, 53(3), pp.158-164.