C Sharp Multithreading Assignment Help
- A thread has its own execution path of a program
- It has its own stream of control
- It is a light weight process
- It helps in reducing CPU wastage cycles
- It improves the efficiency of a program
- This concept can be implemented for complex time intense applications
- It places different execution flow for every thread
- Without multithreading concept, it’s impossible to execute more than one process at a same time
- Multiple threads create multiple paths for each thread and execute the thread concurrently
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Different Phases (Life Cycle) of a Thread
- It gets started if a thread classNameobject is created
- The thread classNameresides in System.Threading.Thread
- It gets stopped when execution ends
- The different states of thread life cycle is
- Unstarted state – In this state, thread is not started but instance is created
- Ready State – In this state, the thread is ready for running just waiting for its turn
- Not Runnable State – In this state, the thread is not ready for runnable, the thread may be called by any one of the method
§ sleep () method
§ wait () method
§ block i/o
4.Dead State – In this state, the thread finishes its execution or may get aborted
The Main Thread Creation
- It is the first thread which gets executed first in a process
- The classNameSystem.threading.Thread helps to work on threads
- It helps in creating and executing multi threads
- main thread is created automatically when a program starts its execution
- The threads which are derived from Thread classNameis called child thread
- These threads are child threads of main thread
- By using CurrentThread property, it is possible to access thread property
The below program demonstrates the creation of main thread
Thread Creation
- Can create a thread by deriving a Thread className
- To start the thread process, call the start() method
- It begins the child thread process initiation
The below program demonstrates the creation of child thread process
Managing Threads
- To manage the thread, a variety of methods are offered
- The methods are
o sleep()
o wait()
o block()
The below example shows the usage of sleep () method to rest for few seconds
Killing Threads
- To destroy a thread abort () function is to be called
- When a program stops its execution the threads are killed automatically
The below program demonstrates the usage of abort () method