CHCDIS002 Follow established person centred behaviour supports | Australian University Assignment

CHCDIS002 Follow established person-centred behaviour supports
Assessment 1 Knowledge task
Tafe NSW

Assessment 1 Knowledge

Part A Quiz

This is a self -marking quiz of consisting of the following question types:

  1. 1 x matching question with 10 definitions and terms to match
  2. 10 x True/False

This task is part of your summative assessment and counts toward you final grade. You can attempt the quiz as often you need but you must achieve 100% be deemed satisfactory in this event. You will receive a numerical grade for this assessment but it will be recorded in student record system as either:

  • Satisfactory = 100%
  • Unsatisfactory = 100%

Part B Short answer questions

Unless otherwise stated, a suggested word count appropriate for each question is indicated in brackets at the end of the question. For example, (50 words) requires a written answer with a word count of approximately 50 words for this question.

  1. What is meant by the Social Model of Disability? How does it relate to providing behaviour supports for people with disability? (100 words)
  2. How can a change of routine impact on a person with disability? (100 words)
  3. List at least 8 different behaviours of concern which may be indicators of unmet needs.
  4. Suggest 6 different reasons why a person with disability may display a behaviour of concern.
  5. List 6 strategies for effective communication when working with persons with disability displaying behaviours of concern.
  6. List at least 10 details to include when documenting a critical incident?
  7. Suggest at least 4 situations when a worker would consider making a referral to specialist services to support a person with disabilities displaying behaviours of concern?
  8. For EACH of the situations described below you are to suggest
    1. Antece de nt event
    2. Behaviour
    3. Consequence Suggest a range (approximately 3) appropriate strategies to guide the person’s behaviour and/or diffuse or resolve the situation.
  1. Jack has Down Syndrome. He catches the public bus service to the local high school. There are some boys on the bus, who go to a different school and are making fun of Jack and calling him names. He arrives home in the afternoon and is behaving aggressively, throwing his younger sister’s school bag at the wall, refusing to eat his afternoon tea, and shouting lo udly.
  2. Jess lives in a residential group home. She is 35 years old, has Autism Spectrum Disorder, and works at local services club in the kitchen, preparing food for catering. In the past, Jess has said she doesn’t like one of her co- workers because he makes her feel “uncomfortable”. Jess has started wandering around at night time and disturbing other residents. She is going into other people’s rooms and repeatedly asking them questions. Jess has started a ritual of washing her hands, and leaves the r oom to go to the bathroom to wash her hands whenever someone enters the room. Her hands are becoming dry and sore.
  3. Nick is 26 years old, and has an acquired brain injury and spinal cord injury resulting in incomplete paralysis from a motor bike accident which was not his fault, 7 years ago. Prior to the accident he was a promising footballer and intending to go to university and become a teacher. He lives at home with his parents. Nick received compensation for the accident, allowing his parents to ex tensively renovate their home, to provide him mobility access. A community worker assists him with showering, and he has invested his money to provide himself with a “wage”. His mother is concerned about him, as he is becoming withdrawn and non- communicative. He is resisting assistance with his personal hygiene, isolating himself from his friends, and refusing to go out.

Assessment – answer all questions

1. Why is it important to support clients to maintain their routines and daily living activities?

2. What can a client’s daily routine include? (List 5 activities/routines)

3. Read the following ‘closed’ questions and re-write into ‘open’ questions:

  1. Mr Smith can you brush your teeth by yourself? Open question:
  2. Mrs Bennett, do you like to cook? Open question:

4. List four (4) barriers that you may come across when working with people with a disability?

5. Suggest two (2) ways engagement or motivating may negatively impact on a person you support.

6. Identify five (5) behaviours that are likely to put a person and/or others at risk of harm.

7. When recognising behaviours of concern what is a trigger? (List five (5) triggers)

8. What does recording ‘Objectively’ mean?

9. In an ABC chart below list three (3) errors of how this was reported.

DateWhat happened beforeBehaviourWhat happened afterObserver
Martin was playing football with the other clients on the football field.Martin was angry with the clients.The other clients just laughed at Martin and walked off the field. Observer

10. What is a frequency chart used for?

11. Complete the table below. List five (5) factors each in the context of behaviour (domain) and how those factors affect an individual’s behaviour.




Emotional Wellbeing

Health Status


12. List down four (4) restrictive interventions.

13. Why will consulting the behaviour support plan help you manage the situation if a behaviour of concern occurs?

14. Explain the difference between positive and negative reinforcement.

15. List four (4) changed behaviours or characteristics that may be observed in an individual which need to be reported and recorded to the supervisor.

16. When might you need to make a referral in regards to a client’s behaviour of concern?

17. How do you promote ‘strength-based’ approach to the person that you are supporting whilst maintaining your duty of care. Give one example.

18. Watch the YouTube clip below and answer the following questions:

  1. Describe what person centred care is and how it has impacted on Leigh’s life.
  2. How does this person centred approach relate to the National Standards for Disability Services?

19. Case Study 1

Nelly has Multiple Sclerosis and has support workers assisting her with getting out of bed, personal care and setting her up for the day until another worker comes in the evening to support her back to bed. Nelly is unable to walk has limited strength in her hands and arms. She finds it frustrating that she needs to wait for the support workers to arrive 9 am to open the curtains, turn on the lights and TV and she is awake for hours before they arrive. Nelly is also finding it difficult to hold a knife and fork due to weakness in her hands and reaching out to her bedside table when she needs a drink.

Research the Independent Living Centres Australia website What do you think may be some assistive technology or modifications that could assist Nelly to make her environment more positive and adaptive for her?

Present 5 things that may assist Nelly and explain why.

  1. Assistive technology or modifications 1:
  2. Assistive technology or modifications2:
  3. Assistive technology or modifications 3:
  4. Assistive technology or modifications 4:
  5. Assistive technology or modifications 5:

20. Case Study 2

Timothy has a tendency towards manipulative behaviour. He has a habit of asking for extra food from one support worker Mary. When Mary says ‘No, breakfast is over’ Timothy then approaches another worker, Natalie, saying, “Mary said you would go to the kitchen for me’. The attempt to divide workers is a feature of Timothy’s behaviour.

  1. Describe the strategy that you would use in the plan in response to Timothy’s behaviour:
  2. List four (4) positive interactions that you can use to communicate with Timothy
  3. Provide four (4) suggestions about how you would monitor the plan once it has been implemented?

21. Case Study 3

You are working with Anita who has bipolar disorder resulting in ‘mood swings’. When she feels good she is engaged and likes craft activities. However, when she is involved and enthusiastic about these activities, she stays up late and often forgets to eat and drink for over 24-hours. When people comment that she should take things easy, she misinterprets their message as criticism and becomes sensitive and distressed. Her mood changes and she then wants to sleep the whole day and eats poorly.

  1. Describe your actions and the process in dealing with this situation.
  2. How can Anita’s nutrition be improved?
  3. What changes could be made to Anita’s environment?

22. Case Study 4

James has lived in the group home that you work in for five years. James is 22 and has autism. He is well settled and fully participates in all the activities and often helps organise activities. He is well liked by staff and clients alike; though some feel he takes his self importance as ‘the organiser’ too far.

One afternoon after a weekly outing James is found in the corridor arguing violently with a new resident, Bruce. You are first on the scene and manage to separate the two men and organise another carer to talk with Bruce while you sit with James. James indicates that he was angry because Bruce wouldn’t sit where he told him to. You realise you have heard this type of comment several times from James in the past few months.

  • What would you discuss with James to find out more about the situation? Explain to him what you are going to do about his behaviour.
  • How would you present this case to a team meeting?

23. Case Study 5

In order to work effectively and confidently in the Disability sector; it is important that you gain a broad understanding of some of the predominant types of disability and how these conditions impact on the lives of the people you support, their families and care partners.

Research one (1) of the following disabilities prior to responding/answering to the case study below.

a) Fragile X Syndrome.

b) Autism Spectrum Disorder

c) Down Syndrome

d) Cerebral Palsy

Consider the information you have learned from your research activity and apply your knowledge and understanding of this type of disability to the following case study.

You are a support worker in a disability supported residence or facility. One of the people you support, Brian who is 26 year old, has gained employment in an office in the city. He is due to commence work in four weeks time and you have been asked to help him to prepare for this big event in his life.

Answer the questions (PART A & B) on the following pages:


Provide a summary of Brian’s disability, including the common symptoms, signs and behavioural concerns.


Brian has been known to present self injurious behaviour and yells out loudly when he is not comfortable in his environment or is upset. These behaviours can be triggered by changes in routine and pressures around time management. With this additional information please answer the following questions:

  1. How will you apply a person centred approach to the support you provide Brian?
  2. What types of issues might you need to be aware of in regard to Brian’s safety?
  3. What are some environmental issues that may impact Brian’s ability to get to work?
  4. Brian has some behaviours of concern, how will you assist Brian to manage them?
  5. What considerations must you address when making time requests?
  6. What communication strategies might you implement to help Brian be involved in his support plan?
  7. What reporting/ documentation will be required to monitor Brian’s behaviour and the effectiveness of the support plan?
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