Design of Circular Water Supply Pipes


Supply and distribution of water at sufficient flow has been a challenge in many countries. Many consumers have suffered from low hydraulic efficiencies where the flow velocities of the distributed water is very low. Proper design of distribution main systems may fundamentally help in reducing the head losses and loss in flow velocities which greatly affect hydraulic efficiencies. The design of circular pipes with proper diameters designed for different distribution profiles may greatly help. This report analyzes the design of proper circular distribution pipes to enable few frictional losses and lower head losses. A comparison between the circular pipes and other cross-sectional shapes pipes is also undertaken and proper justification of the advantages of choosing circular pipes over the other cross-sections is also given in this report. The report also analyzes the Bernoulli’s energy conservation principles and its use in determining the flow velocities. A conclusion regarding improvements and design gap of this pipe is also given at the end of the report.


Water is one of the most important resource for human survival. It is hence very essential to supply water to all settlement. The primary objective of supply of water is to collect water from an available water source, processing the water to remove impurities and making it available for consumers in its safe and aesthetically acceptable state. The role of supply unis is hence to collect water from sources and supply the clean water to all persons at a sufficient head and pressures to enable their normal day to day activities.

It is hence very fundamental to design water supply systems that will ensure that water reaches its required destination with a sufficient head and discharge. The design of water systems is determined by the water demand. Engineers evaluate the specific area water demand and design pipe and conveyance systems that are most applicable and efficient. Projection of water demand are made from initial demand, future and ultimate year demand while supply is always designed for ultimate year. The water demand varies significantly with the demand categories. Water demand may be classified into commercial, institutional, residential and livestock demand. Each category requires special design of the conveyance system to satisfy both peak and off peak demands.

Supply pipes are classified according to their shape and material. There are square, rectangular and circular distribution pipes. They are also classified by their material used to make the pipes. This includes Steel pipes, galvanized steel or iron pipes, cast iron pipes, Concrete cement, Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes and asbestos cement pipes (Desmond & Hunter, 2019). The design of this pipes varies with the classification of the supply pipes that is functional categories. Trunk mains are used to convey bulk water supply to a service reservoir while principle feeder mains supply relatively large water quantities to demand areas from a service reservoir. On the other hand, distribution mains supply water to consumers’ connections. The design of material most suitable for this supply pipes is determined by functions. Steel pipes are more durable but more expensive. However, the design of pipeline flow is determined by diameter of pipes, friction of material, continuity of supply and hydraulic coefficient.

A typical piping system normally comprises of a network of different diameter pipes designed and fitted together to control flow. Circular pipes are distribution conveyors that have a circular cross-section. This report will design the flow in circular pipes to ensure optimal discharge. It will hence analyze the flow parameters and theories involved in flow of circular pipes and a comparison between flow in circular, rectangular and square pipes. Friction in the pipes which greatly affects the pressures drop and the head loss is also analyzed and compared among the three types.

In the design of a supply mains, the engineers aims at developing the most efficient diameter of the main while also maintaining the expenditure and cost of power consumption. The power consumption is determined by the head loss of the piping system.

Flow of water in circular pipes

Flow in pipes can be eithre laminar or turbulent flow. Laminar flow can be described as flow characterized by smooth streamlines and orderd fluid motion with no eddies and swirls while turbulent flow is characterized by constant fluctuatitions  in velocities and  hence disorderly flow (Vajargah et al., 2017). The flow is said to be turbulent when the reynolds number is greater than 4000 while in hthe laminar case, the reynolds number is less than 2000. Flow changes from being laminar to turbulent gradually before it changes fully to turbulent flow. This transition is dependent on the geometry of the surface, flow velocity and surface roughness.  Rexnolds conducted exhaustive experiments and concluded that flow depends on the ratio of inertial forces to viscos forces terming it as the reynolds number (Re)

Re = inertial forces/ viscous forces = ρvD/µ

Where d- diameter of the pipe

v- average floe velocity

µ- kinematic viscsity

            laminar flow -    Re ≤ 2300   

Transition from laminar to turbulent   2300  ≤ Re ≤ 4000 

             Turbulent flow.   Re ≥ 4000

Design of Circular Water Supply Pipes

Figure 1: circular pipe section

Head loss

The head loss of a pipe can be referred to as the additional height that any fluid may need to be raised by mechanical pumps in order to overcome the frictional losses in the pipe. In this case, water may have a head of 20M and has to travel a distance of 100m in a pipe, the water experience frictional losses which reduce the overall head to say 15M (Gao, 2017). The additional 5m head lost due to frictional forces is the head loss. This head loss is caused by viscosity. The head loss in a pipe is related directly to the wall shear stress. The head loss can be calculated as

Hl =  = f

h 1 - h = Δh

Where Δh is the head loss

After identifying the head loss in a pipe, the required pumping power required to overcome the loss is calculated. It is hence very critical to determine the head loss of any pipe system in supply pipe design. Different pipe materials and different pipe shapes yield different head losses. In the design of pipe system, it is hence necessary to select the pipe system that yields the lowest head loss because it consequently reduces the pumping power required hence a higher efficiency is achieved. Hydraulic performance on the other hand can be defined as the minimum pressure and flow that domestic consumers should experience. The reference level of service generally required by authority when demand is not abnormal is a flow of 9 l/min at a pressure of 10 m head on the customer's side of the main stop tap (at the property boundary)

Design of Circular Water Supply Pipes

Figure 2: The figure above shows a pipeline designed to supply water in an area.

Factors affecting the head loss

The head loss may be influenced by the following factors

  • The length of the pipe – longer pipes exhibits greater head losses. The head loss in a pipe is hence directly proportional with the length of the pipe. This is because of the increased lengths that the fluid will have to resist frictional forces hence reducing its overall pressure.
  • The diameter of the pipe – A small diameter will experience more frictional resistance of the same flow.
  • The pipe material- Pipe material shave different roughness coefficients. This affects the frictional resistance of the pipe. The smoother the inner surface of a pipe the lower the head losses. PVC pipes for instance have smoother inner surfaces and hence exhibits lower head losses compared to steel pipes for similar conditions.
  • The velocity of water in the pipe. An increase in velocity of a pipe consequently increases the friction and hence increasing the head loss in the pipe. When water inside a pipe section increases its flow velocity, the frictional resistance also increases which subsequently increases the head loss.

Application of Bernoulli’s principle of flow in pipes.

Bernoulli’s equation states that for an incompressible and frictionless fluid, the increase in speed decreases the pressure. In a steady flow pipe, he applied the principle of conservation of energy stating that the amount entering the pipe should be equal to amount leaving the pipe (Alesmaeel et al., 2019).


The Bernoulli’s equation in astatic flow situation where V1 =V2. In such a case, the Bernoulli’s equation becomes


When a fluid is moving but has a constant depth where h1=h2 the Bernoulli’s equation becomes

P1+ρv1 2   =   p2+ρv2 2

This principle is used in measurement of velocity and flow in pipes.

Bernoulli’s principle is hence used in entrainment. Entrainment is the process where one may use reduced pressures in high velocity fluids. With a much higher pressure on the outside, the high velocity fluid forces the other fluids contained in the pipe.

Factors that affects flow rate in pipes

The flow rate in pipes is highly determined by several factors

  1. Diameter of the pipe – The diameter of the pipe affects the velocities of fluids inside a pipe. According to Bernoulli principle of flow, an increased diameter reduces the velocities of flow inside a pipe while consequently increasing the head loss.
  2. The friction of the pipe – the lower the friction of the pipe the higher the velocities
  3. Viscosity and density of the fluid- A higher viscosity and density reduces the flow velocities.

Use of the moody diagram

The moody diagram is used in circular pipes to relate Reynolds number (Re), Darcy-Weisbach friction factor and the relative surface roughness. The relation of these parameters may help in predicting the pressure drops and flow rate in a circular pipe. The relative surface roughness (?/D) is the pipe diameter to mean height of roughness ratio. Although it is difficult to determine these dependence theoretically, experiments were conducted yielding tabular and graphical relations possible for transition from laminar to turbulent flow. The moody diagram popularly used and widely accepted today relates the Darcy friction factor of a pipe as a function of Reynolds number (Zeghadnia, et al., 2019). The relative roughness of various pipe materials are given. However, the roughness coefficient may increase with time due to effects of corrosion. In design of pipes, the moody diagram is hence very critical. Below are the estimated values of roughness of various pipe materials.

Design of Circular Water Supply Pipes

Figure 3: Estimated values of roughness of various pipe materials

Design of Circular Water Supply Pipes

Figure 4: moody diagram

A simplified example approach of designing the optimal pipe diameter

The figure below shows a simplified example approach of designing the optimal pipe diameter that may be used to deliver water from a reservoir station to the required destination. In this approach, 500mm, 600mm and 700 mm diameter pipes are considered. Each pipe diameter frictional losses are also considers and the head loss calculated. The head losses experienced determines the energy consumptions required and hence determining the pumps investments required. Annual costs and total investment capital determines the most efficient pipe diameter.

Design of Circular Water Supply Pipes

Figure 5: Simplified example approach of designing the optimal pipe diameter

Comparison between circular pipes and other cross-sectional shapes pipes.

Supply pipes may be categorized differently according to their cross-sectional shapes. The classifications of pipes according to shapes include, rectangular pipes, triangular, square and ellipse pipe sections. Circular shapes are the most widely used supply pipes. There are several reasons why the circular pipes are preferred over other cross-sectional shapes. The figure below shows various shapes that pipes can be designed to adopt.

Design of Circular Water Supply Pipes

Figure 6: cross-sectional shapes of different pipes

Below is a comparison between the circular pipe and other pipes and justifications for choosing the circular pipes over the other pipes.

  1. The surface area in contact with water is lesser – Unlike triangular or rectangular section, the surface area in contact with water flowing through the pipe is less. The lesser the surface are in contact with the fluid, the lesser the frictional resistance (Lekner, 2019). A reduced frictional resistance increases the efficiency of the pipe by increasing the flow rate and reducing the head losses. The circular shape also reduces the surface area in contact with the water as water reduces in the pipe. When flow is minimal in the pipe, circular pipes reduces the frictional resistance by reducing the surface area in contact with the water. Unlike rectangular, square and triangular pipes whose bottom surface area remains the same even with reduced flow.
  2. Low material to capacity ratio – The design of say a 1m2 rectangular cross-section and a 1m2 circular cross-section. The circular cross-section exhibits larger flow volumes than the rectangular section. This in turns saves in the cost of material for identical flow conditions. Circular cross-sections are hence preferred than rectangular cross-sections since they are more economical.
  3. Unlike non-circular pipes, circular pipes are able to withstand greater pressure differences between the outside and the inside of the pipe without suffering from substantial distortions. Pressure differences between the inner and outer pipes may damage the pipe. However, circular pipes are able to sufficiently resist these forces unlike non-circular pipes.
  4. Unlike non circular pipes such as triangular and rectangular pipes which have corners, circular pipes have no square corners where fines have the tendency to stick especially when flow is low. The debris sticking in the corners can coagulate the pipe and cause massive blockages (Vishwanadula, 2008). To enable self-cleaning and ensure the pipes are not trapped with fines, it would hence be more advisable to adopt circular cross-sections.
  5. Circular section of the pipe allows the force of water on the pipe to be distributed uniformly along the whole pipe.  That makes the pipe of circular cross-section relatively pressure resistant than other pipes


Supply of water is a very vital activity. The process of designing supply mains to determine the optimal pipe diameters that will require less pumping while also producing enough discharge is still a main design element. The constant demand for water and urbanization has necessitated engineers to device mechanism’s that are both efficient and economical in delivering water to high demand areas. This involves compounding of several different diameters circular pipes. According to Bernoulli principle, the energy is conserved hence maintaining the head even after compounding several pipes.

However, there still remains a big challenge in the design of the best material while still considering optimal diameters and economy. Although UPVC pipes have been widely accepted due to their less frictional resistance and economical nature, they cannot convey large volumes of water and can also suffer leakages. There is hence a restriction in diameter when large flows are required.


Alesmaeel, M., Alfarsi, A., Almusa, S., Diaz, E., Grigoryan, S., Queda, J., ... & Boyajian, D. (2019). Analysis of a Hydraulic Pipe System with Major and Minor Pressure Losses. David Publishing Company www. davidpublisher. com, 13, 209-217.

 Desmond, K. W., & Hunter, G. L. (2019). U.S. Patent Application No. 16/190,734.

Gao, T. (2017). Pipe roughness estimation in water distribution networks using head loss adjustment. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 143(5), 04017007.

Lekner, J. (2019). Laminar viscous flow through pipes, related to cross-sectional area and perimeter length. American Journal of Physics, 87(10), 791-795.

Vajargah, A. K., Sullivan, G., Johnson, M., & van Oort, E. (2017). Transitional and Turbulent Flow of Drilling Fluids in Pipes: An Experimental Investigation.

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Vishwanadula, H. (2008). Experimental investigations on the flow of nanofluids through circular pipes.

Zeghadnia, L., Robert, J. L., & Achour, B. (2019). Explicit solutions for turbulent flow friction factor: A review, assessment and approaches classification. Ain Shams Engineering Journal.

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