
LIMDEP Assignment Help

LIMDEP Assignment HelpLIMDEP is an econometric and statistical software package for analysis of cross sections and time series, LIMDEP supports methods for panel data analysis, frontier and efficiency estimation and discrete choice modeling. The main feature of the package is a suite of more than 100 built-in estimators for all forms of the linear regression model and stochastic frontier, discrete choice and limited dependent variable models, including models for binary, censored, truncated, survival, count, discrete and continuous variables and a variety of sample selection models.

Features of LIMDEP

  • Data management, including input from all standard sources
  • Built-in estimation programs plus a programming language
  • Model specification and post estimation tools for simulation
  • Random number, vector and matrix capabilities for bootstrapping
  • A wide range of graphical and numeric descriptive statistics capabilities
  • Optimization tools that allow you to construct your own likelihood

My Assignment Help provide the full help to the students to learn the features of LIMDEP. We have professional tutors here which help the students with each and every query. The beauty of My Assignment Help is we provide the separate tutor to each student which help the student throughout the assignment.

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