
International management tutor UK

Faculty of Business & Management

Assignment Brief

A. Assignment Details

Module Title: Financial Management

B. Learning Outcomes

Critically discuss the Financial Corporate objectives of the firm and be able to analyse the key financial decisions in finance and capital markets and discuss the impact of the economic environment on the financial management.

C. Assignment Task

1. Discuss the role of the management in meeting stakeholder objectives, including the application of agency theory in financial management clearly outlining their impact on Investment, Financing and Dividend Decisions.

2. Define and discuss the role of fiscal, monetary, interest rate and exchange rate policies in achieving macroeconomic policy targets.

D. Specific Guidance

1. Clear discussion of the role of management in meeting stakeholder objectives, including the application of agency theory.

  • the fundamental financial objectives of the organisation
  • What is agency theory and how it helps the business to achieve its fundamental objectives. Clarifying the impact on the 3 main financial management decisions.
  • limitations of the agency theory (3 limitations)

2. Define:- the role of fiscal, monetary, interest rate, exchange rate policies

2.1 Clear discussion on the above, in achieving macroeconomic policy targets.

Referencing and presentation

E. Key Resources

Key Resources/Reading (Please include a list of recommended texts and peer-reviewed electronic sources which you expect student to use a minimum of 10 sources )

To gain an in-depth understanding of the key concepts and theories in the subject of Financial Management, It is essential that students avail of the recommend sources outlined in the module specification. Students should access learning resources through the library located on the ground floor at Kensington College and also via the Kensington and University of Chester's online libraries.

These recommended sources are as follows:

Essential reading: Lumby, S. (2015). Corporate finance Theory and Practice, Retrieved from http://lib.myilibrary.com/ProductDetails.aspx?id=328516

Other indicative reading:

  • Kaplan Publishing UK. (2015). ACCA F-9 Financial Management, Berkshire, UK: Author
  • Madura, R. & Fox, J. (2014). International Financial Management. Retrieved from http://lib.myilibrary.com/ProductDetails.aspx?id=328480


Journal of Risk Finance available from: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=JRF

F. Presentation

Faculty of Business & Management

Assignment Brief

A. Assignment Details

Module Title: International Marketing

B. Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the nature of the global environment, major trends, affecting the global decision, and the different social and cultural conventions which affects buying behaviour, strategic marketing policy and marketing mix approaches
  2. Critically evaluate market entry strategy process and the challenges within international marketing.

C. Assignment Task

Nike is a US multinational fashion brand that is usually prone to controversies in their implementation of international marketing campaigns. It is now considering expanding and entering the UK market with new products. You are required to:-

  1. Evaluate how some drivers of globalisation can help NIKE expand in the new market.
  2. Critically analyse the nature of the global environment for NIKE, including major customers trend, social and cultural conventions affecting the international marketing decision for this industry. Make sure you utilise credible secondary research and applying relevant theory and statistics to this industry.
  3. Identify and justify one specific target market within the UK that the NIKE should target immediately.
  4. Identify and justify the one type of global international strategy method that NIKE should use to grow in global markets.
  5. Critically evaluate which one International Market Entry strategy is more appropriate for NIKE to enter and grow in the UK market.

D. Specific Guidance

The assignment should the in the form of a business report.

Your answer should include credible secondary research and relevant theory to support your answer. You must justify your selection by critically evaluating the issues that would impact on the choice of entry.

Use theory and references to support your work throughout.

Candidates are encouraged to use relevant examples in their answers in order to amplify the points they are making.

E. Key Resources

Key Resources/Reading (Include a list of recommended texts and peer-reviewed electronic sources which you expect students to use minimum of 10 sources.

Essential Reading:

  • Czinkota, M.R., Ronkainen, I. A., & Zvobgo G. (2011). International marketing. Andover: Cengage Learning.

Indicative Reading:

  • Alon, Ilan and Jafe, Eugene. (2013). Global Marketing: Contemporary Theory, Practice, andCases. McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York.
  • Chee, H. & Harris, R. (1997). Global marketing strategy. London: Pitman.
  • CIM. (2007). Global marketing strategy, PG Diploma level. London: BPP Publisher
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