
Interfaces in C# Assignment Help


  • Interfaces define variables, methods, and events; these are the elements of an interface.
  • Interfaces contain only the declaration part.
  • It can be defined in the deriving className.
  • It is used to implement multiple inheritance.

Declaring Interfaces

  • Interfaces are declared using the keyword interface.
  • It is related to classNamedeclaration.
  • By default Interface statements are public

Interfaces in C# Assignment Help By Online Tutoring and Guided Sessions from assignmenthippo.com

Interface Declaration Example

public interface interface_name


{'// interface members'}

void showTrans ();

double getAmount();



The following example demonstrates the usage of interface in implementing multiple inheritance

using System;

namespace Inheritance




public void setW (int w)


width = w;


public void setH (int h)


height = h;


protected int width;

protected int height;


public interface Paint // Base classNamePaintCost


int getCost(int area);


classNameRectangle : Shape, Paint // Derived className


public int getArea()


return (width * height);


public int getCost(int area)


return area * 70;





static void Main(string[] args)


Rectangle Rect = new Rectangle();

int area;



Rect.setH (10);

area = Rect.getArea();


{'// Print the area of the object.'}

Console.WriteLine("Total area: {0}", Rect.getArea());

Console.WriteLine("Total paint cost: ${0}" , Rect.getCost(area));





Output: Total area: 50

Total paint cost: $3500

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