Businesses focused on the effective use of technological tools
Research Project
In the present era, businesses are focused on the effective use of technological tools in respect to improving their performance. By having a consideration of critical standards in the application of technology the issues can be resolved effectively and leads business to an impressive level of success. Travel and tourism sector has a diversified service that needs the assistance of technology. It allows managing work activities in the desired manner and ensuring that a better service is being offered to customers (Saviotti, 2018). It helps in improving the work standards so that a business entity can accomplish a competitive advantage effectively. In order to have an understanding about the influence of technology on operations of the travel and tourism sector, the present research has been conducted.
Task 1
1.1 Formulate and recording of possible research outline specifications
Introduction- Technology can be referred to the use of tools that helps in managing work activities more effectively to ensure key standards. Using technology the business firm can improve its performance easily because it helps in decreasing time consumption on activities. Along with this, use of social media and database management has advanced recently that also attracts the travel and tourism sector to adopt the same. In order to have a proper understanding, the Thomas Cook Plc is being referred to as an organization.
Research aims and objectives
Aim- To analyse the impact of information and communication technology in travel and tourism sector practice: A study on Thomas Cook Plc
- To understand the significance of technological tools used by Thomas Cook Plc
- To determine the benefits of ICT within Thomas Cook Plc
- To identify challenges that business faces in database management
- To recommend ways through which ICT can be increased within Thomas Cook Plc
Research methodology- In order to have effective understanding respecting technological use and development in business the application of the methodology is essential. Primary information will be collected in order to have better learning. A collection will be accomplished through a survey with employees of Thomas Cook Plc. 30 employees will be considered as a sample size in order to have an appropriate collection of data respecting the subject (Loomis and Paterson, 2018). Other than this, application of secondary research will also assist in determining the benefits of ICT within Thomas Cook Plc. Proper support of qualitative technique will also help in data collection. In this, qualitative measures will be promoted so that goals and objectives can be accomplished. Moreover, an inductive approach will facilitate to take results from specific to a general that means the significance of technological tools used by Thomas Cook Plc can be understood properly.
Scope and limitation: Key scope of the present study is that it helps in learning about technological development so that tourism sector working can be advanced. Along with this, different benefits that Thomas Cook Plc is attained through database management application can also be analysed in a significant manner. It will allow improving the working of the sector on the basis of outcomes. However, limitation of the research is that lack of secondary sources available in respect to the subject (Hanvey, 2018).
Anticipated Outcomes: Accomplishment of the research study will improve learning about challenges that business faces in database management. It will facilitate the identification of measures that can resolve issues. Different innovative methods can be taken into account with the help of recommendation so that ICT can be increased within Thomas Cook Plc
1.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection
Technological use has been advanced in recent years and businesses are effectively focused on its adaptation. It has been concluded in previous studies that the application of ICT is beneficial for businesses, but it has not been stated that to what extent the organizations are gaining benefits. In order to understand the gape of previous studies, the present study is being conducted. Along with this, another rationale of the research is that businesses of travel and tourism sector are facing issues in the application of ICT such as costing, management, etc. By having an understanding of such measures and recommending the methods to overcome such issues the experts will try to boost the use of ICT.
1.3 Undertake a critical review of key references
The significance of technological tools
According to the Long (2018), a technological tool plays a critical role in the success of every organization and it leads businesses to an impressive level of success. The significance of progression in reliably operational exercises is that it has wiped out the immensity related with writing. With advancement, data would now have the ability to be anchored in each pragmatic sense in different utmost contraptions, for example, moderate plates and microchips. Significantly more in this manner, the data set away in these inventive gadgets is secured with passwords and codes which are just known by the proprietors of the data, upgrading it a procedure for anchoring requested data. Ramanathan (2018) has said that database management tool like cloud computing allows having frequently shared of information without any barrier. It allows improving the information sharing and communication within the organization. Such kind of measures leads business to an impressive level of success. The Piercy (2018) argued that technological tool like social media application is significant because it helps in controlling the cost. Better reach to customers is a factor that forces businesses to have an application of social media. Operational support is also being offered by tools that assist in leading business to an impressive level of success.
Benefits of ICT
Schement (2018) has contended that using ICT business firm can easily improve its communication effectiveness. It allows having better interaction with diverse clients and employees of a different brand in a standard manner. It improves the ratio of data sharing so that proper decisions can be taken into account. Land (2018) has argued that the application of database management assists in maintaining records of customers. It means understanding about customer needs can also be developed properly by having an analysis of information maintained in the database. Better support can be offered to customers to accomplish key goals and objectives. Rowlands (2018) has also stated that ICT provides effective information processing that promotes the effectiveness and controls the cost in a diverse manner. Economical measures can be controlled in the desired manner to meet objectives. Interactive communication promotion is also a benefit that a business firm can attain through the application of ICT standards.
Challenges business faces in database management
According to the Onyango (2018), there are few challenges that businesses face in database management application. It is one of challenging task for employees to manage a high volume of data in an appropriate manner because it creates confusion. It impacts the overall process in a negative manner. In addition to this, the limit of scalability is also a challenge that influences the overall performance in a negative manner. Diverse measures need to be employed for better development of work standards. Janich et al. (2018) has said that data security is also a challenge that must be controlled by businesses. It has been noticed hacking can be done through unethical persons that can influence the overall work conditions so proper standards can be employed.
Ways improving ICT practice
Boddy et al. (2018) has said that management can focus on training and development about technological use so that knowledge about the use of tools can be advanced. It will enhance the work effectiveness and leads the business firm to an impressive level of success. Yanmaz (2018) has contended that benchmarking in the technological application will also assist in controlling the time consumption over activities.
1.4 Produce a research project specification
Title of the study- “To analyse the impact of different technological tools in travel and tourism sector practice: A study on Thomas Cook Plc.'
For the effective accomplishment of the framed objectives the research experts will have consideration of approach. Application of inductive approach will be taken into account because it helps in analysing the factors associated with the subject in an adequate manner (Symon et al. 2018). Consideration of philosophy in the study is also essential because it facilitates to ensure research standards. Use of interpretivism philosophy will allow experts to understand the significance of technological tools used by Thomas Cook Plc.
Moreover, application of research design facilitates to ensure that key measures of study are well maintained and they are offering proper learning about the subject. In order to have a proper application of design the reference of descriptive design will be promoted by experts. It will offer descriptive and detailed learning respecting to ICT use within Thomas Cook Plc. Challenges faced by business in database management can also be analysed effectively. In-depth research can be conducted using the measures of descriptive design (Green and Thorogood, 2018).
Data collection of the study will have a dependency on primary and secondary data collection. It means the questionnaire will be framed according to objectives framed. It will provide support to the primary data collection and helps in taking a survey from employees of Thomas Cook Plc. Collection of data will assist in ensure about determining the benefits of ICT within Thomas Cook Plc. Sampling for the present study will be 30 employees of Thomas Cook Plc who are operating activities from its London branch. It will allow having an evaluation of key measures in a significant manner (Adams and Lawrence, 2018). Application of secondary sources collection will be accomplished by having a focus on diverse aspects such as accessing books, journals and articles. The researcher will ensure that secondary sources accessed are associated with the subject of study. It means relation with ICT and its use must be appropriately referred to meet the standards. It is an activity in which a specific group of people are selected from the entire population to gain primary data. The respondents are named as test and measures of respondents are considered as a test measure. For the present examination, a flighty testing technique which is a touch of probabilistic checking on strategy is gotten a handle on. With a definitive goal to upgrades quality and adequacy of an examination, all morals are required to be pondered. In the setting of the present examination, the master has all around dealt with the security and confirmation of information collected. Near to this, before progressing toward the respondents, the endorsement has been taken from them (Rich et al. 2018). They have been comparatively guaranteed that the information collected will be crushed totally pro resulting in making its use. In the setting of research detainments wild factors can be considered as its real restriction. The relationship, for example, Thomas Cook Plc can utilize assorted gadgets and frameworks to ensure that its operational exercises are especially kept up. In any case, it may struggle that at long last it is the application which picks if extents of mechanical utilize are suitable or not and consequently it is wild. Another impediment was that there was a restricted extent of time and assets accessible for completing present research.
In addition to this, for the effective promotion of ethical standards, the experts will ensure that the concept of plagiarism is being referred properly. It means any content reviewed on secondary sources will not be copy paste from the internet. Along with this, only relevant information about the subject is being presented to maintain the relevancy aspect (Quinlan et al. 2019). For better consideration of validity, recent secondary sources will be accessed so that it can ensure that old information about technology use is not used in the study. Such kind of measures will also promote ethical consideration in practice to meet objectives.
1.5 Produce plan and procedure for subsequent research
Activity/Week |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
Research topic identification | |||||||||||
Discussion with a tutor to have an appropriate selection of the research topic | |||||||||||
Consideration of rationale selecting the research topic and understanding the significance | |||||||||||
Literature review selection using various secondary sources to analyse the aspects associated with the topic | |||||||||||
Framing aim and objectives | |||||||||||
Application of primary research respecting to the study | |||||||||||
Research approach consideration to meet standards | |||||||||||
Application of research methodology to access the information | |||||||||||
The framing of a questionnaire that helps in gathering data about the subject | |||||||||||
Application of questionnaire | |||||||||||
Plan of accumulated data in a sequential request. | |||||||||||
Topical investigation method is connected to the present results. | |||||||||||
Understanding of gathering information and discoveries of research in a deliberate way. | |||||||||||
Toward the end, proposals and recommendations for further investigation are given. | |||||||||||
The introduction is produced to show the discoveries. | |||||||||||
Submission of the report |
2.1 Matching resources effectively to frame the research questions
It has been noticed that for conducting research in an appropriate manner the experts need consideration of diverse sources. Classifications of key resources required in the study are as volunteers, funds, technology, etc. By having an appropriate consideration of such measures, the overall practice can be developed in the desired manner. It will help in the effective framing of research questions so that objectives can be target properly. Time is referred to as one of the key factors that must be managed properly because if research experts do not have sufficient time to perform an activity they might face issues. For example, primary sources analysis requires time to interpret the proper measures time is not being allotted then wrong understanding can be interpreted that will influence the overall practice negatively.
In addition to this, it can be said that allocation of funds management is also essential to refer by the experts so that research study can be accomplished. If funds are not allocated properly, then it might be possible that activities might get influenced in a negative manner. It will influence the overall accomplishment of study in a negative manner. Technological resources will be required to have a collection of information and to save them to some specific point so that information can be measured properly. It is not possible to ensure have data analysis simultaneously with a collection, so the laptop is required. Along with this, volunteers will be required to ensure that analysis of information is being accomplished properly.
Research Question
- How significant is the use of technological tools for Thomas Cook Plc?
- What are the benefits of ICT within Thomas Cook Plc?
- What kind of challenges business faces in database management?
- How can ICT be increased within Thomas Cook Plc?
2.2 Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures
It is necessary for experts to have effective consideration of diverse measures so that study can be accomplished in an effective manner. Aspects that are referred in methodology must be employed effectively so that goals and objectives can be accomplished. It allows having a better understanding of the subject and ensures to meet outcome in the desired manner. The entire examination in the investigation has been done properly with the help of a Gantt chart. Further, the interminable appraisal was finished to survey the inessential elements, for instance, picking test gauge ate up a broad proportion of time. All the key research practices were made in a suitable path immediately investigate recommendation was prepared trailed by perceiving the discretionary tried and true source and picking the best sources close by fundamental data gathering for driving the investigation. Through suitable checking, it was ensured that each and every activity is done in less day and age clearly.
Activity |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5 |
Week 6 |
Week 7 |
Week 8 |
Week 9 |
Writing Research Proposal | |||||||||
Reading various literature | |||||||||
Finalizing the aims and objectives | |||||||||
Draft literature review | |||||||||
Collect secondary data | |||||||||
Analyze secondary data | |||||||||
Develop a research approach | |||||||||
Draft research methodology | |||||||||
Develop a questionnaire | |||||||||
Arrange the interview | |||||||||
Conduct the interview | |||||||||
Accumulate the data | |||||||||
Draft Findings | |||||||||
Analyze data | |||||||||
Complete remaining chapters | |||||||||
Submit it to tutor and wait for feedback |
2.3 Recording and collating the related data
Table 1: Technological Advancement
1. Is Thomas Cook Plc has technological advancements in its work style? |
Number of Respondents |
Yes |
20 |
No |
10 |

Figure 1: Technological Advancement
Table 2: Technological changes
2. Using technological changes the company has improved its work efficiency? |
Number of Respondents |
Strongly Agree |
10 |
Agree |
5 |
Neutral |
5 |
Disagree |
5 |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |

Figure 2: Technological changes
Table 3: Mobile Termination for Communication
3. Does Thomas Cook Plc is using the mobile terminal for better communication? |
Number of Respondents |
Yes |
15 |
No |
10 |
Can't say |
5 |

Figure 3: Mobile Termination for Communication
Table 4: Could Computing and database
4. Is the company using cloud computing for effective database management? |
Number of Respondents |
Strongly Agree |
12 |
Agree |
6 |
Neutral |
2 |
Disagree |
5 |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |

Figure 4: Cloud Computing and database
Table 5: Computer shared in organization
5. In that way are computers being shared within the organization? |
Number of Respondents |
Several people share one |
10 |
One per person |
20 |

Figure 5: Computer shared in organization
Table 6: Social media and communication
6. Social media application has allowed business to set up better communication with customers? |
Number of Respondents |
Strongly Agree |
12 |
Agree |
6 |
Neutral |
2 |
Disagree |
5 |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |

Figure 6: Social media and communication
Table 7: Database using cloud
7. Database management using cloud system has improved work effectiveness of employees within Thomas Cook Plc? |
Number of Respondents |
Yes |
18 |
No |
10 |
Can’t Say |
2 |

Figure 7: Database using cloud
Table 8: Cost control through social media
8. Cost of marketing has been controlled by Thomas Cook Plc through social media tools? |
Number of Respondents |
Strongly Agree |
14 |
Agree |
6 |
Neutral |
3 |
Disagree |
3 |
Strongly Disagree |
4 |

Figure 8: Cost control
Table 9: Challenges faced by Thomas Cook
9. Which of these is a most advanced factor in the work conditions while having an application of ICT? |
Number of Respondents |
Time consumption control |
5 |
Operational effectiveness |
15 |
Improvement in communication and data sharing |
10 |

Figure 9: Benefits of ICT
Table 10: Challenges of ICT
10. What kind of challenges Thomas Cook Plc faces in ICT application? |
Number of Respondents |
Fund allocation |
10 |
Lack of knowledge |
15 |
Infrastructure structure |
5 |

Figure 10: Challenges faced by Thomas Cook
3.1 Use appropriate research evaluation technique. Which type of evolution is more appropri1ate
There are two major and basic systems which are being utilized with a definitive goal to assess the data aggregated by utilizing unmistakable sources. The methods are extensively depicted into two essential portrayals which are unique and quantitative systems of information examination. In the setting of the present investigation, dynamic system for information examination has been gotten a handle on. It may be conveyed that the utilization of this framework has furnished with the best results identified with inventive degrees of progress and its effect on the business execution of Thomas Cook Plc.
With the genuine target to study the aggregated information analyst utilize appropriate information examination methodology that is a unique evaluation structure. With the assistance of utilizing this system examiner would describe the astounding subjects related to the theme. Along these lines, it achieves the imparted point and objectives of the examination. In addition to this, it can be said that by having an appropriate consideration of qualitative technique the experts can easily understand the factors associated with the study. It allows interpreting the challenges that business firm faces in regard to technological development.
3.2 Interpreting and analysing the results in terms of original research specification
Theme: 1. Thomas Cook Plc has technological advancements in its work style
According to a detailed analysis, it has been interpreted that Thomas Cook Plc is effectively focused on the application of diverse technological tools to promote its operational sustainability. Out of 30 employees, 20 of them have stated that they think Thomas Cook Plc has technological advancements in its work style. Rest of 10 has said that they do not agree with the statement. It indicates that by having an application of various technological aspects, the company is trying to gain a competitive advantage and leads the business firm to an impressive level of success. Application of technology has also allowed business to improve the environmental values and enhances the employee’s skills.
Theme: 2. Using technological changes the company has improved its work efficiency
On the basis of information gathered from the survey, it can be said that using technological changes the company has improved its work efficiency. It has also allowed gaining a competitive edge over its competitors and helps in improving performance aspects. The survey has been conducted among 30 employees of Thomas Cook out that 10 has said that they strongly believe that company has advanced its work conditions through technological transformation. 5 of them has stated that they are not sure about the changes. They are not well aware of technological measures so they cannot present their views in the desired manner. In addition to this, it has been noticed that 10 of employees are not considering technological changes as a major concern with respect to the work efficiency. It means management must bring technological changes in a more effective manner to resolve issues.
Theme: 3. Thomas Cook Plc is using the mobile terminal for better communication
From the analysis, it has been identified that Thomas Cook Plc is using the mobile terminal for better communication. By having an effective consideration of mobile terminal the issues regard to communication has been resolved. It has improved the internal communication channel that helps in leading business to an impressive level of success. 15 employees of Thomas Cook percept that mobile terminal has improved communication aspects within the organization. However, 5 of other employees are new at the organization, so they are not sure about the mobile terminal. They have said the company might have used a mobile terminal for communication, but they cannot comment anything in respect to this. Other than this, rest of 10 employees has stated they do not believe that a mobile terminal is properly employed within an organization. It has not changed any kind of aspects respecting communication, so management must need some improvements critically to accomplish goals.
Theme: 4. A company is using cloud computing for effective database management
On the basis of the survey, it has been witnessed that a company is using cloud computing for effective database management. By having an effective consideration of cloud computing, the business firm has advanced its database management. It has allowed sharing information among employees in the desired manner. Out of 30 employees, 12 of them have stated that cloud computing standards were effective and it has helped in managing database. Only 2 of Thomas Cook are not having use of cloud computing, so they are not sure does it has improved working or not. In addition to this, it has been noticed that for better cloud computing the training must be provided to employees. It will allow enhancing the work style in a significant manner so that goals and objectives can be accomplished. Cloud computing and database management can be advanced by conducting seminars for employees. It will enhance the ratio of employees that percept that cloud computing helps in database management.
Theme: 5. In what way are computers being shared within an organization
According to a detailed analysis, it has been witnessed that the company has better opportunities in terms of technology promotion because a company has assigned computers to its employees in a standard way. Majority of employees has said that they have their own computer in order to meet their operational needs. It has been identified that out of 30 employees the 20 of them has stated that the company has assigned one computer to the single person that allows accessing customer details and further information appropriately. However, the rest of 10 has stated that they have a computer in sharing with two to three people. It has been identified that computer is being assigned according to needs of roles and responsibilities. Employees whose working is not depending upon computer are having systems in sharing. Although, it impacts the impacts the morale of employees so management must ensure they have an improvement in practice by allotting computer to each employee. It might increase the cost, but it will enhance the success ratio of database management and leads business to better operations.
Theme: 6. Social media application has allowed business to set up better communication with customers
According to detailed learning from the survey, it can be said that social media plays a critical role in the success of every organization. It helps the business firm to accomplish its goals and objectives in the desired manner so that objectives can be accomplished in the desired manner. On the basis of the survey, it can be said that the majority of employees are agreed with the statement that social media application has allowed business to set up better communication with customers. In addition to this, it can be said that 6 of employees of Thomas Cook percept they just agree with the statement but they require few changes in its social media tactics so that effectiveness can be advanced. According to 10 employees of Thomas Cook, the social media practice of company is not appropriate and it does not offer better communication with customers. It means management needs to enhance the standards of social media so that customer interaction can be advanced. Regular basis monitoring can be employed on platforms so that practice effectiveness can be enhanced in a significant manner.
- Database management using cloud system has improved work effectiveness of employees within Thomas Cook Plc
Database management is referred to as the most significant aspect for every business firm. From the analysis of the questionnaire, it can be said that Thomas Cook has effectively employed cloud computing aspects in order to manage a database system. It has benefited in terms of sharing information more effectively and leads business to an impressive level of success. Majority of employee’s precept that database management using cloud system has improved work effectiveness of employees within Thomas Cook Plc. From the analysis, it has been noticed that 3 of employees are in favour of a neutral option that means they are not sure about the database management. It means the company need to improve infrastructure that can advance cloud computing. It will allow appropriately improving the database management so that goals and objectives can be accomplished effectively. 7 of employees are not agreeing with the statement that database management using cloud system has improved work effectiveness of employees within Thomas Cook Plc.
- Thomas Cook Plc has controlled the cost of marketing through social media tools
On the basis of the survey, it can be said that Thomas Cook Plc has controlled the cost of marketing activities that have improved the financial condition of the company. By having an application of diverse measures in social media such as content publication and image share on platforms has reduced the cost as compared to traditional methods. It has also enhanced the customer base of the company and leads business to an impressive level of success. Out of 30 respondents, 14 of them has said that they agree with the statement cost of marketing has been controlled by Thomas Cook Plc through social media tools. Other than this, 3 of employees have contended that they are not aware of social media tools so they cannot comment on the statement in an appropriate manner. Along with this, the rest of 7 has stated that company need to improve its content presentation so that social media tools application can be improved. It will lead a business to an impressive level of success.
- Benefits in the work conditions while having an application of ICT
According to a detailed analysis of the survey it can be said that operational effectiveness is one of the key factors that has been promoted effectively through an application of ICT. It has improved the customer interaction that has improved needs identification. On the basis of that, the management has taken decisions to ensure key goals and objectives. In addition to this, 10 of employees of Thomas Cook have stated that by having an application of ICT the business has improved its communication level. It has also advanced the data sharing so that activities can be performed in a significant manner. Along with this, 5 of employees believe that company has reduced its time consumption on activities. It has been witnessed that employees have easily understood the needs of operational activities using ICT that has allowed them to have worked efficiently so that goals and objectives can be accomplished.
- Challenges that Thomas Cook Plc faces in ICT application
On the basis of the findings of a survey the business firm faces a number of challenges in respect to ICT application that impacts the working in a diverse manner. It has been noticed that 15 of employees believe, lack of knowledge in respect to technological tools impacts the overall performance. It means training must be provided to employees so that they can easily deal with issues and leads a business firm to an impressive level of success. Fund allocation is also a critical aspect that impacts the work conditions. It is necessary for a business firm to ensure sources of fund allocation through building a relationship with suppliers. It will allow having better improvements and leads a business firm to an impressive level of success. However, infrastructure structure in terms of cloud computing needs to be advanced so that issues can be resolved. It was mentioned by 5 of employees to improve infrastructure.
3.3 Making recommendations and justifying the areas for further considerations
On the basis of overall evaluation, it is recommended that organization can turn around getting ready and update about mechanical use with the objective that data about utilization of contraptions can be advanced. It will enhance the work sensibility and leads a business firm to an incredible level of accomplishment. Benchmarking in the mechanical application will in like route help with controlling the time use over activities. It demonstrates that by having use of various imaginative points of view, the alliance is endeavouring to broaden high ground and leads a business firm to a stunning level of achievement. Usage of progression has other than connected business to improve the typical characteristics and updates the agent's capacities. Besides, it has been seen that for better Assignmentd setting up the organizing must be given to authorities. It will allow enhancing the work style in a crucial Assignment with the objective that targets and destinations can be pro. Scattered dealing with and database organization can be advanced by driving workshops for administrators. It will overhaul the level of operators that percept that scattered figuring helps in database Organization.
Social media to singular correspondence recognize an essential work in the accomplishment of every Organization. It urges business firm to accomplish its objectives and goals in a required path with the objective that goals can be capable in the required way. It proposes Organization needs to overhaul the models of electronic nearness with the objective that customer correspondence can be advanced. Ordinary start checking can be used on stages with the objective that availability sensibility can be revived essentially. By having a utilization of different measures in social media, for instance, content transport and picture share on stages have decreased the cost when risen up out of standard systems. It has, in addition, invigorated the customer base of connection and leads business to a stunning level of progress. It has been seen that delegates have easily understood the necessities of operational activities using ICT that has drawn in them to have working in a viable route with the objective that goals and destinations can be expert. Hold task is similarly an essential viewpoint that impacts the work conditions. It is crucial for a business firm to ensure about wellsprings of store arrangement through building a relationship with suppliers. It will allow having better updates and leads a business firm to a stunning level of accomplishment.
For future, the researchers can focus on studies like analysing the interpersonal relationship between CRM and organization performance. It will allow improving the work standards in a significant manner so that goals and objectives can be accomplished. It will also develop learning about CRM and its standards that can benefit the business firm.
Task 4
Covered in PPT
Adams, K.A. and Lawrence, E.K., 2018. Research methods, statistics, and applications. Sage Publications.
Boddy, D., McCalman, J. and Buchanan, D.A., 2018. The New Management Challenge: Information Systems for Improved Performance. Routledge.
Green, J. and Thorogood, N., 2018. Qualitative methods for health research. Sage.
Hanvey, C., 2018. Data Collection Methods. In Wage and Hour Law (pp. 19-46). Springer, Cham.
Janich, P., Hayot, E. and Pao, L., 2018. What is Information?. University of Minnesota Press.
Land, F., 2018. The impact of information technology on the work place. In The Management Implications of New Information Technology (pp. 75-94). Routledge.
Long, R.J., 2018. New office information technology: Human and managerial implications. Routledge.
Loomis, D.K. and Paterson, S., 2018. A comparison of data collection methods: Mail versus online surveys. Journal of Leisure Research, 49(2), pp.133-149.
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Piercy, N.F. ed., 2018. The Management implications of new information technology (Vol. 41). Routledge.
Quinlan, C., Babin, B., Carr, J. and Griffin, M., 2019. Business research methods. South Western Cengage.
Ramanathan, R., 2018. Service-Driven Computing: Challenges and Trends. In Information Retrieval and Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 2287-2311). IGI Global.
Rich, R.C., Brians, C.L., Manheim, J.B. and Willnat, L., 2018. Empirical political analysis: Quantitative and qualitative research methods. Routledge.
Rowlands, B., De Haes, S. and Van Grembergen, W., 2018. Understanding the Dimensions of IT Governance Culture. In Technology Adoption and Social Issues: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 920-930). IGI Global.
Saviotti, P.P., 2018. The role of variety in economic and technological development. In Evolutionary theories of economic and technological change (pp. 172-208). Routledge.
Schement, J.R., 2018. Tendencies and tensions of the information age: Production and distribution of information in the United States. Routledge.
Symon, G., Cassell, C. and Johnson, P., 2018. Evaluative practices in qualitative management research: A critical review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20(1), 134-154.
Yanmaz, E., Yahyanejad, S., Rinner, B., Hellwagner, H. and Bettstetter, C., 2018. Drone networks: Communications, coordination, and sensing. Ad Hoc Networks, 68, pp.1-15.
Questionnaire Name: Age: Gender: 1. Is Thomas Cook Plc has technological advancements in its work style? Yes No 2. Using technological changes the company has improved its work efficiency? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 3. Does Thomas Cook Plc is using a mobile terminal for better communication? Yes No Can’t Say 4. Is a company using cloud computing for effective database management? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 5. In that way are computers being shared within an organization? Computers are not used Several people share one One per person 6. Social media application has allowed business to set up better communication with customers? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 7. Database management using cloud system has improved work effectiveness of employees within Thomas Cook Plc? Yes No Can’t Say 8. Cost of marketing has been controlled by Thomas Cook Plc through social media tools? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 9. Which of these is a most advanced factor in the work conditions while having an application of ICT? Time consumption control Operational effectiveness Improvement in communication and data sharing 10. What kind of challenges Thomas Cook Plc faces in ICT application? Fund allocation Lack of knowledge Infrastructure structure |