Squeak etoys
Squeak is a educational tool create to teach the students the powerful ideas of learning programming and studies. Squeak etoys is a media rich environment which enables to use the various virtual objects to create a lecture. It is a free software program which runs on the almost all type of computer platforms. Etoys system is main focus on the programmable virtual entities functioning on the computer screen. The various types of features provide by the etoys are 2D, 3D graphics, images, text, presentations, webpages, music and videos. Squeak etoys is based on the object oriented programming language. It runs on the more then 20 platforms.
Squeak etoys

Squeak etoys versions exist in three programming languages:
- Based on Squeak, a dialect of smalltalk
- Based on Squeak, but uses the optional tweak programming environment
- Based on python, name is patapata
Squeak is used to enhance the learning power of the students by providing the modern learning of math’s and science. Etoys is the environment which enables students to learn by modern techniques by playing, building and simulating the physical world. Etoys helps the teacher to teach effectively by using the modern lectures by using animations and sound effects in the lecture. It provide the powerful and user friendly interface which helps the beginners in learning programming concepts.
Squeak Etoys Tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjT3b2SXbmU