
Html Heading Tags Assignment Help

The heading to a document can be specified using heading tag. It ranges from < h1>, < h2>... < h6>. < h1> tag will be the bigger heading and < h6> will be the smallest heading. This tag has its corresponding closing tag

Paragraph Tag

To construct text into a paragraph < p> tag can be used. It has its closing tag

Line Break Tag

To introduce a break between the lines, < br> tag can be used. There is no ending tag

Content Centering Tag

To make the content available in the centre of a page, < center> tag can be employed. It has an ending tag

Horizontal Lines Tag

To introduce a line between two lines or two paragraphs, etc., < hr> tag can be employed

Format Preserving Tag

To preserve the format as such it was written in HTML document,< pre> tag preformatted tag can be employed. It has an ending tag

Nonbreaking Spaces

To preserve the non breakages among text,   has to be employed. It avoids breaking of text in a paragraph


< !DOCTYPE html> 
< html>
< head>
< title>HTML Basic Tags< /title>
< /head>
< body>
< h1>This is heading 1< /h1> 
< h2>This is heading 2< /h2>
< h3>This is heading 3< /h3>
< h4>This is heading 4< /h4>
< h5>This is heading 5< /h5>
< h6>This is heading 6< /h6>
< p>Here is a first paragraph of text.< /p> < !--paragraph tag-->
< p>Here is a second paragraph of text.< /p>
< p>Hello< br />You delivered your assignment ontime.< br />Thanks< br />< /p> < !--break-->
< center>
< p>This text is in the center.< /p> 
< p>This is paragraph one and should be on top< /p>
< hr />< !-- horizontal line tag-->
< p>This is paragraph two and should be at bottom< /p>
< !--pre defined ta--.>
function testFunction( strText ){
alert (strText)
< p>An example of this technique appears in the movie "12 Angry Men."< /p> 
< /body>
< /html>


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