RoboMind Programming Language
RoboMind is software used to programming a robot and used to teach the robotic programming to students. Robominds is used in the education sector for the science and technology projects at the school and colleges. It is used to teach students that how theoretical aspects from computer science are used to solve the practical problems in science. Robomind is a trending way to teach the new technology in the schools to students.
Example to draw a square:
{` paintWhite()
repeat(4) {
} `}
RoboMind works on the programming language ROBO it is a very small language which does not need any foreknowledge of the programming languages. Robomind is use as a introduction to the students to the automation and robotics. Robomind is free for the personal use but for the use of the educational purpose a license is required. Robomind is available for Linux, Mac Os, and Windows. The application is build using a 2D grid in which robot is move and leaving a paint tail.
RoboMind Program