`C Sharp Generics Assignment Help
- It is used to specify data type as general format in classNameand / or method
- It is for ease of programming
- It helps to develop a program to work with general datatype that is any data type
- Can use alternate arguments to write template for the classNameand / or a method
- The compiler handles constructor in a particular data type
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Advantages of Generics
- It enhances reusability of a code
- It supports performance enhancement and safety precautions
- Own generic classes can be created
- The framework has various generic collection classes in System.Collections.Generic
- Can use generic collection classes as an alternative to System.Colletions namespace
- Generic can be applied to an event, delegate, className, method and an interface
- It is possible to allow permission to methods on specific datatypes through generic classes
- Can access types of the datatype of generic form dynamically
Implementation of Generic Methods
The following example demonstrates the usage of generic methods in a program
Generic Delegates
- It is possible to implement generic delegate with type arguments
delegate G Change<G> (G v);