Bricx Command Center
Bricx Command Center is a 32-bit window program commonly used as an integrated development environment for programming LEGO MINDSRORMS robots from all generations of MINDSTORMS family.
The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that is used to write, compile, and test the NXC programs. This IDE is handy, because it includes many utilities for the LEGO programmable bricks and for the NXT in particular: a file browser, a sound converter to translate WAV files into RSO files, a panel to monitor the brick's sensors and outputs, a screen-capture utility, and so on.
Brick Command Center interface look like a standard text editor, with the usual menu and buttons to open and save files, print files, edit files etc. When we are going to write a new program. So press the new file button to create a new, empty window.
Bricx Command Center Sample