Toon talk
Toon talk is a computer programming language develop for the students to learn the programming. The meaning of toon is cartoon and the toon talk is a programming language to create the talking animation cartoons. Toon talk use the janus computer programming language and provide the easy techniques to create animations. The toon talk works on the sequence of rules and the each rule have a head and a tail. The toon talk works on the concept that in which the rule is act a robot, the program is act as a team of the robots and the box is the place where programs can be placed at different compartments. Learning with toon talk is a fun and student face various challenges and solve puzzles by programming.
Toon talk work on the nest/bird mechanism which means the communication is between bird and nest. The rule is followed by the bird and bird place the egg in the nest if the egg is already placed in the nest then the egg is placed on the eggs.
Toon talk
