- History-C is a programming language design by Denis Ritchie in AT & T Bells labs in 1972.
- Versions-Latest version of C is C11.
- C language type discipline is static and weak where as of PHP is dynamic and weak.
- Extension- File extension for C is .c, .h.
- Paradigms-C paradigms are imperative ,procedural and structural.
- C language support pointers
- C is used for writing highly intensive application.
- C programming doesn’t do string copying do for error checking and bound checking.
- C is slower in certain condition as compared to PHP.
- Filesafe IO and system calls are not offered by C.
- C doesn’t include any garbage collector Boehm GC can be used as a garbage collector for C.
- C support manual memory management with library tools malloc and free.
- C use semicolon as statement terminator and comma as for separation.
- Type identifiers supported by C are int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t, int64_t, uint64_t, int, unsigned int, char, unsigned char, short ,long, double.
- C support single precision float, double and long double.
- C support single precision and double precision complex numbers.
- C support fixed size array and one-dimensional dynamic size array.
- In C syntax for accessing the array is name[index].
- C doesn’t support associative array using third party we can include these types of array in libraries to used it.
- C use strcat() function for string concatenation.
- The system is very rigid in C. C doesn’t let any mistake get into the environment and can be frustrating in the development process when looking for bugs.
{`Hello World program in C
int main()
printf("Hello World");