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activities risk create risk management plan

Activities risk create risk management plan

Student Assessment Tasks

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Assessment Task 1 Checklist 10

Assessment Task 2: Program Benefits Management Project 11

Assessment Task 3 Checklist 21

Assessment Task 4: Develop a business case project 22

BSBPMG623 Manage benefits Student Assessment Tasks

PSPMGT006 Develop a business case

Assessment Plan

Assessment Task Overview

Assessment Preparation

You must manage program benefits to support strategic objectives by developing a program benefits
Management report and meeting with project managers for a case study organisation.

Keep a copy of all of your work, as the work submitted to your assessor will not be returned to you.

Assessment appeals

PSPMGT006 Develop a business case

Naming electronic documents

 Document title (if appropriate)

 Student name

You will be provided with the following resources before you begin each Assessment Task.

Assessment Task 2

 Project Benefits Attainment Report Template

 Project Benefits Tool

 Conference Finances Report

 eBook Finances Information –new eBooks

 Grow Management Consultants Strategic Plan

 Consultants Information Policy and Procedures

 College Staff Code of Conduct

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You will also receive feedback from your assessor via Moodle. The Assessment Task will be marked as Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS). If your work has been assessed as being not satisfactory, your assessor will upload feedback file into Moodle explaining reasons why. Your assessor will also discuss this verbally with you and provide advice on re-assessment opportunities as per.

Our RTO’s re-assessment policy.

 being observed a second (or third time) undertaking any tasks/activities that were not satisfactorily completed the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.

Assessment Task Information

 re-submission opportunities if required

Assessment Task Instructions


This will be used by your assessor to mark your assessment. Read through this as part of your preparation before beginning the assessment task. It will give you a good idea of what your assessor will be looking for when marking your responses.

This is an open book test, to be completed in the classroom.

A time limit of 1 hour to answer the questions is provided.

 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access


All questions must be answered correctly in order for you to be assessed as having completed the task satisfactorily.

Re-submission opportunities

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BSBPMG623 Manage benefits Student Assessment Tasks PSPMGT006 Develop a business case

Compare – when a question asks you to compare something, you will need to show how two or more things are similar, ensuring that you also indicate the relevance of the consequences. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Contrast – when a question asks you to contrast something, you will need to show how two or more things are different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Explain – when a question asks you to explain something, you should make clear how or why something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.

Identify – when a question asks you to identify something, this means that you are asked to briefly describe the required information. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.

BSBPMG623 Manage benefits Student Assessment Tasks PSPMGT006 Develop a business case

Assessment Task 1 Instructions as provided to students

b) Benefits focus model
Focused on building benefits into all phases of projects. Some key components are:

- Initiating the project including being clear about the rationale for the project;- Monitoring progress of benefits during the program execution;
- Assessing the benefits focus during program reviews.

 Encourage participation, ownership and involvement for the longer term;

Direct contact with all other projects in order to achieve optimum communications and clear instructions. Suppliers will have full access to contact the logistics department in order to have a seamless operation.

- Efficiency – improving systems, infrastructure and processes to get more output for a unit of input;

© RTO Works 2019 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBPMG623-PSPMGT006-AT-V2019.1.3 Page 8

5. Explain how program benefits can be documented.

Program benefits can be documented in a benefits statement document. The document will outline what the expected benefits are, where they will occur and who will be affected.

8. Explain how government policies can impact on and organisation’s goals, as well as its policies and practices. Give an example for each to support your answer.

Government policies can impact on the job hiring process of a company. An Australian company has a minimum percentage of women working in several areas of construction. Another policy is, women cannot be the last one to leave the work environment, safety reasons, if one girl wants to stay until late, another one has to make her company or everyone leaves at the same time.

- Track expenses and compare with established budget designated for certain activities, tasks, phases, and/or entire project.

- Certain discretionary operating expenses: Many operating expenses involve timing problems and/or serious estimation problems. Furthermore, some expenses are very discretionary in nature, which means how much to spend during the year depends almost entirely on the discretion of managers.

12. Explain a typical process for approving a business case.

Project managers should start by deciding what they want to evaluate during the benefit measurement approach. Then, for these benefits they should set the key performance indictors (KPIs) that will show if the project has achieved the outcome or performance we want. It is important that your business case is signed off by all the relevant management who will decide its outcome.

Lack of government support: meetings will be held with government representatives in order to sensitise them about the relevance of the event. Previous editions’ numbers will be given as proof of it and government bodies that wish to send their employees to the event should have a special discount. Great number of VIP guests declining invitation: all VIP guests will be invited with great antecedence and be informed on all their duties and what is offered by the event. A deadline for confirmation will be given to each guest in order to be able to invite another one timely in case of declination.

15. Explain how WHS and environmental legislation can apply to business case development. Give specific examples to illustrate your answer.

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BSBPMG623 Manage benefits Student Assessment Tasks

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BSBPMG623 Manage benefits Student Assessment Tasks

case study organisation by developing a Program Benefits Management Report and meeting with project


 Strategic Plan

 eBook Project Report


 Answer to all questions

included in the checklist included with this task.

Re-submission opportunities

PSPMGT006 Develop a business case

Assessment Task 2 Instructions as provided to students

As a result of the new projects, you have recently been appointed as the new Program Manager and part of your role is to implement and manage a new benefits management approach. This approach has been adopted as it is considered to be fundamental to effective program and project management. The approach involves identifying, planning, measuring and tracking benefits from the start of the program until realisation of the last projected benefit and aims to ensure that that the desired benefits are specific, measurable, agreed, realistic and time bounded.

The new projects that will contribute to the overall project are as follows:

The workshops are intended to be principle means of advertising for the company’s consultancy services, where most of Grow Management Consultant’s income is generated. The senior consultants run the workshops. They, and their assistants (who also work as consultants), then use the contacts generated there to get commissions to carry out management-level assessments and projects for the company. Donna co-ordinates the consultants with the workshops.

 eBooks

1. Write a Program Benefits Management Report.

As part of your responsibilities as the new program manager, you are required to implement and manage a benefits management approach.

Your Program Benefits Management Report should include the following:

 An introduction to benefits management, including definition of and rationale for benefits management and proposed benefits management approach (including risk management, issues management and change control).

 Outline of the interdependency of identified benefits.

 Evaluation of internal and external issues that could impact on the program. Regarding external impacts, your report should include an external review of current trends relevant to the industry in which the company operates. Regarding internal issues, consider and report on potential internal factors that could impact on the program context and potential change control mechanisms.

© RTO Works 2019 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBPMG623-PSPMGT006-AT-V2019.1.3 Page 14

BSBPMG623 Manage benefits Student Assessment Tasks

The objective of this meeting is to define and agree on program benefits with your program

management report providing a basis for discussion.

be measured.

 Discuss program benefit interdependencies and how to manage these.

 Asking questions to identify required information

 Responding to questions as required

and agreed on.

Submit your final Program Benefits Management Report to your assessor.

management and proposed benefits management approach (including risk management,

issues management and change control).

The case is about a new program of benefits to Grow Management Consultants,

© RTO Works 2019 SELC Career College Australia RTO: 91721 SELC-BSBPMG623-PSPMGT006-AT-V2019.1.3 Page 15

The attribution of programme benefits to individual projects and double counting of benefits across a programme can be difficult issues, particularly where investment approvals are impacted. These should be approached in a pragmatic way and resolved through effective mapping and stakeholder consultation.

Seeking this new development, Grow Management Consultants manage more automatically processes. decentralized staff will have more autonomy to manage their payroll elections, training, reporting, and various other administrative tasks. The company will also benefit from more timely and accurate financial reports as a result of the ability of our regional managers to enter and update your financial metrics continuously. This real-time access reduces errors, improves cycle time, and is readily available to any authorized user.

Project performance evaluation
Provide an evaluation of the eBook’s project performance and how this has assisted in identifying program benefits.

Sales were initially slow and have taken two years to get to the current sales figures; The expenses were in line with projected expenses;
Sales are now in the order of $1,000 per month on average;
Expectation for this year is income grows and surpass expenses;
Profit will increase over time;
Market will increase with good evaluations and feedbacks;

Some estimates for the project taking into account the following numbers:

Interdependencies that would have gone unnoticed or been ignored have been identified and

planned, avoiding costs, time spent to solve problem and money lost. Another benefit is there

Accountabilities and responsibilities;

Summary of benefits (monetary and non-monetary).

change control mechanisms.

Success were measure by the number of employees growing over time so they can effectively

- hours work and system tasks are not performed correctly;

- great amount of time spent to develop basic reports.

delivery of outputs and the management of change must be closely coordinated.

- Tools: Train employees to develop new systems and understand their roles

Hardware / Software: essential to acquire more servers to provide background suitable

for our systems.

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BSBPMG623 Manage benefits Student Assessment Tasks




Evaluate short and long term benefits?

Prioritise benefits?

Monitor and evaluate internal issues that could impact on the program, including review of internal issues?

Assign responsibilities for benefits?

Apply analytical skills to identify program benefits?

During the meeting, demonstrate effective

 Asking questions to identify required information

 Responding to questions as required

PSPMGT006 Develop a business case

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