CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

Did the candidate demonstrate the following skills to industry standards?

CHCDIV002 - Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

1st Observation




Observation (if required)











 Identify the potential impact of cultural factors on service delivery to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients


Identify critical issues that influence relationships and communication with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people


 Establish key aspects of cultural safety in consultation with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people


Evaluate the extent to which cultural safety is integrated in own work and workplace


Ensure work practices are grounded in awareness of one’s own cultural bias


Reflect awareness of own and other cultures in work practices


Use communication techniques and work practices that show respect for the cultural differences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people


Engage with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander interpreters and colleagues as cultural brokers, according to situation needs


Support the development of effective partnerships between staff, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities


 Identify and utilise resources to promote partnerships


Devise and document ways to support the delivery of services and programs that are culturally safe and encourage increased participation


 Integrate strategies that encourage self-determination and community control in services and programs


 Agree outcomes against which cultural safety strategies can be measured


Involve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in evaluations


Evaluate programs and services against desired outcomes


Revise strategies based on evaluation with appropriate engagement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people


Unit (CHCDIV002) Competency Reflective Practice Journal

Reflect on your practice as a CHC53315 Diploma of Mental Health student and identify how you have met this unit competency:

Students need to write down what tasks were carried out. What resources/equipment/aids that you found most useful. What students learned to meet the unit of competency?  Please note your responses on the lines provided below.

A journal is a confidential record of your activities and reflections. When writing your journal, don’t be too concerned with neatness, grammar and punctuation, but rather focus on being spontaneous, open and honest in your reflections. Your journal entries should not just be lists of what you did each shift but how you felt, what you learned and how you could improve.

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