Mama 3D programming Language

Mama is a programming educational language which is created on the basis of the Alice development environment. Mama is a very helpful tool to teach 3D programming language from scratch.

Modes of programming in mama:

There are two types of programming modes in mama. Student can choose the mode according to the comfort.

Scene editing: In scene editing mode a object gallery display at the bottom window for selecting objects, and a right window contain the controls for editing.

Program editing: In program editing the bottom window is the program editing area and the window at the right is the event editing area.

System requirement for the mama installation:

  • Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 2000 / ME
  • Memory (minimum): 512MB

Mama 3D programming Language Interface

mama programming language

With Mama Students can:

  • Create and edit new scenes
  • Use of rich object gallery for 3D
  • Help in creating 3D Objects
  • Help in creating movies and can upload to video streaming websites
  • To teach students can build interactive tutorials
  • Create own stand alone program
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