Stencyl is a very high quality game creation platform which allows creating 2D, 3D games for various platforms like computer, mobile and webbing. It is first called and stencylworks but after some development and the initial release it is called as stencil. Stencyl make the gamming programming very simple. It provides the facility of drag and drop interface for the coding. Students have to drag and drop the coloured blocks for creating logic for the games. Games create in stencil can be embed in to the web using HTML and adobe flash player and can sell their games on the mobile stores like iphone, android market.
Stencyl programs are code in HEX programming language and uses NME gamming framework to provide the flexibility and write once run anywhere gaming. Stencyl is used y many schools to teach the students the gaming programming and to give introduction to the beginners of programming concepts. Stencyl provide the very user friendly IDE which helps the beginners to learn programming easily. It has several modules to write the code for the specific function. It has various editors for the programming of a specific task like behavioural editor, tileset editor, actor editor, scene designer. People can develop a game, Play a game and can share the game on Internet.
StencylWorks Program